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Everything posted by Droidz

  1. Hello, I replied to private message of @youthemannowdog, I'll now reply to the public post. I cannot dispute that Honorbuddy was a good with a lot of contents, but you have bad memories about Glider, this bot was very basic (watch videos on Youtube). Only Honorbuddy (and maybe Rebot) can compete with WRobot. About price, you have bad memory too: https://web.archive.org/web/20170929193659/https://www.honorbuddy.com/ and WRobot itself was already been at 30 € the lifetime subscription for retail (prices change over time). There is a trial version to test WRobot, with access to all files, all forum messages, I do not censor anything (the proof with this post), I cannot be more honest. For normal use (1 session), WRobot is 1.90 € per month, it is correct as price (of course, I can understand that in certain countries or for certain persons this price is high). You also need to remember that you buy a bot, it's for people who like to hack, I try to make it easy to use for all but it's still a type of software for advanced users who likes to tweak, I don't sell a game or family application. Moreover, to reproduce a human behavior is very complicated, big company with big budget does not do much better with total access to the game (look at the result on certain game). I understand that it lacks free contents, it is a real problem, believe me I tried many times to find people (that I would have paid) to work on it and I never found one (I never really play Wow, if I create the content myself it would not be great, and I prefer to work on the bot itself). After some research of creator that lead nowhere, I decided to allow paid content, and since many profiles / fightclasses has been released (paid files, but these files would not exist otherwise). About the quality of paid files it's complicated, I check all files but I can not test everything, you have the rating system to say what you think of the files. About the prices I tried to maintain correct price, but what can be expensive for someone can be correct price for another, it's complicated too. It takes me time to manage paid files, and I do not touch any commission (except sell subscription which is free for elite users). In summary, if I accepted that users can sell files is for you, without that these profiles / plugins / fightclasses would not even exist. About WRobot he is stable, and his API is enough complete and stable (and missing API can be added with lua or C# code), the mesh is not perfect but he works in most areas. Some developers create good dungeon profiles (and have created profiles for complex quest zones, especially when WRobot supported the official servers, I already tested demon hunter start zone profile and he works very fine, look videos in Youtube it is not easy zone to bot). The problem is that in some cases it is must to adapt profile to WRobot, if WRobot badly works in an area it must be avoided the zone, some creator still uses the area and says that it is the fault of WRobot instead than finding an alternative area (of course, in some case you cannot avoid zone and if WRobot have problem it can be complicated). In recent times I have used WRobot a lot to test reported detections on several servers (with an old Eeny profile and a simple XML fightclass, no plugin). I left it running ~ 10 hours per day and I had no crashes, blockages or problems. I manually control characters 1 or 2 times per day to equip and resell the green/blue items looted. Some users manage more than 100 bot, with good profile and good settings you can do almost what you want. Of course, I understand what you said, if developers have problems with WRobot they do not hesitate to create bug reports, I do not respond quickly but I usually finish by answering and correct it if I find it necessary (and that I can). I will try to deliver more free content with the bot (in priority the fightclasses for all classes and grinder / gatherer profiles), if someone wants help me that he does not hesitate to contact me. (sorry for my English not always correct)
  2. Hi, I do not see any problem doing that, I have tried several times unsuccessfully. Do not hesitate to publish files here https://wrobot.eu/forums/topic/4129-wrobot-base-package-github/?tab=comments#comment-19151
  3. Hello, I tested few servers include NW, and no one seem detect WRobot. Only Tauri (MoP)server detect frequently WRobot, and when I fix problem they add method of detection.
  4. When you want move you need to be in product thread
  5. Thread Water = new Thread(() => { Logging.Write("[Water]: Water Search Initialized"); while (Conditions.ProductIsStarted) { try { if (!Conditions.ProductInPause && ObjectManager.Me.BreathTimerLeft <= 2000) { var unit = ObjectManager.GetWoWUnitAttackables().Where(x => x.Position.DistanceTo(ObjectManager.Me.Position) <= 30); foreach (var u in unit) { if (!ObjectManager.BlackListGetUnitAttackPlayerGuidTime.ContainsKey(u.Guid)) ObjectManager.BlackListGetUnitAttackPlayerGuidTime.Add(u.Guid, DateTime.Now + TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5)); } wManager.Wow.Helpers.Keybindings.PressKeybindings(wManager.Wow.Enums.Keybindings.JUMP, 5000); } } catch (Exception e) { Logging.WriteError("[Water] ERROR: " + e); } Thread.Sleep(12000); } Logging.Write("[Water]: Water Search Disposed"); }); Water.Start();
  6. hello, disable option "randomize path" in product settings
  7. Hello,; try to download another wow client, WRobot support only default wow client
  8. Droidz

    Error during hook test

    In last update I changed default hook type, if you haven't problem before last update run WRobot with shortcut "WRobot Dx" (few software like antivirus or malwarebyte can cause problem)
  9. Hello, download another Wow client
  10. I changed default hook type, maybe is that, in relogger general settings you can try to add in "Additional Wow Args": -dx (to use old hook method)
  11. Check if you use same value for "ArgsEnvironmentVariables" on all WRobot install (edit file with notepad: "WRobot\Settings\RobotManagerGlobalSetting.xml")
  12. is enabled when selected (blue)
  13. it is normal, I changed it to select/disable steps quickly (if you use option advanced selection mode)
  14. https://wrobot.eu/bugtracker/wrobot-does-not-open-after-the-update-r1268/?do=findComment&comment=5869
  15. Wait few minutes I'll release new update to fix this problem (launch "Updater.exe" directly)
  16. Hello, wait next update, I added option "Lock when launch Wow or bot (to launch one by one) (cross relogger process)"
  17. Droidz

    NoMemoryEdit shortcut

    CastSpellByName is modified by some servers. WRobot (and wow) run lua script by script (lua is not multithread in wow). Maybe, if you lua code crash sometime you don't restore function? try code like: if not randomNameProtectedFunctionSave then randomNameProtectedFunctionSave = protectedFunction; end protectedFunction = function(abc) return expectedValueForAntiCheat; end YOUR CODE HERE.... protectedFunction = randomNameProtectedFunctionSave (for the session use same name for "randomNameProtectedFunctionSave" (and don't use local var))
  18. Hello, sorry I'll not add it , best way is to edit xml file with notepad (I would do it maybe a day if I remake the interface of the editor in WPF)
  19. Hello, check if you use fightclass for your game version and if he is correctly installed
  20. Hello, it is false positive, try to add file in your antivirus whitelist (or rename WRobot.exe and launch bot with renamed file)
  21. Hello, you can try to lock how bliz use them here: https://github.com/goldpaw/WoW_UI_Source_WotLK/blob/7ac7bc5b6ebc57f7de70c64aaf61072bb22bc511/FrameXML/LFRFrame.lua
  22. Droidz

    NoMemoryEdit shortcut

    You save/restore function in same lua script (in one Lua.LuaDoString )?
  23. Hello, sorry you cannot change that with xml fightclass
  24. Hey, wait next update I added "CustomClassThread" in CusomClass
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