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Everything posted by Talamin

  1. Hmm, i´ll take a look for Wand using. Under normal Conditions, the Rotation should be enough to kill all adds. If you want testing Beta Builds you can join the Discord and give Feedback ? Anyway, thanks for the Advice.
  2. Now i get what you mean. The AIO FC uses the same Base as the 1-40 FC. I will take a look later, if i see what it will be. Maybe you can send me your log, or join the Discord and message me there.
  3. ? I´m on it. Can´t give any eta, have to think about the Poisonlogic and some other little things, but i have made a huge Update which needs some finetuning and maybe Rogue will jump into it.
  4. There is a Range Bug at the Moment i have to fix, until next Update there you can just use Melee classes
  5. Version 1.0.xxx


    Hello fellow Botters, This is the AIO Fightclass for WotLK Content. Most will download this without given any Feedback, but i appreciate every Feedback you want to give. With the Rework to 3.0.0 the Framework was given a great overhaul by @Hashira who is a genius. Additionaly another Dev @FlXWare joined the pool of Devs and contributed a lot to the again reworked AIO. And finally the latest Rework was done by @Zer0 which is an awesome dev! The AIO is the First FC with support for Raidheal (limited to Holy Priest)! One of the Maingoals this time was to speed up the FC, and i think we hit a point where we can be very proud of what we achieved. Most of the old Bugs are gone, PetManagement for all Petclasses are top notch. Buffmanagement is now pulsed on movement and combat and many more changes. Just try it out yourself, you will see a significant performance upgrade. Bugreports are welcome and needed to get it to a new stage, so feel free to do so. English Client ONLY!!! Deactivate all Addons, Wrobot relies heavy on LUA and every Addon can interfere with this in a bad way! Added Healbot Product, use this instead of WRotation to Heal as Healer inside Dungeons (No Settings, no Interface, just place it under Products, select it and Choose Systetic Events in the AIO FC). This is only needed for Healers. Here is the Current State: DeathKnight (Frost, Unholy, Blood) Druid (Feral (No Tanking in Dungeons), Restoration, Balance) Hunter (Beastmastery, Marksmanship, Survival) Mage (Frost, Fire, Arcane) Priest (Shadow, Holy (inkl Raidheal), Discipline) Paladin (Protection, Retribution, Holy) Rogue (Combat, Subletly, Assassination) Shaman (Enhancement, Restoration, Elemental) Warlock (Affliction, Destruction, Demonology) Warrior (Arms, Protection, Fury) Green = tested and in a working state, Yellow = Rotation added but not much tested, Red = no support until now. Short Feature Overview of new Corefeatures: Auto updating System to the newest Release It now makes Use of Unique Syntetic Events (Activate this when you play as Healer in Dungeon or Group) Uses Prioritysystem to decide which spells to cast (Framelock is now working, Slowrotation is now working) Auto Set Talents according to the choosen Spec (only works with Products which support movement) Tankspecs can Autotank adds in Dungeons Supports HMP incl. fleeing from Mobs Healspecs can handle different Healspells for different Roles/Classes Autobuffing (Paladin will chosse which buff is needed, according to the Targets Dungeonrole without targeting) Druid (switches Forms according to Usersettings, makes use of prowl) Hunter (Autoset stances for Pet, Autofeeding Pet, Petspell Management like Taunt, Random Backpaddle Movement) Mage (Frostnova Backpaddle, makes use of own casted Food/Drinks) Priest (nothing new to say) Rogue (use Rangepull if you have Rangedweapon and the target is surrounded by hostile targets(activate it in settings)) Shaman (Autoset Totems in Totemic Call, makes use of Totemic Call, reworked Rotation) Warlock (nothing new, just a Beast for Leveling) Warrior (use Rangepull if you have Rangedweapon and the target is surrounded by hostile targets(activate it in settings), just a Beast for Leveling) Besides the new Features which are added, we have all the old Features including from the previous Version. Have Fun with testing, you are welcome to report bugs (pls with detailed description and logs). Features will be added after the AIO get´s out of BETA state, until this it´s just bugfixing and reworking Rotations! Welcome @Hashira as a new CoDev for this Project ? Welcome @FlXWare as a new CoDev for this Project ? A special Thanks goes to @Droidz for the Bot, the Wholesome Devs ( @Marsbar, @Zer0 @Mortis123), Devs ( @iMod, @Matenia) and Testers ( @Kamogli much more...) If you have to report a Bug, leave a Comment with a Log. Alternatively we have a Discord for Bugreports and Feedback.: https://discord.gg/NEq4VA6 . P.s.: If you have Problems with crashing while open the Config, remove your old FC Settings from your Folder and restart the Bot. Recommended Plugins:
  6. This may work for gathering and is just a workaround, no solution for the Problem. Same happens when having a questing Profile and the Questobjective is under water.
  7. It should use Both if they are available at certain level ? I´m out again. If something goes wrong, pls leave me a message or join discord, there i get the notification faster.
  8. He should pull with Faerie Fire... hmm...will upload new version
  9. The thing is, here are a lot of Users where this is usable without a problem, so there must be a problem at your end. Once again: Post a Log for Droidz so that he can take a look. I´m out.
  10. Maybe the same counts for you: Post a Logfile for the Admin and he can help you!
  11. Hmm strange. I will take a look later when i am back from work. Maybe i know where the bug/mistake is, but i don´t have access to VS at work. You have to wait until this evening, sorry.
  12. Didn´t had any Problems at all. If you want something fixed you have to tell me your Problem in a more detailed way. With a sentence "not very smart" i can´t do anything.
  13. It should decide by itself, depending if you know the Spell "Bear Form" or not.
  14. Version 1.0.2


