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Everything posted by Droidz

  1. Hello, try to remove all files that start by "Auction-*******.xml" in "WRobot Wotlk\Settings"
  2. Hello, I have added your suggestion to my to do list, I ignore if I'll add or not this. (To force to go to town frequently you can use "Go to vendor/repair/mailbox with timer: XX minutes".)
  3. The frost mage fightclass seem updated: http://wrobot.eu/files/file/499-gtx-frost-mage-dps/?tab=comments For the warlock affil, you can try to edit it (or contact owner), if you need help tell what is don't works on this fightclass I'll try to fix it (give me detail, I don't play warlock): http://wrobot.eu/files/file/450-warlock-affli/
  4. Hello, you can download all meshes file for Wotlk here: http://download.wrobot.eu/wrobotwotlk/meshes/meshes.zip
  5. hello, I have added credit at your WRobot account (price of your old subscription), you can use it to buy new subscription
  6. Your fightclass seem correct. Can you try to remove all files that start by "CustomClassFeralDruid-***********.xml" in "WRobot Wotlk\Settings\" (or change "Fight Class Name" when fightclass editor)
  7. Hello, It is wow or wrobot that crash? If it is WRobot, try to remove folder "WRobot Wotlk\Data\Meshes\".
  8. Hello, like said betterSister, you get problem with your fightclass: Can you share it or try with another please.
  9. Hello, like this: test Cobrashot.xml - Add spell "Cobra Shot" and put "False" at spell settings "Wait during casting". - Add spell "SpellStopCasting();" and put "True" at spell settings "Not spell, is lua script". Add condition "Me In Cast": "True" and "Is Spell Usabe" : "Kill Shot" , "True". - Add spell "Kill Shot"
  10. Samples: Monk - Brewmaster.cs Monk - Windwalker.cs
  11. If you can tell me if problem is resolved on new update please.
  12. Hello, It is this quest: http://www.wowhead.com/quest=11889/death-from-above ? The quest type "UseItemOn" don't work? Your code in "Macro when interact" is incorect, use code like: local name = GetItemInfo(35278); RunMacroText("/use " .. name); (I don't recommand to use /tar, it is not multilanguage, but if you want use it use this code: RunMacroText("/tar Reinforced Net"); )
  13. I'll not add this feature, you can use this wow addon: http://wrobot.eu/files/file/594-topfit/
  14. I have check, and I cannot add this feature sorry.
  15. Hello, if you have a Laptop, you probably have two graphics cards, and if your launch Wow in windows mode check if your dedicated card is used ( https://www.google.fr/webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&ion=1&espv=2&ie=UTF-8#q=switch%20intel%20graphic%20card%20to )
  16. Hello, can you share your log file and your profile please?
  17. Hello, It depend of your server. But generally it is mines/herbs/skin/food.
  18. Hello, http://wrobot.eu/bugtracker/auctionbot-not-working-for-335-r350/
  19. Hello, i come back here when is fixed.
  20. Pouvez vous partager le fichier journal (log) d'une session ou wrobot bug.
  21. Hello, can you read this guide: http://wrobot.eu/forums/topic/1381-repairinstall-wrobot/#comment-966 and share your log file if your problem is not resolved please.
  22. Bonjour, pour lancer wow en 32bit: https://eu.battle.net/support/fr/article/basculer-en-mode-32-bits Si cela ne fonctionne pas, vous pouvez aller dans le dossier où est installé Wow et supprimer/renommer le fichier "Wow-64.exe" puis lancer directement le fichier "Wow.exe".
  23. Droidz

    close wow start bot

    If you can try and tell me if you get problem
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