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  1. Skunkz


    Dans les fight classe existante il n'applique pas cette règles. They do not apply it as well too...
  2. Skunkz


    Bonjour à tous, J'essai de créer mon propre noob bot pour mon monk lvl 33. J'aimerais qu'il fasse 3 coup de Paume du tigre (100780) et après faire Frappe du voile noir (100784). mais je n'y parvient pas. I try to creat my own noob bot for my monk lvl 33. I would like he do 3 hits to (100780) after (100784) But i can't idk why ? Maybe i forget one condition. Thanks for help
  3. Autoran don't work and mac'cree too
  4. Botman lol
  5. lol why are u mad of him ?
  6. The prob is you never answer Camelot and the profile dont take the loot after a boss why ?
  7. He guy's I search good rotaion file for my frost i will pay for it. My talents here i raid a lot if that can help u ty to PM me !
  8. He guy's I search good rotaion file for my frost i will pay for it. My talents here i raid a lot if that can help u ty to PM me !
  9. 12:06:36 - [World Quests] quests=6 for zone=1033 continent=1007 : 44801,44799,42781,41697,43932,44939 12:06:53 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Scinde-âme garde-courroux (lvl 110) 12:06:59 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Maître de guerre de la Garde crépusculaire (lvl 110) 12:07:04 - [Looting] Loot Scinde-âme garde-courroux 12:07:11 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Loyaliste de Suramar (lvl 110) 12:07:21 - [Looting] Loot Loyaliste de Suramar 12:07:37 - [World Quests] quests=6 for zone=1033 continent=1007 : 44801,44799,42781,41697,43932,44939 12:08:37 - [World Quests] quests=6 for zone=1033 continent=1007 : 44801,44799,42781,41697,43932,44939 12:09:01 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Goinfre langue-de-wyrm (lvl 110) Kep bloqued here too ...
  10. [D] 12:01:24 - [MovementManager] Current pos: 1489,695 ; 3343,757 ; 136,0122 ; "Flying" - Target pos: 1485,563 ; 3347,478 ; 136,0233 ; "None" Continent: Troll Raid Tile: 25.73046_29.20682 [D] 12:01:24 - [StuckResolver] Started. [D] 12:01:24 - [StuckResolver] Flying mode. [D] 12:01:26 - [StuckResolver] done. 12:01:30 - [Farming] Farm failed
  11. u can disactive it yourself in edition
  12. Any fix [D] 00:24:03 - [Quester] RunCode[31]: ArgusHelper.StopMoveFix(); [D] 00:24:04 - [Argus Helper] Argus move fix stoped
  13. Yes you can disable it
  14. You prefate in english maybee ?
  15. Oui, Il ne l'utilise pas que sur mon test.xml
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