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    DoptFree reacted to krycess for a file, [Free] FightClass.Wotlk.Warrior   
    I have just recently begun developing with wRobot.
    here is a warrior fight class! 
    it implements a priority tasking system that utilizes dependency injection techniques
    please let me know what features need to be added to this as I know next to nothing about this community and what they want/need.
    I am more than happy to take and deliver requests!
  2. Thanks
    DoptFree reacted to Talamin for a file, [Free] Project Wholesome - WOTLK Fightclasses (all 10 included)   
    Hello fellow Botters,
    This is the AIO Fightclass for WotLK Content.
    Most will download this without given any Feedback, but i appreciate every Feedback you want to give.
    With the Rework to 3.0.0 the Framework was given a great overhaul by @Hashira who is a genius. Additionaly another Dev @FlXWare joined the pool of Devs and contributed a lot to the again reworked AIO. And finally the latest Rework was done by @Zer0 which is an awesome dev! The AIO is the First FC with support for Raidheal (limited to Holy Priest)! One of the Maingoals this time was to speed up the FC, and i think we hit a point where we can be very proud of what we achieved. Most of the old Bugs are gone, PetManagement for all Petclasses are top notch. Buffmanagement is now pulsed on movement and combat and many more changes. Just try it out yourself, you will see a significant performance upgrade. Bugreports are welcome and needed to get it to a new stage, so feel free to do so.
    English Client ONLY!!!
    Deactivate all Addons, Wrobot relies heavy on LUA and every Addon can interfere with this in a bad way!
    Added Healbot Product, use this instead of WRotation to Heal as Healer inside  Dungeons (No  Settings, no Interface, just place it under Products, select it and Choose Systetic Events in the AIO  FC). This is only needed for Healers.
    Here is the Current State:
    DeathKnight (Frost, Unholy, Blood)
    Druid (Feral (No Tanking in Dungeons), Restoration, Balance)
    Hunter (Beastmastery, Marksmanship, Survival)
    Mage (Frost, Fire, Arcane)
    Priest (Shadow, Holy (inkl Raidheal), Discipline)
    Paladin (Protection, Retribution, Holy)
    Rogue (Combat, Subletly, Assassination)
    Shaman (Enhancement, Restoration, Elemental)
    Warlock (Affliction, Destruction, Demonology)
    Warrior (Arms, Protection, Fury)
    Green = tested and in a working state, Yellow = Rotation added but not much tested, Red = no support until now.
    Short Feature Overview of new Corefeatures:
    Auto updating System to the newest Release It now makes Use of Unique Syntetic Events (Activate this when you play as Healer in Dungeon or Group) Uses Prioritysystem to decide which spells to cast (Framelock is now working, Slowrotation is now working) Auto Set Talents according to the choosen Spec (only works with Products which support movement) Tankspecs can Autotank adds in Dungeons Supports HMP incl. fleeing from  Mobs Healspecs can handle different Healspells for different Roles/Classes Autobuffing (Paladin will chosse which buff is needed, according to the Targets Dungeonrole without targeting) Druid (switches Forms according to Usersettings, makes use of prowl) Hunter (Autoset stances for Pet, Autofeeding Pet, Petspell Management like Taunt, Random Backpaddle Movement) Mage (Frostnova Backpaddle, makes use of own casted Food/Drinks) Priest (nothing new to say) Rogue (use Rangepull if you have Rangedweapon and the target is surrounded by hostile targets(activate it in settings)) Shaman (Autoset Totems in Totemic Call, makes use of Totemic Call, reworked Rotation) Warlock (nothing new, just a Beast for Leveling) Warrior (use Rangepull if you have Rangedweapon and the target is surrounded by hostile targets(activate it in settings), just a Beast for Leveling)  
    Besides the new Features which are added, we have all the old Features including from the previous Version.
    Have Fun with testing, you are welcome to report bugs (pls with detailed description and logs). Features will be added after the AIO get´s out of BETA state, until this it´s just bugfixing and reworking Rotations!
    Welcome @Hashira as a new CoDev for this Project ?
    Welcome @FlXWare as a new CoDev for this Project ?
    A special Thanks goes to @Droidz for the Bot, the Wholesome Devs ( @Marsbar, @Zer0 @Mortis123), Devs ( @iMod, @Matenia) and Testers ( @Kamogli much more...)
    If you have to report a Bug, leave a Comment with a Log. Alternatively we have a Discord for Bugreports and  Feedback.: https://discord.gg/NEq4VA6 .
    P.s.: If you have Problems with crashing while open the Config, remove your old FC Settings from your Folder and restart the Bot.
    Recommended Plugins: 
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    DoptFree reacted to Marsbar for a file, AggroMonitor   
    Super simple plugin which draws a circle underneath mobs that you dont have aggro from and from that mob a line is drawn to the person that has aggro.
    It's meant for tanks to easily see when a non-tank has aggro and can pick up the lost aggro.
    It has some basic settings:
    3 Tank names that it will not trigger for if they have aggro Range to search in I'll add a screenshot later.
    I've not done much testing, let me know if anything is borked. It's a .cs file so open it up in notepad++ and edit what you want!
  4. Like
    DoptFree reacted to headcrab for a file, Battleground Helper (former Real Auto Accept BG)   
    Its true. Never rejoins BG, even on transport. Accepts BG using UPDATE_BATTLEFIELD_STATUS event callback and alternative method (button click). Usefull for some private servers where AcceptBattlefieldPort function is disabled (some servers also will require modified wManager.dll - i think v.2.2.0 can work without patching, if you select "disable AcceptBattlefieldPort call" - this code unsafe and removed).
    Version 2.x:
    Plugin uses battlefield statistics for determinig and auto focus enemy healers, check plugin settings (do not set Search distance much more than your fight class range). Also you can mark enemies usung Radar3D (just for fun, wow addons can do it better).
    It can auto mark party healers when you party leader;
    After resurrection it can wait N milliseconds before using ground mount to let your fightclass make all buffs (Resurrect BG workaround)

