Pandaria - Legion
24 files
Alliance ghost iron farming
By miltonbrad
This is my first profile i made, it farms ghost iron ore in valley of the four winds. It gathers ore constantly and has a farms of 150 a hour, a 8 hour night I would get half bags of 100 full stacks.
Waldo Pandaria Herbs and Ore
By waldodamon
My first post here, ever, I figured it should mean a little something. This is a Horde herb and ore profile for basically all of Pandaria, it hits each section to grab a little of everything. It is a flying profile, and it was the best I could do for now while I am just getting back into the game and leveling to 100. :)
Waldo Pandaria.xml
mine and herb mega
By kalladiz
mine and herb mega runs Votfw,Kun-Lai,Krasarang Wilds,Jade Forest
Seu's Ore Gatherer
By Seumas
Seu's Ore Gatherer
This new update brings a more successful farm rate bringing to life the jade forest, vale of eternal blossom and valley of the four winds. Expect great results from this profile! This version support mailbox for both Horde and Alliance.
This profile is the newest up to date profile which support mailbox for alliance and horde. This profile has the new ore farming path.
This profile is the old ore farming path and has an up to date profile of blacklists. This version does NOT support mailbox.
Thank for supporting my profiles, I hope you continue to use Seu's Ore Gatherer and be on the look out for my Herb Gatherer which is coming soon.
Please report any trees/rocks with the blacklist location so I can keep this up to date for everyone.
- ghost iron ore
- ghostiron
- (and 2 more)
Long Route Through Most of MOP area for Mining
This is a Profile that starts in Jade forest and goes throughout most of the MOP area. There is a Mailbox in almost every area that it flys through. It doesnt get stuck but if it does Mrobot gets it out easily. I hope you all enjoy
Kun Lai - Townlong Steppes
By Whathefak
If u want only mining farming uncheck ur herb farm, if u want only herb should unchek mining
Kun Lai - Townlong Steppes, Herb Mining
Added more Spots to the blacklist !
Nodes : 100-140 p/h
Kill : 0/30 p/h
Deaths : 0/5 p/h
Mailbox : Yes
Repair : Yes
Horde Only
Snow Lily and Golden Lotus
By Superman_AZ
This route loops Mt. Neverest in Kun Lai summit. I stays pretty low to the ground. Good for Alliance or Horde. No city or mailbox added. After just a couple hours I had almost 2 full bags of snow lilys and a dozen Golden Lotus. Spawn rates are still RNG, but it is a simple gathering path and there is seldom anyone up there.
Jade Forest Mining + Herb
By Whathefak
Jade Forest Mining + Herb + Mailbox-Repair, horde side
Nodes : 150-230 p/h
Kill : 0-10 p/h
Deaths : 0 p/h
Sue's Herb Gatherer
By Seumas
Welcome to Sue's Herb Gatherer
This profile will cycle all through Pandaria. Supports mailbox for both Horde and Alliance.
I don't actually have a herbing character, this profile is based of research. So please submit all blacklists or PM the profile and i'll add them to future releases.
I hope you enjoy and continue to use all my profiles.
Mining Townlong Stepps
By Whathefak
Townlong Steppes Mining !
Kills 20-50 per hour
Nodes 100-140 per hour
Mailbox added
No repair
Horde Side
[Nova-H] Gatherer Pandaria
By Nova-Team
[Nova-H] Gatherer Pandaria
Ce profile a été fait entièrement par l'équipe de Nova pour les utilisateurs du bot WRobot.
Dans ce profile, vous y trouverez un chemin complet et sans blocage pour le farming de minerais.
Information :
Par : Nova Team
Émulateur : WRobot
Site Web :
Bot 100% AFK, explore toute la pandarie à la recherche de n'importe quel minerai (ectofer, trillium, kyparite). Le bot ne se stop jamais, uniquement par intervention du joueur. La mailbox est intégré ainsi que des vendeurs pour vendre vos objets. Conçu pour la Horde et non pour l'Alliance !
Environ 300-400 minerais en 1h & 2000-3000 minerais toutes les 10h
English :
This profile was made entirely by the team for Nova users WRobot bot.
In this profile, you will find a full path without blocking for farming ore.
Information :
By : Nova Team
Emulateur : WRobot
Web Site :
Bot 100% AFK explores all Pandaria looking for any ore (ectofer trillium kyparite). The bot will never stop, only by action of the player. The mailbox is integrated and sellers to sell your items. Designed for the Horde not for the Alliance!
300-400 minerais in 1h & 2000-3000 minerais all 10h
Suivez-nous :
- ghost iron
- ore
- (and 7 more)
Ghost N Herbs Mega Pandaria
By D3monic
This is a pandaria farming route I have been fine tuning for several months off and on. Original file credit goes to zjxlsmr and her trillium ore route. I have blacklisted most problem areas where it gets hung up or bites off more than it can chew. be sure to set your bot to not farm 210565 (dark soil) and 81054 ( Kafa'Kota Berry). I start right on the backside of shrine and usually ends there. Works for both ore and herbs.
