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Tom Frost Mage (WOTLK) 2.0.0

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About This File

It is especially for leveling, but you can do it for everything. :)

-Frost Armor-   keeps this buff all the time

-Arcane Intellect-   keeps this buff all the time

-able to make drink and food

-use frost nova and Conce of cold to avoid hit of the mob.

-Evocation to fast mana (hp if, it is talented) regen.

I am waiting your feedback.


Tom Frost 1-80.xml

What's New in Version 2.0.0   See changelog


It is for lvl 1-80 This version is support food.  

If you are 1-74 ( you have to open fightclass editor, load my profile , click on Conjure water and Conjure Food and edit item count and there change item id.)

If you are 75-80 ( you don't have to do anything, just enjoy it :)


- it use Best Rotation from lvl 1 to 80.

Tom Frost 1-80.xml

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Now I am working on better version that this one. It will be able to do perfect rotation and use best armor and food from lvl 1 to lvl 80. 

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Hey im using this on 3.3.5 atm but the character never eats/drinks and goes on to pull more mobs. How do you config the mage to rest and regain mana/hp? Thanks!

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Hey thanks for your work. Though i'm having a problem. I just downloaded it and trying the profile but my mage just spams Frost Armor till she's oom. Any ideas? I'm lvl  75




EDIT: Nvm I got it to work, removed frost armor from the fight class

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For me it gets pretty AD/HD..  Nukes first target with frostbolt and maybe something else and then just goes to next mob and starts to pull it already when 1st one is at 80%hp and it keeps conjuring water in combat, sometimes 2-3 times in row.. Thats my feedback for now

EDIT: It might been profile.. But couldnt add the talent : "Fireball!" proc to this.. atleast that way it would use it..

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It use  "Fireball! talent and that you are not able to config the bot that is not my fault( It works perfectly for plenty of people and me too).

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Yeah it only spammed Ice armor, because it was 'true' instead of 'false' in your behaviour. Was easy to fix tho. However, it only uses mana drinks if the mage is over 75 lvl :/ Whic his quite a big minus in my opinion.

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Doesn't work for me. It just keeps casting ice armor until its manapool is gone, and it doesn't eat/drink after kills. What am I doing wrong?

Edit: Got it to eat once. But it just started spamming the bread until the stack was gone.

Edit2: I'm in the 1-74 bracket, and I'm trying to chance the conjure water/bread, still doesn't work


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nice work

for me work this cc first with one bug

he cast 10+ frost shield if i start wrobot

i delet this in the your cc and its work very nice


thx 4 this great work

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