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[A] [Quest] 1-60 grinder V6

   (6 reviews)

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About This File

Tested and stable WRobot grind profile for Alliance on private servers.

The Zip includes 1-60 Vanilla and 1-70 TBC Alliance grinding packs. Built on Elysium Vanilla and Warmane TBC. Also includes recommended WRobot plug-ins for leveling.

The Alliance profile is split into 2 parts 1-45 and 25-60.  At some point you will need to move the bot dependant on level- when you do it is up to you (you have 20 levels to decide.  A third profile is added for 58-70 in TBC.

Leveling paths:

Vanilla 1-45

1-6 Northshire 

6-14 Elwynn

14-19 Westfall 

19-22 Redridge 

22-32 Duskwood. 

32-36 STV

36-45 Swamp of sorrows

Vanilla 25-60

25-31 Wetlands

31-37 Arathi

37-43 Badlands

43-51 hunterlans

51-55 WPL

55-60 EPL


While this profile is 99% grind- you will still need to load it as a quest profile.

The profiles favour quiet grind spots with mainly beasts being the target. I have made gradual mobs changes so you wont see any massive jumps in death / mob difficulty as the profile goes on.

A Second grind path is included that will also target humanoids for those bots who need cloth.  However these spots may have more players than the 'normal' grind profile which favor quiet spots- you are able to freely swap between profiles as they follow similar paths.


What's New in Version V6   See changelog


Added small blackspots for some areas to stop the bot running into groups of 3-4.

Added druid / pally trainers for 6-45

Added some rare spawns in 25-60

still a grind profile.


V6 19th December 2017

Added 1-22 quest profile to vanilla

Added more files to BC content

Modifies 6-45 and 25-60 grind spots and added / removed some mobs after continued testing / use.



User Feedback

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Works great at lower levels, encountered some issues with the eastern plaguelands route, some elites running through the village oneshotting your character, and some loot issues with the undead mobs. But for the most part, works really well.

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Arathi path is one big gangfest


Edit;  Runs flawless other than the ganks, which is mostly around a single area in the profile .

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Often getting stuck and some grey mob farming issues. 


other than all the issues i mentioned its "decent" at best. But worth it if you do not want to spend time creating your own.  - tho u are 99% going to get banned for botting after 30 with these profiles.

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35 minutes ago, ax1as said:

No vendors in Hinterlands?

There is, maybe got auto- blacklisted?  try clear blacklist in tools.  my bots go to the guy in the windhammer camp big room


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Update put up to sellfy.

Added new Levelling path blocks off the main line.

should give options to those who are concerned about running a 'known bot path' as you can swap profiles as you please.

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V6 uploaded to sellfy.com

Added 1-22 quest profile to vanilla

Added more files to BC content

Modified 6-45 and 25-60 grind spots and added + removed some mobs after continued testing / use.

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29 minutes ago, niklas_lnk said:

Where and how do I load this? Can't start the bot when I load it in the grinder.

Read description. 

Load as quester 

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7 minutes ago, fixeh said:

What do you mean? Not sure how to load the bot...

Load it like any other file- This should be loaded with the quest framework.


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Got to level 30 with your new 1-30 questing profile (very impressive profile. writing up a review/bug report now, should be ready in a day or so).

Started this up with the "25-31 Wetlands" part of the profile. Got to 31 and walked to arathi highlands for the next part of the profile just fine. Checked on it a couple hours later and it had all it's gear broken, and kept rezzing and dying at Ogres at Boulderfist Hall.

It instantly blacklists every vendor it begins to walk to for no reason, and ends up just rezzing and dying over and over again, blacklisting any repair vendor it starts to go to. Clearing the blackIist doesn't fix anything, it just blacklists them again. included a log :)

14 Jan 2018 02H21 - HbJo.log.html


EDIT: A hour or so after starting the profile again at Arathi, it did the same vendor problem. Think vendors are broken right here


vendor problems.log.html

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I cant think of a way from the profile to stop / control Wrobot blacklisting vendors.


That said the only time i have seen it happen was with Bots with a lot in the " do not sell" list and had a lot of those items in the first bag.  It looked like wrobot was failing to sell anything in the first bag and making the vendor as bugged and moving on.


Shifting the Do not sell stuff to the 4th bag fixed it for the most part for me.

Edited by eeny
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For the first leveling path, would it be possible to leave it at ogres 28-32? The 31 spot is just too popular and there are way too many people around. At ogres I ran into one person in eight hours.

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Hello there!

I just bought your Profile pack and its currently running a Level 8 Paladin.. (Human)

Is it supposed to do some Quests? Because it is just killing mobs around Goldshire "Bot state: Grinder for Elwynn boars and bears."

Yes it is running as Questbot

Thanks in advance :)

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Its a file in the vanilla grinder download list, is called "1-60 grinder V6" and states in the description- 'While this profile is 99% grind- you will still need to load it as a quest profile.".  This file does not do quests.  The file grinds till X level and moves onto the next zone / set of mobs.  I use quest bot as the base because you ca get more control over the bot by comparison to the grinder bot.

If you are looking for quest files- 



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1 hour ago, polo1234 said:

The amount of times i have gotten stuck at searing gorge gate is just unreal please help me or fix this

If you are using hmp that's it trying to buy food, / water  from a vendor in the gorge.. 

There is no pulse points in or around the searing gorge in the profile. 

Send me a log if you want, il see what it says before walking to the gorge 

Edited by eeny
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swamp of sorrows go to horde repair, which leads to infinite deaths


Lvl 43 now using 25-60 profile, keeps going into burning steppes and dying over and over again

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On 7/21/2017 at 6:45 AM, mrfrank said:

Often getting stuck and some grey mob farming issues. 


other than all the issues i mentioned its "decent" at best. But worth it if you do not want to spend time creating your own.  - tho u are 99% going to get banned for botting after 30 with these profiles.

i must be that 1%

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I seem to be having problems from 54+, the character just dies too much in WPL, basically after every 3-4 kills he dies. Playing a hunter. Other than that this has been fantastic.

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@Duskwood why not still farming Ogres all the time? Easy to kill, good respawn - no fucking person there. Instead he is farming some Wolves 7 level below me. 
Any way to "force" to use ogre Path?

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