    Dont forget to remove AutoBG plugin if you used version 1.x
  5. Like
    DoptFree reacted to 2face for a file, StayDead   
    This is another quick and simple Plugin which has been requested here: http://wrobot.eu/forums/topic/3268-is-it-possible-when-i-die-for-the-bot-to-take-a-5min-break/
    All it does it wait for a set amount of time after the bot has died. Note that the character will just stay dead at the graveyard for some time(currently set to 5 mins)
  6. Like
    DoptFree reacted to Pasterke for a file, LootFilterWrobot   
    LootFilter by Pasterke
    How to use it ?

    If the bot is running, stop and close it.
    Unpack the zipfile in your Plugin folder.
    Restart Wrobot.
    In the Main Window click on Plugins.
    Set LootFilerWrobot.dll on on.
    Select the plugin and click on Settings for selected Plugin.
    You have now the main window open of LootFiler.
    You will see the content of your Bags, sorted alphabetical.
    If you want that lootfilter auto use an item for you when you have x stacks of it :
    select the items and click on the appropriate button.
    If you finished clicked the button, the item will no longer appear in the bags item list.
    That's easy :)
    If you have items in your bags that you want to keep, select them and click on the Keep Items button.
    If you have items that you just want to delete, select them and add them to the delete items.

    Delete Items on Quality.

    On Top of the window, you see some checkboxes to delete items on item quality.
    If you check one, let's say the Gray Items, then every gray item will be removed from your bags whithout any warning !
    The main purpose of this settings are for farming specific items.

    example :

    Say you want to farm Silk Cloth because it sells for a good price on AH.
    Go to the place where you want to farm and let the bot farm for 30 min.
    Then you stop the bot and you look into your inventory.
    Now, the stuff that you want to keep, add it to the Keep Items !
    Then you can check delete gray, green, white, blue and epic items as you wish.
    Let the bot farming and you will end up with just the items you want.
    Be sure if you don't farm, to reset the settings, or you can loose some items you realy don't want to loose.
    another example for leatherworkers :

    you can make light leather from Light Leather Scraps if you have 3 of them.
    Keep in mind, that making those leathers level up your leatherworking.
    If the Make Light Leathers don't further level skill up, then it's the time to add it on the Use On 3 Items.
    Viewing your Items settings.
    In the Main Menu you have View Lists.
    There you can check the items and if you want, remove some or all.
    Hope you like this one guys :)

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