    Hello everyone, I finished the Beta of my Paladin Leveling 1-80 Class. Thx to all the Devs who provide Code Examples and Help in the Forum! Features: Level Rotation for 1-80 Uses Rotation for Multitarget Autostun Offtarget without Targetswitch Use of Crusader Aura on Mount Rebuff in and out of Fight Uses Manaregeneration for less Downtime Framelock can be buggy Intelligent Taunt of Targets The general used Spells: ... Too many, just try it ? For the Spec just use Zygors Retribution Skilltree. If you find any bugs or want me to implement anything, Join our discord server and send me a message. : https://discord.gg/ppm8Ufc Feel free to hit the  Button ♥
  15. Version 1.0.4


    Hello everyone, I finished the Beta of my Feraldruid Leveling 1-80 Class. Thx to all the Devs who provide Code Examples and Help in the Forum! Features: - Different Rotations for Level Brackets. (1-9, 10-19, 20+) - 10-19 can use Bearform or Caster Form, 20+ needs Catform. - 20+ try to Prowl, uses Skills depending of your Angle to the Mob. - Intelligent Pull, no useless and mana intensive switches of Forms - Auto Buffs - Heal Out of Combat and in Emergency Case in Combat. The general used Spells: - Wrath - Moonfire - Growl - Bear Form - Cat Form - Demoralizing Roar - Maul - Ravage - Pounce - Shred - Rake - Tigers Fury - Mangle - Ferocious Bite - Rip - Mark of the Wild - Thorns - Rejuvenation - Regrowth - Healing Touch - Lifebloom For the Spec just use Zygors Feral Skilltree. If you find any bugs or want me to implement anything, Join our discord server and send me a message. : https://discord.gg/ppm8Ufc Feel free to hit the  Button ♥
  16. One Question: What Profile are you running and at which step are you? Is this Mob part of a quest or is it just some driveby mob? I had the same Problems with some Mobs, but i solved it with ZERadar. Don´t know if this support Classic, but you can give it a shot. It solves most Problems of driveby Mobs not getting recognized until fight. The Targetselection of Mobs which is implemented in WRobot is really barebone. You have to extend it via Plugin, Profile or FightinClass.
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