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    Droidz reacted to BetterSister for a file, 3.3.5a Prot Warrior by BetterSister   
    I wasn't going to release this but another Finn asked for it so here it is
    I used this to bot my prot warrior 20-66. It's missing stamina shout but who needs it anyway...
    It will use defensive cooldowns over damage abilitys so it'll survive quite big pulls as long as the mobs stay in front of you. I advise you to use "Move During Combat" plugin with this. I attached my version of it here that has forced optimal backwards movement
  2. Like
    Droidz reacted to Thatguy for a file, Nagrand 60-65 Safe Mining   
    Using the other mining profiles in Nagrand I always found my guy dying constantly because he would run into lvl 70s and elites. So I designed this profile so he will stay in his safe zone and accurately and quickly fine minerals. I have used this route many times and I created the picture above of some of the locations I have found minerals at that helped me to develop this profile. Again if your ABOVE lvl 65 you should be safe to use the usual profile. This one is designed for people between lvl 60 and 65 so your character does not die. Will work for all characters lvl 60+.
    A list of minerals you will find:
    Fel Iron Ore
    Khorium Ore
    Adamantite Ore
    Eternium Ore
    Hope you guys like! Thanks!

    Requires mining *325*
  3. Like
    Droidz reacted to Cyprex for a file, Zangarmarsh captured firefly grinder   
    Flys around the zangarmarsh river to grind the fireflies to try get the captured firefly pet I get around 180 kills per hour, if theres enough interest I may make the profile better but for now it's just run the loop and kill fireflies
  4. Like
    Droidz reacted to arbitrary for a file, Balance Druid - Low level   
    An attempt at a balance druid profile for levelling through the 20s. It's fairly effective at killing mobs, can usually survive a double-pull with self-healing, but it's a real water hog, probably spends about 80% of the time drinking... bring plenty of water...
  5. Like
    Droidz reacted to Pasterke for a file, Combat Looter Plugin   
    When I was farming Saberstalkers in Fang'rila I missed a lot of loots, because the lootable units disappeared before I was out of combat while fighting multiple elites.
    To resolve this problem I wrote this plugin. No configuration needed. Just unpack the file in your Plugin folder and in Wrobot just enable the plugin.
    Fixed null reference :  CombatLooter2.zip
    Visual Studio Source Code for the plugin:  CombatLooter_VS2015.zip
    Disabled combatlooter when in group (gives problem to greed/need) : CombatLooter3.zip
    new version 19-08-2016 :  CombatLooter16082016.zip
  6. Like
    Droidz reacted to 2face for a file, StayDead   
    This is another quick and simple Plugin which has been requested here: http://wrobot.eu/forums/topic/3268-is-it-possible-when-i-die-for-the-bot-to-take-a-5min-break/
    All it does it wait for a set amount of time after the bot has died. Note that the character will just stay dead at the graveyard for some time(currently set to 5 mins)
  7. Like
    Droidz reacted to 2face for a file, Realm Hop   
    Hi all,
    this is the first Plugin I release to the public. I'm working on a few more. I have developed Plugins for other platforms in the past and now I moved over to WRobot.
    This plugin basicially helps you to avoid other players, while farming or gathering.
    IMPORTANT: This plugin requires the Server Hop ADDON which can be found here: Curse Link
    You can set a distance to other players, default is at 300. Once someone is within that range, the plugin will hop to another server.
    You can also set a loot range, so it will check for loot in your area before hopping. Keep in mind sometimes it will hop anyway while looting/skinning.
    Also there is a tick option when to leave a party, right now it is set to 30 by default which is 2.5minutes. (each tick is 5 seconds)
    Feel free to add suggestions and give feedback!
  8. Like
    Droidz reacted to colderpotato for a file, 10 - 60 HordeOneClick MoP   
    Ok so took the time to combine 10 - 35 with 35 - 60 it is untested and may be alot to load but it's an option has all fixes from other 2 and should end in Org if have the flight path there. I noticed as a tauren i lacked that, but should be fine for troll/orc run it in quester can be used retail caution is advised if do though because there's more risk there.
  9. Like
    Droidz reacted to Cabbage for a file, Retribution 6.2   
    Pulls 30-50k dps in LFR with ilvl 680 gear depending on your buffs. Also includes the crate script for archaeology. Only issues with it right now is that it won't cast flash on yourself with 3 stacks of selfless healer and it doesn't seem to want to interrupt with rebuke. Might take a look at the other fight classes to figure out why that's happening, but aside from those 2 issues this has been working fine for me.
  10. Like
    Droidz reacted to PIR for a file, Scrumptuous fur   
    Easy Grind for Scrumptuos fur ive set the profile in frostfire ridge just out side the garrison killing wolfs as they are lvl 90 and really easy to kill. hope this works for you.
    Let me know how you get on.
  11. Like
    Droidz reacted to colderpotato for a file, 30 - 40 Human[A]   
    It's finally done it starts where last one left off via loading profile, Trains all classes in SW expect for mage, and ends at 40 in Swamp of Sorrows. To be clear this is grinder, but need put it in quester profile folder and use quester to run it.
  12. Like
    Droidz reacted to Holyganja for a file, Herbing Terokkar Forest 300-375   
    From 300 to 375 for 1 hour.  Gl/Hf 
  13. Like
    Droidz reacted to colderpotato for a file, 13 - 23 Human[A]   
    So started work on another set of grinders starting at 13 in westfall and working its way to duskwood to 23 following paths on road. The pull distance should be 30 to 50 to prevent going to far off course and atm looking at trying to add class training maybe in near future. Will start work on adding more class trainers as time goes on, but if that happens will split into parts that load each other.
  14. Like
    Droidz reacted to colderpotato for a file, 46 - 51 [A] Felwood   
    This is a normal grinder it might be bit high risk it's off road from cross faction flight path and uses night elf camp for repairs.
  15. Like
    Droidz reacted to Pasterke for a file, Heal Assist   
    This is plugin to assist you to heal players not in your party.
    Try it out and let me know if it's working.

