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Everything posted by Nax

  1. Can someone provide me with the realmlist.wtf for sirus? id like to dump its warden to see whats going on.
  2. Simple google search : https://www.google.com/search?q=wrobot+Face+target&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS1022US1022&oq=wrobot+Face+target&aqs=chrome..69i57.3199j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8
  3. public List<WoWPlayer> GetUnitsAttackingPartyMembers(WoWUnit p) { return Party.GetParty().Where(x => x.TargetObject?.Target == p.Guid).ToList(); }
  4. hello, try something like this, note this is pudo code (Made from my phone). public List<WoWUnit> GetUnitsAttackingPartyMembers() { var partyMembers = Party.GetParty(); var units = ObjectManager.GetObjectWoWUnit(); return units .Where(x => x.IsAlive && x.IsAttackable && (x.InCombat || x.InCombatFlagOnly) && partyMembers.Any(p => x.TargetObject?.Target == p.Guid)) .ToList(); }
  5. I'm confused on what you mean by Non modified wotlk.
  6. IsMounted serves as a method rather than a state, with its primary purpose being to validate your ongoing mount status. In cases where this method provides both retrieval (Get) and modification (Set) functionalities, the potential exists to change its value to false by utilizing the syntax IsMounted = false. However, the presence of a Set capability remains uncertain. For those skilled in reverse engineering, an opportunity might arise to manipulate the underlying data by introducing an altered byte into the pointer. This could prompt the method to yield a false outcome, with the possibility of restoring the original state at a later juncture.
  7. Im patently wait to see if anyone is gonna tell this guy he is using c# and not lua?
  8. Hello, I don’t know how droidz is hooking wow but would be because it’s opening up the process and hooking it to read the toon name for the log in screen of wrobot.
  9. If it’s client side you can try using a non modified client.
  10. Hello, This is something you will need to create for your needs, there is several threads that provide a good amount of insight.
  11. Hello, You’d have to build your own. I don’t think wrobot has any MOP Developers
  12. How do we use multi classes with different files using this method?
  13. Although untested due to my current lack of a vanilla World of Warcraft installation, the following code snippet should serve as a helpful starting point for constructing the necessary functions to manage item states. public class ToolTipReader { private static string TooltipName { get; set; } static ToolTipReader() { TooltipName = Others.GetRandomString(12); } public static void CreateTooltip() { Lua.LuaDoString($@" if not {TooltipName} then {TooltipName} = CreateFrame('GameTooltip', '{TooltipName}', nil, 'GameTooltipTemplate'); {TooltipName}:SetOwner(UIParent, 'ANCHOR_NONE'); end "); } public static void DestroyTooltip() { Lua.LuaDoString($"{TooltipName} = nil;"); } public static string[] ItemStates(string itemLink) { return Lua.LuaDoString<string[]>($@" local StatsTable = {{}} {TooltipName}:ClearLines() {TooltipName}:SetHyperlink('{itemLink}') for i = 1, {TooltipName}:NumLines() do local text = _G['ItemPurseTextLeft'..i]:GetText() table.insert(StateTable, text) end return unpack(StatsTable); "); } }
  14. You need to build a tooltip reader, cache each line into a table then read the results .
  15. Nax


    You are missing the hook that droidz uses….. you need the hook to execute functions on the main thread….. you should read ownedcore. ps : reading the memory address is easy, you just need to open the process and use ReadMemory from kernal32. injecting lua requires a hook to a function that allowed execution on the main thread. Which droids I think hooks the games Endscene then write assembly code with his own detour .
  16. You can find a lot of information by googling csharp basics.
  17. this is a profile made from easy profile creator. you may want to learn c# for more advance projects.
  18. Nax


    I was thinking the same thing.
  19. Yes, it’s pretty simple with a little lua / C#. You should give it a shot and ask for help if you find a bug.
  20. I’m confused, the variable is a public static, I don’t think there is a way to make it more public,
  21. Also I'd Recommend building you're own framework or using a existing one that @Matenia build for better performance.
  22. I recommend creating a Lua script that can extract QuestIDs from your quest log. Once you have the QuestID, you can add it to WRobot Quester and assign a name to the quest. Then, depending on the type of quest, you can configure the quest NPC pick-up and turn-in.
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