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About wickedninjadad

  • Birthday 01/19/1987

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  • Location
    Indiana, United States
  • Interests
    moding, Computer repair, Jailbreaking, World of warcraft, PS4, Call of duty, Fallout 4, private servers, C++, Reading, Writing, Roller Blading

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  1. awesome droidz ty very much you rock!
  2. so far cat form works awesome i took shred off the first download i noticed that so glad to see you noticed it also i didnt notice roar lol but right now its working fine great job
  3. and also where did you donwload your wow client and for what server are you playing on that could be the problem also if its a custom server like wow-mania it could be causing the issues. does it have WOD graphics installed onto it exc.
  4. also do you have the most recent .netframework mine runs fine on my gaming computer but when i use my laptop that only has 1g ram and isnt fully updated it crashes so make sure your computer is up to date with the lates .netframework
  5. will test this out tomorrow ty for the work
  6. yea my mic wasnt working right still able to hear for most part i plan on fixing it asap
  7. Hello everyone so i learned from the other tutorial for quester and figured id create my own tutorial and get alittle more detailed. i hope this helps alot more in explaining certain things on how to create quester profiles. its not to much more in depth but gets alittle more. I did this mainly for 3.3.5 servers Lich king but should give the gist of how to do on other versions also hope you enjoy and sorry its long lol and the quality of my voice Video found here https://youtu.be/-orriuxyh2U
  8. worked pretty good thank you very much
  9. will try this out if it works well then awesome props to you good sir
  10. use gatherer and then in the setting make sure you Type the Name in the Target field exactly as it appears caps and all
  11. these ones work for me on Firestorm and Wow-mania I am working on creating more within a few weeks right now im working on questers for 3.3.5 as soon as i get done i will be making classes for each class alli and horde i didnt make these and they can be found in the forums [Zwox] Balance Druid.xml 3.3.5a Prot pala solo by BetterSister.xml prot warr 3.3.5a.xml
  12. give me a week and i will get one started i have alot of projects i am working on and will get to it sorry i havnt got one going yet also if you would like to create on since your using a private server download Jeuties Blizzlike Repack rev 1.4.1 for your own private server and you can easier create where no one else is around it helps alot in making profiles and questers also since you can be a gm and max your toons and be invisible where nothing attacks you. hope this helps and i will post here when i get that fight class ready
  13. Version


    This is just a beta it does night elf starter quests not all but most, You will have to help it with Crown of Earth quest in filling the phial thats the only help it should need this is just my beta i am currently working on doing more. Plan to have it quest throughout Darkshore Eventually please leave as much feed back as possible WRobot doesnt become better unless we help each other I will also not charge anyone for my Profiles these are to help the community
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