  16. Like
    Droidz reacted to VeNoMz for a file, Ret Paladin - Blood Elf   
    So i made this Fight Class and it works really well it uses Seal of Blood so Blood Elf is required, it uses stun, it heals at low health.
  17. Like
    Droidz reacted to waldodamon for a file, Blood DK Waldo Edited Pasterke   
    Pasterke made a great Blood DK fight class.  I wanted to start making it more efficient with Soul Reaper, when to use Death Strike and how often, Outbreak for the glyph of outbreak, etc.  Basically I just wanted to tweak this fight profile as much as I possibly could, according to Icy-Veins, Elitist Jerks, and real time in game combat to reflect a DK in a raid situation; therefore this fight class can be used universally, that is, open world farming, dungeons, etc (hopefully, that is my goal anyway) and provide maximum survivability and damage output.  I have not been able to test this on a level 100 yet, especially not in Tanaan or anywhere outside of the Frostridge area on anything higher than level 94 or so, so I am looking for some mates to help by using it in open world on their level 100 DK and making sure Soul Reaper casts, making sure Defile (as opposed to DnD) and Death Coil, etc work correctly, as my character kills things before the conditions for these abilities are met.  Any and all feedback, encouragement, criticism is welcome, anything I can do to make this more efficient, I will!  Thanks!  -Waldo
  18. Like
    Droidz got a reaction from Dogofwar for a file, Loot Statistics   
    Loot Statistics


    This plugin add in your log looted items.


    How to use:

    - Move downloaded file to folder "WRobot\Plugins\".

    - Launch WRobot and go to tab "Plugins".

    - Activate "Loot Statistics.cs".

  19. Like
    Droidz reacted to Dreamful for a file, Priest [Shadow] [Leveling 1-80] [WotLK] - Dreamful   
    Priest Fightclass for WotLK
    Cast Shadowform Cast Inner Fire Cast Vampiric Embrace Cast Power Word: Fortitude Cast Divine Spirit Cast Power Word: Shield if you are lower than 90 % Health Cast Flash Heal if you are lower than 50 % Health (Only use if you are above level 23) Cast Lesser Heal if you are lower than 50 % Health (Only use if you are lower than level 23) Cast Dispersion if you are lower than 10 % Mana Cast Vampiric Touch and keeps it up on target Cast Devouring Plague and keeps it up on target Cast Shadow Word: Pain and keeps it up on target Cast Mind Blast Cast Mind Flay if all dots ticking on target Cast Mind Sear if more than 2 Units near my Target in 10 yards range Cast Shadowfiend Cast Smite (Only use if you are lower than level 23)  
    The FightClass is specially for leveling for Shadow 1-80.
    as i mention above in the feature list, if you are hitting level 20 you can learn Mind Flay & Flash Heal. So its important that you go to the Class Trainer till level 23.

