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Everything posted by minime1000

  1. having the same issue, installed slimdx, still doing it.
  2. If would would have the skill, thanks for the quick answer. Might try it
  3. Can it be used to use hearthstone before logging off?
  4. Did you level your paladin as prot or ret?
  5. I am level 40, he wants go grind 40-45 and keeps running in circles. from flight master to mudsprocket, walks from there to Camp Taurajo and flying back to mudsprocket, back to Taurajo, then walks to ratchet, talks to flight master walks away, there I stopped
  6. that works thanks!
  7. SO how do I see if it is disabled or enabled?
  8. works again tyvm, just tried to disable steps in quester mode and there are no more checkmarks?
  9. Awesome thanks!
  10. I intalled the update today and now it will not open again anymore.
  11. Will do thank you so much!
  12. sure, my recommondation was to use growl until FF available to not pull bigger groups
  13. OMG, thanks for making the changes, as of testing right now it triggers a fight, goes to bear, stays in bear after fight. Maybe heals after fight if needed, thats is awesome! Will he pull with fearie fire if spell available? It look like he tries to pull mobs in bear in caster range, nothing happens, he will go to next wayoint. for now he could use growl and later on fearie fire to do that.
  14. Oh that is fine, I am glad you responded to it, other then this great job!
  15. Ok, sorry about that. Let's say I attack a mob, it will cast moonfire and wrath, go to bear cast demo shout, goes into caster form casts moonfire and then goes back to bear
  16. not very smart what it does, to many shapeshifts
  17. ok cool, will see it in a few then thanks!!!
  18. Nice work, how do you setup level 10-19 if it uses bear or caster form?
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