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  1. Droidz's post in Settings not getting saved was marked as the answer   
    It is no a bug, you need to put object id (number) (no object name).   To get id of object you can use wowhead, for Silkweed the wowhead links is http://www.wowhead.com/object=209350 and http://www.wowhead.com/object=221544 (id is in url: 209350 and 221544).   ps: You need to put object id, not item id (check if wowhead url is finish by object=ID not by item=ID), or you can also use dev tools for get id (entry).
  2. Droidz's post in be able to create the path of going back to town (associated with mailbox vendor function) was marked as the answer   
    Hello, With version 1.1.0 normally problem is fixed, I wait reviews.
  3. Droidz's post in Detecting Target Debuff not working properly was marked as the answer   
    Sorry I have fixed problem, you need to update wrobot.
  4. Droidz's post in Trial works, Paid doesn't was marked as the answer   
    Can you try it please.
    Close WRobot. Go to WRobot folder. Open WRobot.exe.config with Notepad. Delete all text and add this text: <?xml version="1.0"?> <configuration> <startup useLegacyV2RuntimeActivationPolicy="true"> <supportedRuntime version="v4.0"/> </startup> <runtime> <loadFromRemoteSources enabled="true" /> <assemblyBinding xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1"> <probing privatePath="Bin" /> </assemblyBinding> </runtime> <system.net> <settings> <servicePointManager expect100Continue="false" /> </settings> </system.net> </configuration> Save WRobot.exe.config ​and launch wrobot.
    Tell me if this solve your problem
  5. Droidz's post in combat de pet was marked as the answer   
    Pas pour le moment, tu peux uniquement faire du Joueur contre joueur ou du combat contre des pet sauvages. Mais il est possible de créer un profil pour les tournois avec le bot Quête (Quester).
  6. Droidz's post in Profils du Quester was marked as the answer   
    Tu peux ajouter un code dans Pulse qui remet à 0 ObjectiveRequiredCounts.

    Par exemple tu commences la quête avec ObjectiveRequiredCounts = {1,1,0,0}

    et tu fais dans pulse:

    if (itemCléCount >= 1)
    ObjectiveRequiredCounts = {0,1,0,0}

    Et toujours dans pulse

    if (ObjectiveRequiredCounts[0] > 0)

    Mais je trouve que le plus simple reste de faire 2 quêtes (une par objectif).

    Wowhead est bien fait, mais c'est vrai que l'on ne trouve pas toujours tout les objets, tu peux aussi utilise ce site: http://www.wowdb.com/ avec dev tools tu trouveras les id que tu veux.
    C'est pour cette raison que j'ai rajouté l'option qui permet d'utiliser du code lua (ou tu peux le faire manuellement en modifiant Pulse comme pour cette quête:

    public sealed class MurderWasTheCaseThatTheyGaveMe : QuestInteractWithClass { public MurderWasTheCaseThatTheyGaveMe() { // http://www.wowhead.com/quest=26209 Name = "Murder Was The Case That They Gave Me"; QuestId.AddRange(new[] { 26209 }); Step.AddRange(new[] { 1, 1, 1, 1 }); GossipOptionNpcInteractWith = 2; HotSpots.Add(new Vector3(-9819.229f, 974.2356f, 29.13065f)); EntryIdTarget.Add(42386); EntryIdTarget.Add(42384); EntryIdTarget.Add(42391); EntryIdTarget.Add(42383); } public override bool Pulse() { base.Pulse(); Thread.Sleep(1000); Lua.RunMacroText("/click StaticPopup1Button1"); Thread.Sleep(1000); return true; } } (Pour trouver le nom des menus met ta souri au-dessus du bouton/menu et lance cette macro: /run print("/click "..GetMouseFocus():GetName()) )
  7. Droidz's post in 5.4 update? was marked as the answer   
    EU or US server using same wow version (5.4), you need to use last wrobot version (try to redownload and reinstall wrobot if you have problem).
  8. Droidz's post in How To Add Potion Into Profile? was marked as the answer   
    Hello, in general settings tab macros (or you can add it in your fight class)

