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Ally Questing 1-? (Working process) 1.0.3

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So this is only good up to lvl 15? any plans to add more?

Update 9-8-16: Missing files 3 & 4 unless you've combined them. otherwise, good so far

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Yeah making it as my toon gets levels :-) but remember it takes a loong time to make these profiles, so it will just get added as i move on.

But right now i'm thinking 1-15 is better than 0-0 right :p

But i cant promisse it will get 1-110 though !


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On ‎07‎-‎09‎-‎2016 at 7:26 PM, jonnyboy899 said:

Your a god :) If you message me i'd be happy to help if i have toons around that level

If you want, you can test them on a new toon :) and then report to me.


Will start fixing the first profile now, so it will work with all classes :)

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Don't play alliance never have but thanks for the work you are putting in our community needs more ppl to share there stuff (without payment)

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1 hour ago, chapperz said:

Don't play alliance never have but thanks for the work you are putting in our community needs more ppl to share there stuff (without payment)

Shots fired!

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33 minutes ago, eeny said:

Shots fired!

Not at all But seams like since HB died all of a sudden same ppl from there selling profiles here? Coincidence i think not.

Last thing this bot needs is any and all similar things that HB had. Just my 2 cents.

BTW eeny your work is great and appreciated but i don't think any profile should be paid for with the exception of a really good questing profile.



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I just made a fresh starter account and bought a 3-day license to test this out. I made a Human Priest and the only issue i see so far is that I had to grind a bit to hit lvl 7 to accept "Protect the Frontier" quest. but I was starting laundry so I do not know for sure but I think it didnt turn in Fargo deep mine quest and one other. After I used automation to grind out the last 1/3 lvl and hit 7 so Protect the Frontier was available for pickup and turned the questing profile back on. the bot backtracked to fargodeep mine, killed 2 kobolds then went to goldshire to turn in those 2 quests. 


Since I am so new to this i may very well have done something to cause this.



Also, is there a way to make the bot equip quest rewards? Ive been manually equipping as she goes. if not its no biggie, Fantastic work on these first 2 profiles that I have tested!!!





Edit: I just realized I do not have  The addon quick quest , so this may be the cause of the issues I have seen.

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Thanks for testing it out :)

The grinding part is because the profile is made for full heirloom gear, but it is on My todo list to add more quests for people without it .(But i don't think it will be added anytime soon though)

Yea i noticed the fargo bug aswell, it seems like the but dont see it as complete. But ill see if i can figur something out.


And about the quests rewards, i belive there is an auto equip addon on curse :) ill check later.

*Edit - i have added a link to an auto equipper addon, that should do the trick :)



If eeny wants to charge some pocket changes for something he made, then imo its totally fine ! (I've do it myself if i diden't have a well paid job)

But i agree... I belive there should be a free version of 1-110 for horde/ally included in the bot (as hb had) - but again who should make it?

I'm a horde player myself, and have a 1-110 like 90-95 % handfree horde profile (Wod and Legion are pretty hard to script), but i haven't released it, as i don't want to be a dick to eeny and bettersister (And i don't want blizzard to sniff in my horde profile code xD).

Also have a 1-60 vanilla profile (even though the bot don't support it right now) and a 1-60 TBC profile (a friend promissed me outland) that still needs some work, but still runs pretty damn well.


But now i will start on the next profile, and then might fix the fargoo quest, and see what i can do about the westfall profile

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12 hours ago, Arcangelo said:

Also have a 1-60 vanilla profile (even though the bot don't support it right now) and a 1-60 TBC profile (a friend promissed me outland) that still needs some work, but still runs pretty damn well.

Don't worry, i haven't forget you. :biggrin:( the profile itself is done since a long time, it just needs some testing and blacklisting )

Currently full in legion mode, geared my druid full Mythic and soon the Mythic + are coming.

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18 hours ago, KnightRyder said:

Hi, I'm getting stuck on my level 6 dwarf warrior.

He seems to be wanting to run through a cave to the human area? I am only guessing at where he is going according to the map on wrobot.

23 Sep 2016 11H20 - xKzz.log.html

23 Sep 2016 10H40.log.html

The stuck there as becouse it should buy something from a vendor.

But i have been fixed in a New version :)

The bot should do pretty much 1-30 now. But it will not released before 1-60 is done

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3 hours ago, impurity09 said:

is this only for Dwarf?? no human?

yes it will be for human ;-)


And if all goes well it should be released next week - its all done, but bug fixing att :)

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