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Conditions in xml ??


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I want my bot to cast a spell based on 3 conditions.

1- Me in combat :false  (the bot spams the spell in combat even with this condition set + I also changed spell (combat only:false))

2- Target distance

3- Target level

When I put condition 2 first, seems like it cancels condition 3. When I put condition 3 first, it cancels condition 2. That's based on what I observed. How can I make all conditions meet ?

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4 minutes ago, Zer0 said:

Can you share your code?

Its not a code, its in profile creator. Just a simple spell to be casted under these conditions and it seems like 2 and 3 overriding/canceling one another

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Oh, I never used the profile creator so I don't think I can help you.

I think your question is pretty vague, and unless you show us exactly what you did, it's unlikely you get an answer.

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InCombat in Fightclass editor is equal to Fight.InFight (I believe) you'll need to check C# code in your condition: 


// one of the two, I forgot which one is correct

Conditions in the fightclass editor are all combined with an and operator. Different spells are combined with or operator. So your explanation doesn't make much sense. I suggest you take a look at MarsBar's tutorial on how to do it in C#, it makes it more readibly. faster and gives more options.

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21 minutes ago, Matenia said:

InCombat in Fightclass editor is equal to Fight.InFight (I believe) you'll need to check C# code in your condition: 


// one of the two, I forgot which one is correct

Conditions in the fightclass editor are all combined with an and operator. Different spells are combined with or operator. So your explanation doesn't make much sense. I suggest you take a look at MarsBar's tutorial on how to do it in C#, it makes it more readibly. faster and gives more options.

I will take a look for sure! thanks

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