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Everything posted by TheSmokie

  1. Hello, This code works for your quest. Thank you @droidz for the idea of removing u.IsMyPet. (Tested,) public sealed class Abduction : QuestClass { public Abduction() { Name = "Abduction"; QuestId.Add(11590); Step.AddRange(new[] { 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 }); } public override bool IsComplete() { if(ObjectManager.GetObjectWoWUnit().Count(u => u.Name == "Captured Beryl Sorcerer") == 1) { Conditions.ForceIgnoreIsAttacked = false; } return ObjectManager.GetObjectWoWUnit().Count(u => u.Name == "Captured Beryl Sorcerer") == 1 && Conditions.ForceIgnoreIsAttacked == false; } public override bool Pulse() { string TarName = "Beryl Sorcerer"; var HostleNpc = ObjectManager.GetNearestWoWUnit(ObjectManager.GetWoWUnitByEntry(25316)); var hotspots = new List<Vector3>() { new Vector3(3486.18f, 6074.44f, 65.86797f), new Vector3(3362.955f, 6091.348f, 66.686f) }; Conditions.ForceIgnoreIsAttacked = true; if (HostleNpc != null && HostleNpc.IsValid && !ObjectManager.Me.InCombat) { GoToTask.ToPositionAndIntecractWithNpc(HostleNpc.Position, HostleNpc.Entry); return true; } if (ObjectManager.Target.Name == TarName) { if (ObjectManager.Me.InCombat) { Lua.LuaDoString("AttackTarget();"); if (ObjectManager.Target.HealthPercent <= 55) { Lua.LuaDoString("StopAttack();"); ItemsManager.UseItem(34691); return true; } } return true; } GoToTask.ToPositionAndIntecractWithNpc(hotspots[Others.Random(0, hotspots.Count - 1)], 29488, 1); return true; } }
  2. hello, i am deeply sorry i was late, I've been busy with work and irl, here is what you are looking for ? Hope you and others enjoy. function PickItemUp(SearchItemName) i=(SearchItemName)d=1 for x=0,4 do for y=1,GetContainerNumSlots(x) do if (d>0) then l=GetContainerItemLink(x,y) if l and GetItemInfo(l)==i then PickupContainerItem(x,y) d=d-1 end end end end end function GemSocketing(ItemSlotID, GemName, slotID) if ( not ItemSocketingFrame:IsShown() ) then SocketInventoryItem(ItemSlotID) end if (ItemSocketingFrame:IsVisible() == nil) then SocketInventoryItem(ItemSlotID) end PickItemUp(GemName) if ( CursorHasItem() ) then ClickSocketButton(slotID) end AcceptSockets() if ( ItemSocketingFrame:IsShown() ) then HideUIPanel(ItemSocketingFrame); end end GemSocketing(2, "Accurate Huge Citrine", 1) //armor slot number, Gem name, gem frame slot number armor slots : 0 = ammo 1 = head 2 = neck 3 = shoulder 4 = shirt 5 = chest 6 = belt 7 = legs 8 = feet 9 = wrist 10 = gloves 11 = finger 1 12 = finger 2 13 = trinket 1 14 = trinket 2 15 = back 16 = main hand 17 = off hand 18 = ranged 19 = tabard 20 = first bag (the rightmost one) 21 = second bag 22 = third bag 23 = fourth bag (the leftmost one)
  3. Should print yes or no. Once you have the npc following you
  4. Oh do it like this if(ObjectManager.GetObjectWoWUnit().Count(u => u.IsMyPet && u.Name == "Put name here") == 1) { Logging.Write("Yes"); } else Logging.Write("no");
  5. are you sure? you would have the rank ( you do not.)
  6. For wotlk, for questing, you can use my project X which is 1 - 60 quester then use project throne 60 - 80 grinder
  7. If you tell me if he is your pet (use Dev tools, C# and past this code,) i can make you a custom code for this quest like i used for ponys in my death knight profile, i just need to know if he returns as a pet or not and quest info like what item you use on him etc. run this code and look at logs to see if he returns as a pet or not after you use pet on him. if(ObjectManager.GetObjectWoWUnit().Count(u => u.IsMyPet && u.Name == "Put name here")) { Logging.Write("Yes"); } else Logging.Write("no");
  8. Hello, thanks @Talamin for the tag, try to check if you have everything downloaded properly. i downloaded everything new (to test if i get this error) i do not, these are my logs. [D] 21:01:42 - [Quester] RunCode[0]: AutoUpdater.CheckUpdate(); Thread.Sleep(500); [D] 21:01:43 - [NpcScan] Add npc to database: Repair - Huklah 21:01:46 - New version found, try to update file 21:01:46 - [Auto Updater]The version on your pc is the latest updated version.
