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  1. when you hit start bot does WoW freeze ? because thats whats happening to me
  2. does it work if you run this twice on 2 accounts ? because im trying it and it just stand there they dont leave ?
  3. any one keen to do this with me since i dont have 2 account ?
  4. so when ever i try to run the bot it keeps closing WoW down for me and some times the bot logs in but then does nothing can anyone help me please!!
  5. so when ever i run the bot for BG grinding as soon as my toon engages combat wow freezes is there somthing i can do to stop this from happing ? cheers
  6. it leaves like half of my mine still full
  7. still wont mine Rich Blackrock Deposit
  8. works well but did not mine all of the ore
  9. does it matter which race ?
  10. i was just wondering what has happend to call the fight class there use to be a fair few to choose from and now theres not many at all im currently looking for a boomkin one but the one im using just is not cutting it, ive tried to make my own but i just have no idea on how to get it to work as to how i would play just thought i would asked what happen Thanks
  11. for some reason these are not showing up in my grinder folder there in there but not on my wrobot any one able to help
  12. where do i put the file is it is grinder ?
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