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Everything posted by TheSmokie
I’d like to get this if you don’t mind
Quest : the gift that keeps on giving
TheSmokie replied to TheSmokie's topic in Developers assistance
@Droidz The code didnt work, it is a pet from what the dev tools say but everything i tried didnt work, item : dev tools info on unit : Name: Scarlet Ghoul (Entry: 28845 ) GetDynamicFlags = 0 GetUnitDynamicFlags = None WowClass = Warrior IsLocalPlayer = False IsBlacklisted = False Position = 2418.741 ; -5938.905 ; 96.63226 ; "None" PositionWithoutType = 2418.741 ; -5938.905 ; 96.63226 ; "None" PositionRelativeWithoutType = 2418.741 ; -5938.905 ; 96.63226 ; "None" Health = 2450 MaxHealth = 2450 MyCharacterInFrontHim = False HealthPercent = 100 HealthRatio = 1 IsGoodInteractDistance = True InteractDistance = 4.3 CombatReach = 0.9 IsSwimming = False IsFlying = False IsStunned = False AggroDistance = 0 Rotation = 1.775268 Pitch = 0 CreatureTypeTarget = Humanoid FactionTemplate = wManager.Wow.Helpers.WoWFactionTemplate Mana = 0 MaxMana = 0 ManaPercentage = 100 Rage = 0 MaxRage = 100 RagePercentage = 0 Focus = 0 MaxFocus = 0 FocusPercentage = 0 Energy = 0 MaxEnergy = 100 EnergyPercentage = 0 Chi = 0 MaxChi = 0 ChiPercentage = 0 Runes = 0 MaxRunes = 6 RunesPercentage = 0 RunicPower = 0 MaxRunicPower = 100 RunicPowerPercentage = 0 SoulShards = 2450 MaxSoulShards = 0 SoulShardsPercentage = 0 Eclipse = 0 MaxEclipse = 0 EclipsePercentage = 0 UnitClassification = normal IsElite = False IsWorldBoss = False HolyPower = 1000 MaxHolyPower = 0 HolyPowerPercentage = 0 Alternate = 0 MaxAlternate = 0 AlternatePercentage = 0 DarkForce = 100 MaxDarkForce = 0 DarkForcePercentage = 0 LightForce = 0 MaxLightForce = 0 LightForcePercentage = 0 ShadowOrbs = 0 MaxShadowOrbs = 0 ShadowOrbsPercentage = 0 BurningEmbers = 1000 MaxBurningEmbers = 0 BurningEmbersPercentage = 0 DemonicFury = 0 MaxDemonicFury = 0 DemonicFuryPercentage = 0 ArcaneCharges = 0 MaxArcaneCharges = 0 ArcaneChargesPercentage = 0 Faction = 2 DisplayId = 25000 GetMove = False SpeedMoving = 0 GetDistance = 3.402057 GeHitBoxtDistance = 1.002057 GetDistance2D = 3.400037 GetDistanceZ = 0.1172256 IsAlive = True IsDead = False IsLootable = False IsTaggedByOther = False TaggedByMe = False IsTapDenied = False IsMyPet = True HasTarget = False IsTargetingMe = False IsTargetingMyPet = False IsTargetingPartyMember = False IsTargetingMeOrMyPet = False IsTargetingMeOrMyPetOrPartyMember = False IsMyTarget = True IsMyPetTarget = False IsPartyMemberTarget = False IsMeOrMyPetTarget = True IsMeOrMyPetOrPartyMemberTarget = True Target = 0 TargetObject = (Object) : 0 : 0x00000000 : 0 : 0 Level = 56 IsBoss = False PetNumber = 0 Name = Scarlet Ghoul DBCacheRow = 429415616 UnitFlags = PlayerControlled UnitNPCFlags = None Skinnable = False IsNpcSpiritHealer = False IsNpcRepair = False IsNpcVendor = False IsFlightMaster = False IsNpcInnkeeper = False IsNpcVendorFood = False IsAuctioneer = False IsNpcTrainer = False IsNpcWildPets = False Summon = 0 CreatedBy = 32 CreatedBySpell = 52490 SummonedBy = 32 IsPet = True PetOwnerGuid = 32 InCombat = False InCombatFlagOnly = False InCombatWithMe = False CastingSpellId = 0 CastingSpell = (Id found: 0, Name found: , NameInGame found: , Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False) CastingTimeLeft = 0 IsCast = False CanInterruptCasting = False IsMounted = False MountDisplayId = 0 TransportGuid = 0 InTransport = False Reaction = Friendly IsTracked = False IsOnTaxi = False NotSelectable = False IsAttackable = False PlayerControlled = True Silenced = False Rooted = False Influenced = False Confused = False Pacified = False Fleeing = False Possessed = False NpcMarkerId = 0 NpcFlightMastrerIsDiscover = True NpcMarker = None IsOutdoors = False IsIndoors = True IsPartyMember = False IsPartyLeader = False GetBaseAddress = 492847576 IsValid = True GetDescriptorStartAddress = 492851680 Guid = 17379391445961550717 Type = Unit Entry = 28845 Scale = 1 MinInteractDistance = 4.3 MaxInteractDistance = 50 -
invite get XP boost?