- ghost iron ore
- mop
- (and 4 more)
5 Hour MEGA Profile
By NeoKeleseth
I Buy this profile and i share with you this profile :
This profile packs over 5k hotspots and will keep your farming toon busy for up to 5 hours before finally starting over again. This profile was NOT designed to gather the most nodes per hour! Read more for details.
This profile was designed for those worried about LCP detection and the longevity of your farming toon. If you are worried smaller, one zone profiles are causing bans, this profile fixes that. I have tested this profile many times on my druid and was able to fill my bags successfully 4 times before the profile overlapped. That's 4x 22 slot bags.
This is my largest mega profile to date. There are no other profiles with this magnitude anywhere.... but I am sure many will copy the idea. but hey! At least you get it here first... and you know where the real quality profiles are!
Where does it farm? All over Pandaria
What does it farm? A little bit of everything
Mailboxes? Of-course
Repairs? You got it!
Credits : Gatherit.blogspot
- 5 Hour MEGA Profile
- Gatherer
- (and 2 more)
[Mop] Insane Farm Silkweed herb + mining with repair
By Phelios
Farm :
-Green tea leaf
Vendor/Repair UP !
Eu server:
1 Hour : 221 Silkweed
93 Green tea leaf
126 ore
9 Gold Lotus
Enjoy it
Fools Cap Dread Wastes
By urupt
For some reason my original account for the forums isnt working so I made this account so I could upload this.
I noticed there was a lack of Dread Waste Herbing on the forums so here we go.
Not too advanced, I just made it for myself. On that screenshot the black is somewhat the route which is taken and then red circle is one area where I know it gets stuck. In the rares location.
Again I just made this for myself so I didnt put a whole lot of effort into it, gets a bit of Fools Cap, a bit of Green Tea and Sha Touched.
Pandaria Mining
By fall0ut
Hey you dirty sluts.
It's so sketchy flying circles in a zone mining ore for hours on end. Other players begin to notice you and your predicable behavior. And they get pissed when you steal their ores. So I made this profile which travels from zone to zone in Pandaria mining ore.
This profile does one lap in each zone, then moves to the next zone. By the time you return to a zone active players will have found something else to do. A complete run of this profile takes about 45-60 minutes.
I leave this running 24/7. Occasionally it gets a little stuck up in southern jade forest, but wrobot figures out what to do. In the future I may remove that part of the profile.
I play Horde, so Alliance botters may have some trouble since this profile flies right over some Horde cities.
It's great for Ghost Iron Ore, Black Trillium Ore, White Trillium Ore, Kyparite.
Trillium Ore Route
By zjxlsmr
1.0 test1
1.1 test2
long route tons of Ghost iron, few Trillium.
4 Winds and Vale Herb Gatherer
By 7Wolves
This profile circles around 4 Winds, going along the river, through the farm lands, and on the cliffs, followed by going up through the river to vale, along up it, through the plains, and back to the river, and back into 4 winds. Long path good for getting Green Tea Leaf, Silkweed, and Rain Poppy.
Valley of 4Winds
By 7Wolves
I made this profile to circle the Four Winds as a whole. Gathers both Green Tea Leafs and Silkweed. Goes around the entire area. Catches a few times to start, but working on fixing. after a while is good to go. Recommended for Druid use, goes through enemy populations.
- Gatherer
- four winds
- (and 1 more)
Loki Onyx Egg (Dark Soil blacklisted)
By Loki
Loki Onyx Egg
1) Flying mount
2) Wrobot (WR) setup:
a) No harvest
b) Loot chest - yes
This profile has the regular circle route in Jade Forest but has (to my knowledge) all Dark Soils manually blacklisted.
My last test was 2 hours 100% no touch and it didnt go for any Dark Soil at all and ended up with 15 eggs.
From my experienced Ive learned that you get 5-6 pretty fast on low traffic hours and then its a bit slower. The island is small
and the route is short.
One of the Onyx Eggs is right next to a (!) lvl 90 questboss in a little stonething. The bot will not be able to loot it since he cant land on it.
I tried to make a workaround to make him land next to it but that would screw up the route and also get aggro from the boss.
You MIGHT find dark soils not blacklisted. If so, please give me the exakt location and I´ll have it updated.
ALSO: Once you hit revered you should get the [Grand Commendation of the...]. This will make each egg worth 100% more.
I found out about that once I hit exalted... But what do I care, its not like I worked hard for it :)
Thats all friends, go get exalted!
Mining Kyparit + Ghost Iron Ore
By CorteXx
Schreckensöde / Dread Wastes
Mining Kyparit + Ghost Iron Ore
Repair + Mailbox added!
Valley of the Four winds mining
By AezploW
Mining Profile - Valley of the Four Winds
Quick profile I made for - Ghost Iron Ore
I've been testing the profile for hours now and no problems yet.(Hasn't been stuck or died)
I know most people won't like this but there is a certain area where you will have to fight Npc's.
I've been using a Blood Death knight and haven't had a problem with them.
Feedback would be awesome.(if anyone uses)