Warlock - Legion
14 files
Demonology Warlock Fight Class
By Shingston
Fight Class I made to get more familiar with the Fight Class editor. Demonology was a lot simpler than I thought.
Features :
Uses talents and rotation featured here
Logic for Soul Shard management to avoid overcapping
Uses Hand of Gul'Dan only with 4 Soul Shards or above (most of the time)
Prioritises Shadowy Inspiration's instant Shadowbolts
Uses Thal'Kiel (?) with half-decent logic
Working Life Tap (Dev pls fix) (Maybe it's because I'm on an older WRobot version?)
Working Felstorm
Working Axe Throw to interrupt (?)
Uses Fear if target casting
AoE rotation
Healthstone use
Test Pet interrupt
Tested exclusively on 110 Demonology Warlock
Affliction Warlock
By camelot10
Based on https://www.icy-veins.com/wow/affliction-warlock-pve-dps-rotation-cooldowns-abilities
Tryed to cover all spells/talents/artifact powers.
My profiles
- warlock
- affliction
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wotlk warlock demonology Warlock Demonology Req Fel Guard Wotlk
By Lillbjorla
This is my first fightclass ever so it may not be flawless. Couldent find any working fightclass out there so i made my own. If you have any suggestions on how to make it better please pm me.
Included in fightclass:
Fel Armor
Soul Link
Health Funnel (If pet is below 80% HP and my HP is 50%+)
Metamorphosis (Demonology required)
Drain Soul (If target is below 40% and i have less than 2 shards in bag) *!!Seems bugged right now!!*
Demonic Empowerment (Demonology required)
Shadow Cleave (Metamorphosis required)
Curse of Agony
Drain Life (If my HP is below 80%)
Tap Life (If my Mana is below 40% and HP bigger than 55%)
Shadow Bolt
Destruction Warlock 7.3
By stefan2812
This Fight Class is for a Destruction Warlock in 7.3
I created it for my Warlock while using "Gatherer".
Following features:
Can create and use Healthstones ( at 45% HP - You can disable this in the Classes Settings) Use soulstone on yourself (You can disable this in the Classes Settings) Use AoE Spells like Rain of Fire and Cataclysm when you are up against 4 or more mobs (You can disable "Cataclysm" in the Classes Settings) Drain Life when at 10% (You can disable this in the Classes Settings) Basic Rotation (Maintain Immolate, Chaos Bolt when 5 Soul Shards, Dimensional Rifts, Conflagrate and Incinarate) Use of CD Abilitys like Soul Harvest (You can disable this in the Classes Settings) Supports "Empowered Lifetap" (little bit buggy sometimes - Use at own Risk) Uses "Voidwalker" Pet for Tanking (I created this for AFK use, while Farming Herbs and / or Ore)418 downloads
Legion 7.2 Affliction Warlock with Healthstones
By riggsmed
This is an affliction warlock fight profile that can truly be used from level 1 - 110. I am using it right now along with Eeny's 1-80 Horde Quester. I started using it at level 1 and within 3 days of careful botting my warlock was level 61. By careful I mean I wasn't botting 24 hours a day. I would use the quester profile for no more than 60 minutes unattended and then have a wait period before working on another character. I have also tested it on level 70 and 100 warlocks on different accounts. It's different than some of the other warlock profiles in that it starts working at level 1 using shadow bolt.
***Support for Eternal Horizon Choker heirloom item added for Imp, Voidwalker and Felhunter profiles but must be turned on in fight class settings. Default position is off***
When Unstable Affliction becomes available shadow bolt is turned off and Drain Soul then becomes the filler for when there are 2 or less soul shards. Drain Soul is also used as a heal when the health percent drops below 75%. Mortal Coil is fired off when health percent drops below 70%. A healthstone is used when health percent drops below 65%. When health percent drops below 60% Unending resolve kicks in and a Doomguard is summoned if it is not your main pet.
Seed of Corruption is working very well for aoe damage except when the target mob dies off before Seed of Corruption can be cast.