    If you have any suggestions let me know, have fun!
  20. Like
    Droidz reacted to dida1990 for a file, 3.3.5a Affliction Warlock (Level 30-39)   
    This is a very small Fight Class for the Affliction Warlock (current status: Level 36)
    Based on this guide: Click here for guide
    What does it do and what is so special about this?
    - Use of Soul Shards
    -  Drain Soul only when below 2 Soul Shards
    - Create Healthstone and uses "Lesser Healthstone"  when on low health
    - Create Firestone (You have to create a Macro for your going to be buffed weapon if you want to use the Firestone)
    /use Name Of Your Firestone /Use Name Of Your Weapon /click StaticPopup1Button1 Now configure the use of this macro in "Advanced General Settings" -> "Macro" (Check out the screenshot of mine, if this is not working for you, restart WRobot)
    - Create Soulstone and uses the "Lesser Soulstone" on self
    - Use of all the spells of Voidwalker (currently you have to right-click "Tornment" for autocasting)
    - Use Drain Mana on mobs with mana only --> So no useless Drain Mana
    - Use of Health Funnel to safe pet
    Why are you uploading this when you are just level 30, you noob?
    There is no decent Affliction Warlock - Profile in the Forum and I guess there are some nice features to work around by other users.
    Normal Fight Rotation:
    Demon Armour > Immolate > Corruption > Curse of Agony > Shadow Bolt

  21. Like
    Droidz reacted to riddi332 for a file, 3.3.5a Combat Rogue   
    My 3.3.5a Combat Rogue Profile.
    It works great for me on Lodearon-Warmane (60+ rogue)
    Most of the time it opens with stealth.
    To get poisons i use the macro fuction of WRobot with 3600s time between the uses.
    If you have any suggestion feel free to comment and ill try to update :) but im still a noob in programming so i have still limits ;D
    ToDo: make it usable for low lvl :) (making 1-80 class)
  22. Like
    Droidz reacted to dirtyjobs for a file, Pocket Healer   
    This version intended for levels 1-26. I use this with the Party function in wrobot and I set the tank as the person to be followed at around 30-40 yds.
    I made this priest fight class to follow me around in quests and dungeons and keep me alive. i tank with zero problems as long as i'm not taking unrealistic damage. 

    it casts Fort to whoever's in the group when the bot starts along with Inner Fire.
    It will cast lesser heal or heal, based on how much mana you have. < 50% mana it casts lesser heal. > 50% mana and it will cast heal. either triggers when HP reaches below 65%

    Renew will cast at 80% hp
    Flash Heal will cast at 35% or lower hp
    PW:Shield happens at 75% or lower hp
    This bot will cast fade automatically if it gets below 75% hp
    Dispel magic works, for now I have just been putting in the name of the debuffs manually per the dungeon. (Sleep, Druids Slumber in Wailing Caverns)
    I was making a new condition for each debuff that had to be checked. There is a smarter way to do it, I have just been lazy.
    If ever you need this bot to recast Fort to people who do not have it, simply remove the buff from the bot, and that will trigger it to recast it to whoever doesnt have it, casting it on itself last, so when the buff runs out naturally after 30 mins, it will recast again and cover everyone once more. Its great.
    Feel free to edit or update or just download this to look at and learn from. I wanted to give something back. 

  23. Like
    Droidz got a reaction from rabbidbunnies for a file, Auto Disable "Click to move"   
    Auto Disable CTM
    This plugin deactivates wow option "Click to move" when you stop or pause the bot, and reactive it when bot is launched.
  24. Like
    Droidz reacted to johnkittz for a file, Firemage PVP/PVE   
    My very first Fight Class. This is for PVP firemage. no certain talents are needed.....Yet 
    im currently working on Blast Wave and Dragon's Breath
    Also AOE Spells are in the works
    This fight class works great for both PVP and PVE 
  25. Like
    Droidz reacted to MeRox for a file, 2.4.3 Retri Paladin [LvL]   
    Just an simple Ret paladin FC which i use at leveling.
    So far does the job pretty nicely, updating while leveling.
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