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Everything posted by da8ball

  1. Thanks Droidz. I tried making new profiles, specially for EoTS and it is not working. The bot just wanders around, debug says it's stuck, but is not, just satnding in the middle of nowhere.
  2. Give us more detalis, what profile are you using ?
  3. Same thing here, it started again.
  4. Who would DDoS attack ? Some people dont have anything to do at all... Thanks for the clarification Droidz !
  5. Trial accounts seem to be working.
  6. I am getting the same problem with both of my keys. I sent Droidz a pm about this. I thought I was hacked for my key or something lol Tried restarting my computer like theunseen13 said, still got the same issue.
  7. I dont know what happened, but after the patch, during EoTS, the bot goes backwards, falls in a sorta hole/valley and stays there. I use the profile included, and he runs around suspiciously, but now is just a dead giveaway. Will try what fall0ut said, but would be nice to redo the profile that comes with Wrobot or delete it at all.
  8. da8ball

    WRobot support Wow 5.3.0

    Seems buggy yet. I am collecting ore and it´s not doing the propper rotation from the Fight Class, and if it´s attacked by two or more mobs, it uses only auto attack and then it sits there, not attacking the rest.
  9. 5.3 was launched today, try reinstalling and updating it again, it is working here.
  10. As far as I know Windows 64 is ok, I use it, the 32bit is for WOW, NOT WINDOWS.
  11. Great profile!! I´m Ally and had no problems whatsoever wearing plate and ilvl400+
  12. http://wrobot.eu/forum/29-security-ban-reports/
  13. <p>I never rolled a Mage, but I got a friend's account with one today and tried your profile. The mage is 85 ilvl 388 equiped from LFR Dragon Soul.<br /> <br /> &lt;p&gt;It cant kill the Phyton Elites on the regular Jade Forest 85-90 grinder (which I think it's really bad for leveling anyway), keeps dying and it stays too close from the targets. Once again, never played a Mage before, but I think he's supposed to stay away from targets because of cloth, right?<br /> <br /> Tried another profile for 85 available here, grinding tigers and prcupines (lvl 84-85) It does a lil better, but It died a bit also.</p> <br /> Overall it seems to cast everything you need, but the short distance is killing him ASAP.<br /> Thanks for all your efforts !</p>
  14. Quest Bot is under development, but I dont think it does Tol barad Quests, it is mainly for leveling faster. You can get more info here LFR is doable and it HAS to be supervised, either with Wrotation or party
  15. It seems the exact time the bot goes to the mailbox is not exact. I've had it going with 10 empty slots and I've had it not going with all full bags. You do not need to record, just follow the steps mentioned on this topic.
  16. The bot still works after reaching lvl 90. What profile are you using ? Please post your log found in the folder Wrobot > Logs.
  17. Most profiles dont have a repair/vendor assigned, you have to do it yourself. Check out this topics, they helped me.
  18. There are lots more of skining profiles in the grinder section. http://wrobot.eu/files/category/5-grinder/?sort_order=DESC&sort_key=file_submitted&num=10&filter_key=all
  19. If you use for herbs together, there are elites close to herbs on this route.
  20. It didnt work if I put in Grinder mode, so I switched to Gatherer and then it did. It is great, but I am having trouble when the destination is indoors, specially in the Temple of the Red Crane. I went in and found the scroll, but someway the it doesnt recognize and it keeps flying inside, getting stuck. Tried flying away close to another random destination manually, but it keeps going back to the temple. May be a way to skip the order is possible, going to the closest one instead than an order ? Thank you !!
  21. Version 1.0


    Grinder for Towlong Steppes. Will attack Osul-Mist Shamans and Swamp Rodents. Fast respawn area, lots of cloths, greens and a few blues. Not for ores and herbs, since just a few nodes. Tried adding Repair, Vendor and Mailbox, but it got stuck on the way (Ally). I'm getting anything between 2.2 mill to 2.9mill XP/h unrested, dependending on ilvl and dps. Remember there is an NPC that sells full 393 for levels 87 and above at 71, 57 http://www.wowhead.com/npc=65171 Also, each time you kill a Shaman and it frees a Stumprush Lurker, you get a buff increasing your damage in 20%, stackable 5 times = 100% more damage done ! Leave attack before attacked option unchecked since there is a 89 on the top of the hill that can give you trouble.
  22. Just leaving the bot there unnatended is highly not recomended. But you can use the Wrotation function to simply click the target the tank chooses. I even do LFR with it, having minor issues, but you have to be watching all times.
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