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Everything posted by Reaper666

  1. I do apologize if I have place this question in the wrong section. So I've noticed I'm unable to start WRobot as a Trial to use the WRotation. At this time, that's all I need the bot for and don't want to pay just for one feature. I do plan to renew soon after the expansion release tho.
  2. You can go into file and delete the spell from the list
  3. I do apologize about the Evade Guy. I've tried everything I could possibly do to avoid him, but every once in awhile, he finds a way to pull you in in. I'm glad everyone is enjoying this. I'll look into creating a new profile that farms in a different area.
  4. Where does this start? Need more info please.
  5. I will test this out next weekend when I not busy so i can watch and give it a proper review
  6. Sorry about late response. Was out of town for the New Year. I'll look at the file after work later and see where this issue is and try to fix it. I personally never went to the cave. I always started at the FP.
  7. I've should have used that pic in the description but i wasn't thinking. I'll update right away.
  8. What mountain? Shouldn't get stuck as it is concentrated in a small area.
  9. I believe you have to manually reset instance but I may be wrong
  10. Version 1.0


    Droidz shared a grinder profile on a post that I was following and I gave it a test run. I added some targets to the list that wasn't included to help keep from pulling too many mobs at once. Well rounded profile. Go to Frostfire Ridge and start the bot and enjoy. And as I say in all my uploads, careful with PvP servers as there are people out there just wanting to ruin your day. Also a reason why I am unable to provide XP/hr, but as to how Droidz labled the profile, I'm gonna go with 300k/hr. Enjoy! And all props to Droidz
  11. I have used the Gorgrond profile and it works well so far. tends to pick up a big guy which is unavoidable but overall its good. I'll text the others as I progress
  12. You could always create one. it's pretty simple.
  13. It's labeled as a Grinder 90-93. Question is, "Where?"
  14. The mobs here are average lvl of 97. as a Demo Lock using Void as tank, he should be fine. I have ran this for an hr or so and it does well with about 100-200 fur per hr. Only issue I had personally was pulling more mobs at once which sometimes killed my guy (100 Spriest) which was random and opposing faction being dicks (PvP server problems)
  15. Ok. I see what was done. The Grinder category has sub categories. nice
  16. This did work. thank you. I don't know why I couldn't upload it the way I used to anymore. Even when I went to original profile and clicked update, it wouldn't allow. But its working as of now.
  17. Version 2.0


    Farms Sumptuous Fur in the Bloodmane Pridelands. This is and updated version that uploaded earlier that had a lot of issues. Still a work in progress and I promise to make it better as I go. I have blacklisted 3 areas so far to help avoid the mini bosses and 1 mob that seems to be glitched on a rock (at least on my server). It may pull 1 of the mini bosses pending on a patrol but I havent had any issues yet. Will calculate numbers once I have this profile working flawlessly. Comment and rate please :D
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