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Everything posted by iMod

  1. protected WoWPlayer GetPartyTank() { WoWPlayer tank; var lua = new[] { "partyTank = \"\";", "for groupindex = 1,MAX_PARTY_MEMBERS do", " if (UnitInParty(\"party\" .. groupindex)) then", " local role = UnitGroupRolesAssigned(\"party\" .. groupindex);", " if role == \"TANK\" then", " local name, realm = UnitName(\"party\" .. groupindex);", " partyTank = name;", " return;", " end", " end", "end", }; // Get tank name string tankName = Lua.LuaDoString(lua, "partyTank"); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(tankName)) { // Set us as tank tank = this.Me; } else { // Set tank tank = this.GetPartyMember().Single(p => p.Name == tankName); } return tank; } i'm looking for a way to get the tank object of a party or raid. it seems i'm something missing couz i get an empty string back.
  2. iMod

    Bot kaufen

    Bei paysafe musst du glaube ich den admin anschreiben
  3. Hello, since i don't have that much time at the moment to play wow i will release my idea of a "All in One" rotation. Don't expect too much ;) iLoader: iRotationCore: BossList: Everything else i hope is selfexplain. It is just an idea and was a side project from me so i hope it is useful for someone. Greez iMod iRotation.zip
  4. Wenn du die FightClass mit WRotation benutzt und Mobs angreifst, killt er sie dann? Wenn nicht dann ist was mit deiner FightClass fischig. Schau auch gerne mal in die Logs und schalte Debug mit an.
  5. It would help if you could post your plugin if its selfmade. Normaly you just need to put the plugin file (.dll or .cs) direcly into the plugin folder and the bot should detect them. Btw .dll is just a compiled .cs file
  6. Yap and i think thats what he is talking about but maybe i'm wrong
  7. Are you talking about Judgement or Judgement of Wisdom? Because if you want to use Judgement you need to implement it. Just edit the profile and add your Judgement skill.
  8. iMod


    As far i know this bot is only available for WOTLK, CATA, MOP and the current version. If i'm right this bot wont work for BC because functions and offsets wont match.
  9. If i'm not wrong this should do the job. Save it in a.cs file and put it under plugins. Since i have no clue what kind of object the delegate returns i don't know how to set the slot id dynamicly. Hope it helps
  10. check if the random path option is on in the gather product and turn it off.
  11. what bot product do you use? for example WRotation, Fishbot ect.
  12. Hi, i made a new instance of "KeyboardHook" private KeyboardHook _hookKeybindings = new KeyboardHook(); // Subscribe this._hookKeybindings.KeyPressed += HookKeybindings_KeyPressed; // Register this._hookKeybindings.RegisterHotKey(ModifierKeys.Alt, Keys.R); Result in the log: "[Keyboard Hook] Couldn’t register the hot key." Any clue why it can't register this key binding? All the sub + reg is in the init method. Thanks, iMod
  13. Windows Defender is detecting the bot as a virus
  14. No it isn't. The bot works fine but yeah i had the same problem. Just dont use chrome for the download.
  15. Its just a quick post but hope it helps // Get dead party member IEnumerable<WoWPlayer> partyMember = Party.GetParty().Where(p => p.IsValid && p.IsDead && !TraceLine.TraceLineGo(p.Position) && p.GetDistance < 30).OrderBy(p => p.GetDistance); // Process each player foreach(WoWPlayer player in partyMember) { Interact.InteractGameObject(player.GetBaseAddress, false); _rebirth.Launch(); } return true; If you dont want to target each player here the lua example Lua.LuaDoString($"CastSpellByID({_rebirth.Id}, \"{player.Name}\")"); Instead of: Interact.InteractGameObject(all.GetBaseAddress, false); _rebirth.Launch();
  16. I think you can use the interact method in c#
  17. Well, would it be possible to change the profile after it has X items for example herbs? This would create a random time.
  18. Sorry, there is a problem The chat room limit has been reached. You will not be able to join the chat room until some users first leave. Error code: 1H269/H 5 people are online atm.
  19. Just check the download section for some stuff like this ;)
  20. Du gehst auf Main-> Grinder -> Product Settings - Profile Creator Als erstes trägst du die Zone ein und fuer welches Level dein Profil gedacht ist. Jetzt kannst du unten "Record path" auf True setzen und der Bot nimmt die Koordinaten auf die du abläufst. Wenn du dann dein Farmgebiet abgelaufen bist setzt du es wieder auf False(Am besten ist es wenn du dort aufhörst wo du angefangen hast). Jetzt musst du nur noch die ID's von den Monstern die du killen möchtest ganz unten eintragen. Speichern und dann sollte das schon genügen um ihn laufen zu lassen.
  21. Welcome to the world of SSD. Next step is SSD Raid0 ^_-
  22. iMod

    Bot Sicher?

    Geh oben einfach auf My Purchases, dort kannst du deinen Key einsehen.
  23. iMod

    Bot Sicher?

    Nein das sollte kein problem sein. Einfach nicht übertreiben und ein bisschen glück haben, dann passt das schon :)
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