TheSmokie replied to mammadmafia's topic in WRobot for Wow Legion - Help and support
Should ask this question on there fourms. -
Hello, I am in need of a little help with a quest complete condition, for the dk quest, “the gift that keeps on giving” the player throws thing item on the ground to make ghouls, (friendly units.) I need a condition that detects the ones that player makes, createdby.play == 5
Hello, Here you go! wManager.wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.GroundMountName = "name"; // ground mount, change name to whatever mount you wish to use. wManager.wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.FlyingMountName = "name"; // Flying mount, change name to whatever mount you wish to use. wManager.wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.UseGroundMount = true; // true or false for useage wManager.wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.UseFlyingMount = true; // true or false for useage wManager.wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.Save(); // this is to save the settings
This bot is for PRIVATE servers only!
Send me the file on discord
Are you using HMP?
Make your latency higher
Good, im glad you found this out !
Any update @Droidz
I’m not at a computer so idk if it will work or not!, I’ll be home tomorrow!
Are you using String Questname = Quester.Bot.QuesterSetting.CurrentSetting.ProfileName.String(); Logging.Write(“quest : “ + Questname + “doing”);
Should be able to use this Quester.Bot.QuesterSetting.CurrentSetting.ProfileName.String(); and it will get the name of the profile
// Mail Items *custom script* - By Reapler public static int InteractItems(List<string> itemNames, int interactions = int.MaxValue) { if (!itemNames.Any()) return -1; var execute = "local counter = 0; " + "local leftStacks = 0; " + "for b=0,4 do " + "if GetBagName(b) then " + "for s=1, GetContainerNumSlots(b) do " + "local itemLink = GetContainerItemLink(b, s) " + "if itemLink then " + "local _, stackCount = GetContainerItemInfo(b, s)\t" + "if string.find(itemLink, \""+ itemNames.FirstOrDefault() + "\") "; if (itemNames.Count > 1) { execute = itemNames.Where(obj => itemNames.FirstOrDefault() != obj).Aggregate(execute, (current, obj) => current + "or string.find(itemLink, \"" + obj + "\") "); } execute = execute + "then " + "if (counter < "+interactions+") then " + "UseContainerItem(b, s); " + "counter = counter + 1; " + "else " + "leftStacks = leftStacks + 1;" + "end " + "\tend\tend\tend end end return leftStacks;"; return Lua.LuaDoString<int>(execute); } /// <summary> /// Sends a mail to a recipient. /// </summary> /// <param name="recipient">The recipient.</param> /// <param name="subject">The subject.</param> /// <param name="itemNames">The items to send as names.</param> /// <returns>true if successful ; false if no mailbox available or stacks are left.</returns> public bool SendItems(string recipient, string subject, List<string> itemNames) { var mailBox = ObjectManager.GetObjectWoWGameObject().FirstOrDefault(i => i.IsMailbox && i.GetDistance <= 5); if (mailBox == null || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(recipient)) return false; if (subject.Length == 0) subject = "-"; if (mailBox) { const int delayMs = 800; var timeOut = DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(40); Interact.InteractGameObject(mailBox.GetBaseAddress); Thread.Sleep(delayMs); Lua.LuaDoString("RunMacroText('/click MailFrameTab2');"); Thread.Sleep(delayMs); var leftStack = InteractItems(itemNames, 12); Thread.Sleep(delayMs); Lua.LuaDoString($"SendMail(\"{recipient}\",\"{subject}\",\" \");"); Thread.Sleep(delayMs*3); while (leftStack != 0 && DateTime.Now < timeOut) { leftStack = InteractItems(itemNames, 12); Thread.Sleep(delayMs); Lua.LuaDoString($"SendMail(\"{recipient}\",\"{subject}\",\" \");"); Thread.Sleep(delayMs*3); } Lua.LuaDoString("CloseMail();"); if (leftStack != 0) return false; } return true; } // Usage: runcode SendItems("Reapler", "items for you", new List<string> { "Super Healing Potion", "Heavy Netherweave Bandage", "Super Mana Potion", });