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Everything posted by Superman_AZ

  1. Superman_AZ

    Update fail

    I used the latest build and got this also this morning: 04:16:54 - Update has finished. 04:16:54 - error: System.Net.WebException: An exception occurred during a WebClient request. ---> System.IO.IOException: The process cannot access the file 'C:\WRobot\WRobot.exe' because it is being used by another process. at System.IO.__Error.WinIOError(Int32 errorCode, String maybeFullPath) at System.IO.FileStream.Init(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, Int32 rights, Boolean useRights, FileShare share, Int32 bufferSize, FileOptions options, SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES secAttrs, String msgPath, Boolean bFromProxy, Boolean useLongPath, Boolean checkHost) at System.IO.FileStream..ctor(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access) at System.Net.WebClient.DownloadFile(Uri address, String fileName) --- End of inner exception stack trace --- at System.Net.WebClient.DownloadFile(Uri address, String fileName) at System.Net.WebClient.DownloadFile(String address, String fileName) at UpdateManager.UpdateManager.Caerakaodewuo() 04:16:54 - Update file: WRobot.exe 04:16:54 - 1 file(s) need to be updated 04:16:54 - Check for updated files.
  2. Actually, you can call off the request. I figured out the gatherer profile builder to incorporate the Eggs. :) I'll be sharing it in the Profiles area.
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u0RHBWHBEPg Here is a video showing the fastest route.
  4. Anyone have a good profile for grinding cloud serpent rep?
  5. I went to launch my bot 30 seconds ago, and was told there was a 2nd update today. So, I had the update install and now I get an error telling me the bot is no longer usable in this version. Here are the screen shots:
  6. Version 1


    Starts on the southern tip of Felpaw Village in Northern Felwood. Does miss an occasional mob, but have gone from Unfriendly to Honored in 2 hours. No sticks so far. Enjoy!
  7. Also, just an FYI, I did this with "Flying mount disabled". I will use flight to travel between the two locations. You can leave it enabled,I just don't know if it will get hung up anywhere.
  8. Version 1


    Tested for 4 hours without an issue. This bot will clear two of the Twilight camps in central and SW Silithus. Be sure to have "Loot mobs" enabled since you will also want the Twilight Text which can be turned in at Cenarion Hold once you do the first quest. Then each stack of text gets you an additional 500 rep.
  9. Version 1


    This path is a broad loop of Howling Fjord in Northrend and yeilds close to 8 stacks per hour.
  10. Version 1


    This route loops Mt. Neverest in Kun Lai summit. I stays pretty low to the ground. Good for Alliance or Horde. No city or mailbox added. After just a couple hours I had almost 2 full bags of snow lilys and a dozen Golden Lotus. Spawn rates are still RNG, but it is a simple gathering path and there is seldom anyone up there.
  11. Version 1


    This is a small path near the base of the Mage tower. I've left it running for 3 days straight and went from lvl 1 to 40. You never get stuck on objects, BUT, you will need to put the squirrels in the narrow walkways in your Blacklist. This will keep you from wandering off the trail and getting hung up with a bad battlefield.
  12. Version 1


    This profile does a large loop around Searing Gorge starting at the Black Char Cave in the southwest corner of the zone. There is no city or mailbox. It was designed as a fly only as some ore is difficult to reach by land mount. You may experience issues below level 60 without a flight master's license.
  13. Version 1


    This is a grind for Knothide leather on Razorthorn Ridge between Terrokar Forest and HellFire Peninsula. You have to be on top of the mountain to start. 53:12 are the approximate coords. Use Ground mount only for best results and if above lvl 80, place pet into Passive before starting. I avg 70-90 leather per hour with this. There is no mail or city associated with this profile, and there will be no updates or changes. It is a simple full circle of Razorthorn ridge to just grind Knothide leather. The profile is good for Alliance or Horde. Enjoy!
  14. Still having the same issue with or without the "Use lua to move" checked.
  15. Gets hung up standing on bridge and trying to fish the pool under the bridge at 47:63 in Jade Forest at Serpent's Heart.
  16. Amazing! As Alliance, had no issues at all. PLUS, this is the ONLY profile I have seen which maximizes the mining potential of Jade Forest. Would love to see a comprehensive profile for just Jade. All of the ones I have seen stick you on the daily aisle in a confined space.
  17. I would love to see a grind profile for the Isle of Quel Danas for Shattered Sun Rep.
  18. Good farming spot and respawns are instant almost. Only drawback is every 15-20 kills, you mount up, move 2 feet, turn around, dismount, mount again, and turn back around. Aside from closing the loop, this is an awesome grind.
  19. Works very well if you stay on the southern side. Northern side tends to stick, but southern side was flawless for almost 2 hours that I watched.
  20. Works very well. Have not died yet, even with 7:1 in Valley of the Four Winds.
  21. Here is the issue I am having. Even in motion, it goes AFK and then removes the AFK. It never actually moves to prevent AFK from ever happening.
  22. I already had this option checked. I've unchecked it and saved, and then rechecked and saved. Will update you shortly with results.
  23. Same thing happens to me as well. Flying from node to node, in combat, or while fishing. It goes AFK and continues to move. I just opened a thread about this same issue. Did not see this one previously. My apologies.
  24. When using the Trial version, I noticed the bot would make a small movement to avoid going AFK and would run non-stop for the entire 30 minutes. Now, in the last few days, it doesn't matter if I am fishing, mining, herbing, or grinding skinning, the bot will go AFK and continue to do whatever it is doing. The one exception is fishing, it will still go AFK, but it will sit down. Is there a way to keep the bot from going AFK, especially while MOVING? I am attaching my longest running Log file from today. I am hoping you will see some examples in there. I will likely attach another log file which might also show an AFK. Any assistance would be great. I hesitate to use the bot without monitoring in case it goes AFK again and someone sees it.
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