It follows Icy veins recommendations regarding spell rotation.
The unfortunate thing about warlocks is we don't have a pet3 ability like hunters. Our various pets have unique spell names. This makes it necessary to have a different profile for each pet you want to use IF you want to use wrobots built in call pet ability which works better than using commands to summon pet during combat. At level 20 I switched from imp to voidwalker. I have not been able to find a way of selecting pets within the profile so I have had to make separate profiles for each pet. I continued to use the voidwalker while using a bot up until level 36 because it provided better survivability while botting until the felhunter became available.
The following is a bot talent build not intended for humans. The talent for this build is;
2 Writhe in Agony, level 15, improved damage
2 Absolute Corruption, level 30, improved damage
2 Mortal Coil, level 45 Instant fear that heals you for 20% of your health.
1 Siphon Life, level 60, This provides huge benefit as it is another instant cast dot that provides damage and healing.
1 Demon Skin, level 75, improves survival by providing passive extra shield.
2 Grimoire of Service, At level 90 you have to make a choice, 1 Grimoire of Supremacy (allows you to summon a doomguard as your permanent pet) or 2 Grimoire of Service (allows you to periodically and passively summon an extra pet every 1.5 minutes for 25 seconds), I went with Grimoire of Service for 2 felhunters with the ability to summon a Doomguard in emergency situations.
3 Soul Conduit, level 100, this will passively give you more soulstones thereby increasing your damage output.
- warlock
- affliction
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Brujo Aflicción 7.1.5
By Hatmud
Aqui os dejo un profile de combate para Brujo aflicción, tanto para para farmeo como para PVP.
Talentos PVP
Talentos PVE
Es bastante bueno.
Affliction by Pockets
This is a profile for a level 110 affliction warlock
Talents chosen are-
uploaded wrong file this morning FEB 26th should be fixed as of 8:45 CST
destro detruction, warlock, grind, farm Destruction Warlock
By Rastafaris
I build a Destruction Warlock Fight Class, which is perfect for grinding and farming. A lot of Dps but also the Voidwalker to tank Mobs or Groups up to 5.
It runs since nearly a month without be killed by Mobs. (Some Players are always mad about u ;) )
If u have something to make it better, please write it in the comments.
And sorry for my bad english!
- destro detruction
- warlock
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warlock affliction
By combatsoul
warlock affliction
works for my good.
talent maybe you will find out points where is :)
By Arcangelo
Just a leveling warlock profile 1-110:
Should do decent DPS and keep you alive pretty much the whole way. GL
Warlock Demonology by ICanFly
By ICanFly
Please give me some feedback on this, it seems to be working pretty well as it stands but would love to get some advice on how well this works for you.
Required talents: 3,2,1,1,2,2,2
Legion Affliction
By taky1
Simple Legion Affliction rotation (including Life-Tap and pet incorporation).
warlock Zan's Destruction Warlock
By Zan
I feel this rotation is good enough for a release at this time. I will update it if I find errors, things that need to be tweaked out better, or if I find time to add more spells. If you find problems let me know and I’ll get to them when I can. Fear is used as an Interrupt and can be toggled on or off and is set to interrupt right before the end of cast. There are several spells to use for survivability and set to act when your health % drops below a certain level. These are fully adjustable by you. At this time the spells implemented are the Talents shown and Grimoire of Service, Grimoire of Sacrifice, and Channel Demonfire. Grimoire of Service and Grimoire of Supremacy need to be toggled on. At the moment they are not being recognized as known spells. If you change your pet under Settings you will need to Dismiss your current pet and the correct pet will be summoned. Havoc is not being used at this time. There are various settings that can be modified for your gameplay. I suggest you pay attention to the descriptions of them all. You have a decent amount of choices. I have uploaded the stock profile which uses English LUA and there is the alternative Non LUA profile if the stock one doesn’t work for you. Enjoy the rotation and let me know of any problems. – Zan
- destro
- destruction
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