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DropWatch - loot alert plugin based on rarity 1.0.1

   (1 review)

About This File

When I use Grinder, I usually do other stuff on my pc and I often find myself checking my inventory for possible rare / epic items.

This plugin will do that for you.

Just pick what rarity you want to be alerted about to True and select the type of notification, either a sound or a message box displaying the name and quality, or both at the same time.

IMPORTANT: if you want to use sounds you have to have sound files with appropriate names for each rarity IN YOUR PLUGINS FOLDER.

The names should be as follows:

  1. green.wav
  2. blue.wav
  3. epic.wav
  4. legendary.wav

For mine, I used rarity sounds from Hearthstone. File included. ;)

What's New in Version 1.0.0   See changelog


No changelog available for this version.

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