    Envoyé depuis mon MI 2 avec Tapatalk 4

  9. Droidz's post in Swapping pets was marked as the answer   
    How explain I have added possibility to use lua script.
    Use this script for change pet when health is smaller at 30 % (you can change this value):
    local minHealthPercent = 30; local PetAlly = 1; local PetEnemy = 2; local activePetEnemy = C_PetBattles.GetActivePet(PetEnemy); local typePetEnemy = C_PetBattles.GetPetType(PetEnemy, activePetEnemy); local activePetAlly = C_PetBattles.GetActivePet(PetAlly); local typePetAlly = C_PetBattles.GetPetType(PetAlly, activePetAlly); if C_PetBattles.GetHealth(PetAlly, activePetAlly) * 100 / C_PetBattles.GetMaxHealth(PetAlly, activePetAlly) <= minHealthPercent then for i = 1, NUM_BATTLE_PETS_IN_BATTLE do if C_PetBattles.GetHealth(PetAlly, i) * 100 / C_PetBattles.GetMaxHealth(PetAlly, i) > minHealthPercent and not (i == activePetAlly) then C_PetBattles.ChangePet(i); break; end end end
  10. Droidz's post in Request Power leveling Battle Pets! & Bug found was marked as the answer   
    Yes and no (I don't want impose at all an specific technique),   I have added possibility to launch a lua script before launching pet ability. For switch pet after first hit your can use this lua code:   local PetAlly = 1; local PetEnemy = 2; local activePetEnemy = C_PetBattles.GetActivePet(PetEnemy); local typePetEnemy = C_PetBattles.GetPetType(PetEnemy, activePetEnemy); local activePetAlly = C_PetBattles.GetActivePet(PetAlly); local typePetAlly = C_PetBattles.GetPetType(PetAlly, activePetAlly); if activePetAlly == 1 and not (C_PetBattles.GetHealth(PetEnemy, activePetEnemy) == C_PetBattles.GetMaxHealth(PetEnemy, activePetEnemy) ) then for i = 1, NUM_BATTLE_PETS_IN_BATTLE do if C_PetBattles.GetHealth(PetAlly, i) > 0 and not ( i == activePetAlly) then C_PetBattles.ChangePet(i); break; end end end (You can edit lua script when you launch pet battle product)
  11. Droidz's post in only queued for 1 BG when i have 2 BG ticked in Product Setting was marked as the answer   
    Ok thanks, I have also problem when 1 still on queue, I have resolved problem, wait next update.
  12. Droidz's post in How to force attack on 'neutral' mobs. was marked as the answer   
    Hello,   When you create profile you need to add targets entry (select target in game > In profile creator click on button "Add" (right of the textbox Targets Ids), save your profile).
  13. Droidz's post in Cannot run the Bot was marked as the answer   
    Check if you have installed required files on your computer:
    - Framework 4.0: http://www.microsoft...s.aspx?id=24872
    - Visual C++ 2010 (X86): http://www.microsoft...ls.aspx?id=5555
    Try also to re download/reinstall WRobot.
    WRobot works only with wow 32 bit (x86), how you have say you need to remove/rename wow-64.exe and launch directly wow.exe, login in game and launch wrobot.
    Do you see your wow session in wrobot? Do you have error message? Do you have log (in Logs folder)?
  14. Droidz's post in Bot always trying to use Ground mount instead of flying one when going back to farm zone after mailing was marked as the answer   
    Thanks i'll look it.
  15. Droidz's post in Leader Name was marked as the answer   
    Hello,   You can already determine what player do you want follow (select product "Party" > Click on "Product Settings" > Completing option "Follow Player name".
  16. Droidz's post in patch....game version incorrect ? was marked as the answer   
    How I have explained the new update is only for Wow 5.4 (US wow server only for the moment).
    To downgrade wrobot for wow 5.3 download this file (replace files of your wrobot folder by archive (zip) file), ignore when wrobot ask update.
  17. Droidz's post in Increasing "Survey" bot internal CD to 3 second. was marked as the answer   
    Wait the next update (It will at the same time of wow 5.4), wrobot wait survey cd and I have tried to remove idle time (I wait reviews).
  18. Droidz's post in Blacklist Area or Npc is not working in "Other option" in "General setting" was marked as the answer   
    Blacklist: The blacklist skipping node in zone or wrobot don't starting fight with mob blacklisted (or in zone) only (wrobot walk in blacklisted zones). You can disable digsite zone in archeo product settings if you have problem with site.
    Vendor: Edit the position of npc and put position outdoor (Wrobot go to indicated position, dismount, search pnj, and walking to pnj) (for edit npc go to General settings > tab Others > Dev tools > Npc DB, to get outdoor position go outdoor with you character, in dev tool click on Me/Target position (don't forget to remove npc on your profile)).
  19. Droidz's post in Not against rules/TOS yet removed my Thread...Explain when I was giving stuff away? was marked as the answer   
    I have reactivated your thread and moved it in new forum (Black Market).
  20. Droidz's post in Imprégner l'arme du chaman was marked as the answer   
    Je viens de créer cette classe de combat et ça fonctionne chez moi (ça gère les deux armes (si tu en a deux, sinon cette classe fonctionne également avec une arme)).
    Fait une copie dans ta fightclass (fait bien attention de bien copier les spell settings également).
    Flametongue Weapon.xml
  21. Droidz's post in bot not looting artifacts was marked as the answer   
    Do you have the name of this artifact (put mouse over artifact for get name)?
    Do you have this problem all time?
    The file "WRobot\Data\archaeologyFind.txt" contains this lines (entry id of artifacts):
    203071 207188 204282 206836 203078 207187 207190 202655 207189 211163 211174 218950 ?
  22. Droidz's post in Melee Range Issues Re: NPCs w/Large Hit Boxes was marked as the answer   
    I have tried to fix problem for melee spell, wait next update.
  23. Droidz's post in Whisper in log was marked as the answer   
    This works fine, you have in your log similary message: "[Normal] 11:49 - 20/08/2013 11:49:58 - Migahaki [Whisper] : test msg.". (you can open html log in "Logs" folder for view full message).
    Or you can use this wrobot plugin: (take screenshot of wow when you have new whisper) (don't forget to activate plugin in "General Settings" when installed).
  24. Droidz's post in PVE and PVP was marked as the answer   
    You can already use Battlegrounder bot with Grinder bot (Select Battlegrounder, in Battlegrounder "Product Settings" activate option "Use other product during queue" and choose an product (grinder for you)).
  25. Droidz's post in Error CS1056:unexpected character was marked as the answer   
    Problem is probably here. You can force to use wrobot only with one address ip?
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