  9. This can be from a number of things, using a none English client? Bad fightclasses, latency is to low, custom scripted server, etc. need more info like what server? What kind of client you using? Who’s fc you using?
  10. Hello, for wotlk quester. I’m pretty sure I’m the only one working on stuff, you can use project X to get you 1-60 questing in wotlk, then project throne for 60-80 grinding. I’ve been without a laptop recently so haven’t provided up dates but over all should work.
  11. You could use my toolbox > input into custom script, and call it using return faction(“name”, amount);
  12. No, you wont get banned unless warmane finds a way to detect a random variable name changes per each launch, each time you launch this pqr the all functions and frames change names, pretty much removing all PQR names in the program, Warmane use PQR_FrameEvent so this changes per launch to make undetected.
  13. Anything is possible, just need the know how to make it reality.
  14. Well shit, time to deactivate my wrobot sub.
  15. @Matenia I just put that there for what wotlk does, I like to repeat this saying to you that I’ve told billions of times, I only work on stuff for wrath, not tbc, not vanilla (might make grinders but that’s its.) not cata (cata just killed the whole wow franchise for me.) is my info is based off wrath of the lich kind. Anymore pointless arrogant insults for a pointless outcome?
  16. Ordush is correct, pretty much what they are doing is pushing a lot of lua checks on the client to see if any of the Functions or FrameEvents people use for there bot | program are there. then they using that info to detect flag accounts or perma ban the players. for example : most server use PQR_ExecuteRotation and PQR_EventFrame to detect pqr, (kinda silly they do a simple lua boolen check to see if a program is launched or not. just a little insight on how servers detect stuff. or some servers use a custom mpq file that hooks onto the functions that client uses and if someone uses that function like CastSpellByName then return a nil. to stop it from casting.
  17. Hello ! Today i wanted to release my copy of PQR aka Rotation here to help others. What is PQR ? PQR is a bot designed to perform complex DPS, healing and tanking rotations for the player. It was mainly designed to reduce the tediousness of performing a complex rotation for hours on end, which for many can be a huge relief and provide them with a better WoW experience where they may have wanted to quit in other cases. No addons to configure. No pixel scanning to hinder performance. Easily customizable and shareable abilities and rotations. Note: this copy of pqr is Undetected on ALL servers This only works for 3.3.5a Wrath Of the Lich King. Servers that been tested : Warmane (Undetected) SunWell (Undetected) Wow-Circle (Undetected) Sirus (Semi Undetected, Read how to for Custom servers.) Dalaran-Wow (Undetected) How to install : *NOTE: Since you are downloading an EXE directly, some web browsers may consider it malicious* Download file from below, extract folder with all files content inside to somewhere on your computer. Select the process you would like to attach to. You must be logged into your character to do this. Install and Select your Primary and Secondary rotations. Press ALT+X to start your Primary rotation, and ALT+Z to start your Secondary rotation. Pressing the key(s) again will either stop the bot or switch the rotation, depending on what you have selected. Configuring a Rotation : Select the "Rotation Editor" Select the Class that you wish to edit. Select the Profile you wish to edit, or create a new profile. Select the rotation you wish to edit, or add a new rotation. The "Current Abilities" list is the rotation that will be used from top to bottom. Rotations are automatically saved as you make changes. You may also provide a static download address for your profiles to allow users to use the "Download Update" button as well as provide a note to users so they have more details on what the rotation is supposed to do. How to use on Custom Servers : Note : This is just a work around, and Can be Detected AnyTime : These kind of servers using a custom Mpq file to stop users from using some lua functions, like (CastSpellByName) i have gotten it to work by using RunMacroText(/cast Spell), you will need to modify whatever profile you are using to use this casting method. DO NOT NEED EWT TO RUN THIS , Credit goes to my friend Scizzydo Credit for the Rotation bot : Xelper if you find any bugs or suggestions please report on my discord :PQR SUPPORT Download LINK : Rotation Rotation.rar
  18. @pudge after trying to get pqr (new undetected copy, releasing soon all over to piss off server devs.) i believe only way to cast a spell without heavy modifing anything or using a custom Registerd Hook, ive found that RunMacroText with /cast Comands work, but its only a matter or time for them to add RunMacroText to there protection. but for now use this : RunMacroText("/cast Immolate") @Droidz You can make a seprate function register or if external call the memory address and the arguments to it.
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