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Everything posted by da8ball

  1. Also, which BG´s you try?Just a few are bot friendly; Also BG is not a good wat to start botting.
  2. If I understood, you want the bot to buy Honor gear for you, right ? Like it´s been said, that wotld need a sorta questing profile, which is not done ATM, but buying honor gear is pretty easy if u log on.
  3. You forgot to add the targets to the profile.
  5. Try downloading the fight profiles for rogues and making them to your like http://wrobot.eu/files/category/17-rogue/
  6. Which talents should we use?
  7. Maybe he dies, the bot tends to do that, the spirit cant reach the corpse.
  8. You can post requests here: http://wrobot.eu/forum/28-profiles-and-requests/
  9. Find this: "if activeTime ~= nil and (GetTime() - activeTime) > 5 then " + and replace 5 by new time (in seconds).
  10. I'd add Prayer of Mending if you are using a party, it's great!
  11. I realized this might happen if he is not far enough to charge. Try deleting this skill.
  12. Where does this start ?
  13. There is an item that drops on the isle that can summon the Npc http://www.wowhead.com/item=104334 Since he is non friendly, he will be attacked. You can blacklist the Spectral Mistweaver, ID 73025 EDIT: My bad, I just realized you meant Gnimo and not the Mistweaver, lol. Anyways, you can blacklist Gnimo, his ID is 32639.
  14. Silithus is a great spot to farm Lofty, Vanguard and Glorious Sets for Xmog.
  15. Just uncheck the "detect nodes stuck" option on Advanced Settings > Looting and Farming options tab
  16. Make sure to blacklist the Winterfall Earth Totem, or the bot will get stuck trying to attack it.
  17. Ran for a couple hours, no problems!
  18. This is sorta like the Party option on WRobot, minus the questing part (which would be a great addition for us)
  19. ALT X in Wrotation (to pause it) seems not to be working.
  20. Just use the search function on the top right side. Here are some old topics:
  21. You can use the profiles here: http://wrobot.eu/files/category/8-pet-battles/ Then just make your pet team as you wish. If you are looking for specific pets/places then just make a profile of your own, like gatherer (fly around the area and record)
  22. Seems it's finally working, maybe we just had to wait till players got higher ratings/mmr. Just won 4 out of 5, no opponents. EDIT: Now I'm getting about 10% victories, better than nothing.
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