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[Free] qObjMarker 1.0.0

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About This File

qObjMarker - Assisting your leveling process.

What does it do?
I made this to help me keep track of quest mobs and game objects as I was leveling one of my chars manually on a server that just opened. Obviously you have to fight for the mobs with all the other players and being able to instantly see where all the mobs and gameobjects are helps a lot (I've been running it with WRotation[Movement disabled in settings] and no fightclass).
It uses WRobots 3D Radar to automatically draw a line to any Mobs or GameObjects that it can read from your quest logs objectives. Eg. If the quests says "0/10 Super Boars Slain" it will check your surrounding area for any mobs with the name Super Boars. Same for game objects.

Tracked Mobs are assigned a random colour based on their name.
Tracked gameobjects are currently Blue.
It also tracks players of the opposite faction in Orange.

Wow! It tracks all my quest objectives?
No. The names won't always match their respective quest logs.
Also note that if you have completed the objective or the mob has been tagged by someone else, it will not draw a line to it.

Can I add Mobs manually?
Yes. There are hotkeys you can use! These are:

  • CTRL + T - Add your target mobs name to the tracking list
  • ALT + T - Remove your target mobs name from the tracking list
  • CTRL + L - List all the mobs in the tracking list
  • ALT + L - Clear the custom mob tracking list

What about game objects?
I'll add them on the next release.

This is the initial release so may contain bugs. Let me know how you get on!

What's New in Version 1.0.0   See changelog


No changelog available for this version.

User Feedback

Recommended Comments

This is brilliant! Great to use on my 60's! I don't like to bot on them but anything like this that helps turn wRobot more useful at 60 is great!

I'm going to be cheeky and ask if you could also implement player tracking as an option in the settings?

This draws lines from yourself to all enemy players within radius of "AggroMonitorSetting" It draws green lines from player to enemies and red lines from enemies to their targets... so you know if they're targetting you. 

If not, no worries, but would be nice to be able to run just 1 plugin rather than 2 ?



    public void Monitor()
            if (Conditions.InGameAndConnectedAndAliveAndProductStarted && _isLaunched)
                foreach (WoWUnit Mob in ObjectManager.GetObjectWoWPlayer().Where(x => x.IsAlliance && x.GetDistance2D < AggroMonitorSettings.CurrentSetting.SearchRange && ObjectManager.Target.TargetObject != null))
                    Radar3D.DrawCircle(ObjectManager.Target.Position, 1f, System.Drawing.Color.Red, true);
                    Radar3D.DrawLine(Mob.Position, Mob.TargetObject.Position, System.Drawing.Color.Red);
                    Radar3D.DrawCircle(Mob.TargetObject.Position, 0.5f, System.Drawing.Color.LightBlue, false);
                    Radar3D.DrawLine(Mob.Position, ObjectManager.Me.Position, System.Drawing.Color.Green);


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12 hours ago, vanbotter said:

This is brilliant! Great to use on my 60's! I don't like to bot on them but anything like this that helps turn wRobot more useful at 60 is great!

I'm going to be cheeky and ask if you could also implement player tracking as an option in the settings?


Thanks buddy, I'm glad you've been enjoying my other plugin, this actually has that same functionality you're suggesting. It draws a red line to players of the opposite faction and they're marked in orange. It doesn't have the search radius though as generally the draw distance on private servers is quite low.

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2 hours ago, Marsbar said:

Thanks buddy, I'm glad you've been enjoying my other plugin, this actually has that same functionality you're suggesting. It draws a red line to players of the opposite faction and they're marked in orange. It doesn't have the search radius though as generally the draw distance on private servers is quite low.

Looking forward to the servers coming back up to have a whirl! ? 

I think i was having a moment of blindness when I commented last since you do say:


It also tracks players of the opposite faction in Orange.


Thanks as always! ?

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12 hours ago, vanbotter said:

Any idea what this error means? It does this as soon as I close the settings for the plugin, before i press play on the bot...


Thanks for pointing that out. Yes I know why this is, I'll update it over the weekend.

Edit: I also noticed when an enemy player doesn't have a target it draws a weird line. I'll fix that too.

Edited by Marsbar
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Any chance we could get the source code? I'd like to implement some additional features using the work you've done as a base rather than starting from scratch.


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