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    : Russia, Siberia

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  1. its for retai
  2. (old joke about documentation)
  3. да
  4. recreated with same link https://t.me/wrobot_eu telegramm have different options for groups and channels. in groups everyone can write, in channels only admins
  5. main problem is there is mob in void who can agro your character and required fightclass. if load fc on fightstart then it start summoning pet, void kill pet, repeat summoning pet. wManager.Wow.Helpers.CustomClass.LoadCustomClass();
  6. is it possible? coz some quests required no pets at all. as example this quest http://bfa.wowhead.com/quest=47203 kill pet in void and fc keep spamming pet summoning
  7. discord banned our channel. lets move to telegram. here link: https://t.me/wrobot_eu
  8. pathfinder profile?
  9. yes. see changelog
  10. what? dont understand whats problem is. pm me
  11. retailt? what product? what in log?
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