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Dlarge reacted to Droidz in Banwave... Update
I have found detection method and protect WRobot for bypass this. WRobot is currently 'safe' to use.
Please update WRobot (use WRobot version => 1.7.0) (if you have used or use yet WRobot version 1.6.*, your Wow account will be probably ban in the next banwave).
Dlarge reacted to eeny in Fight Class Tutorial Video
Ok, this is a MASSIVE subject that cant be done justice in an 8 minute youtube video... but this should get some people started.
Dlarge reacted to BetterSister in Checking If quest is completed
Quest.GetLogQuestIsComplete(245) if you're using it as Is Complete condition put it like this:
return Quest.GetLogQuestIsComplete(245);
Dlarge reacted to eeny in Quest TurnIn Repeatable Quest
**retail perspective**
Ok, so i had a few bots in Netherstorm because I'm finishing up my BC quest profile so i took a look at the Zaxxis quest and attached my attempt.
Just looking at the profile above i cant see where its tripped up... The ONLY difference between yours and mine i can see at a functional level is the hand-in vectors in the second pulse... and that was tough to find, only with the help of https://www.diffchecker.com/diff did i find it.
Other option here is my favourite addon for lazy quest hand-ins. Anyway- profile attached.
Dlarge reacted to Droidz in Snippets C# codes for Fight Classes
Snippets C# codes for Fight Classes
ps: Feel free to share your tips on this post. If your message is poorly presented or contains a question, it will be deleted.
Dlarge reacted to Droidz in Frostmage Fightclass using Proccs/Buffs
Dlarge reacted to Droidz in Frostmage Fightclass using Proccs/Buffs
Hello, Like here: http://wrobot.eu/bugtracker/feral-casting-healing-touch-even-when-predatory-swiftness-is-not-present-r468/#comment-3141
Your character get several buffs with the same name:
The best way to resolve this problem, is to use "C Sharp Code" conditon with the code:
wManager.Wow.ObjectManager.ObjectManager.Me.BuffStack(44544) >= 1
Dlarge reacted to Droidz in wow client just updated
WRobot support now wow build 22345, (re)launch WRobot and accept udpate.
Dlarge reacted to wlhr in Fight class
i am going to upload a fighting class for the demonology warlock
Dlarge reacted to Droidz in Download WRobot beta for Wow Legion 7.0.3 PTR server
It is beta version, I release it to be ready when the release of Wow legion on live server, do not hesitate to report me errors/bugs.
Dlarge reacted to Droidz in Download WRobot beta for Wow Legion 7.0.3 PTR server
You can download Wrobot beta for Legion server ptr 7.0.3 here: http://download.wrobot.eu/wrobot/WRobot.zip , extract and launch file "Updater.exe", select product "WRobot BETA" and click on "Install or Update".
ps: This version works only on PTR server (not on wow beta server).
ps: I'll try to keep this version updated, but wow ptr server is frequently updated, I cannot update this wrobot version for all wow ptr build.
ps: For the moment, WRobot use WoD meshes files (to generate path), you can get navigation problem if map have changed.
Dlarge reacted to Runaro in What was this update?
First of all, it is a beta version of the bot, so don't expect much about it. ( report everything which isn't reported in the bug tracker )
Second... your not a paying users, so please behave and let Droidz do his job, which has also a life beside writing this bot.
Dlarge reacted to Jrod in LEGENDARY RING CONDITIONS
Love the Bot. Have optimized my rotation for Frost DPS with great success. I have attached the profile here.
However, with the legendary ring, a significant portion of your DPS requires timing cooldowns, pooling resources, and only using them when the ring is active. Using Wrotation in this manner is the only way I will be able to make Wrotation viable for progression raiding.
I need two conditions:
1. Cast if Legendary Ring Buff (Thorasus ID# 87619) is active
2. Only cast if Legendary Ring (Thorasus, The Stone Heart of Draenor ID# 124634) has a cooldown less than X.
Have been working at this for almost a week now. Very little experience programming, but I expect these conditions will need a LUA script. I might also recommend some condition built into the program for the Legendary rings.
On a side note (please moderate if this is not appropriate) I would be more than happy to pay a reasonable via paypal (or any other payment service) to have someone optimize this class for me.
Thanks a lot! Again really enjoying the bot.
Frost Dk Rotation.xml
Dlarge reacted to Droidz in [How To] Easy quests editor - Base
Easy Quests Editor
For create profile with "Easy quests editor", select quester product, click on "Start" and click on button "Easy profiles creator".
Quests editor: Here you can found quests information and what objectives WRobot need to executes (quest id, mobs position, object at pickup). Quests order editor: Here is steps of your profile, (quete1 > Pickup quest | quete2 > Pickup quest | quete2 > Pulse objective | queste1 > Pulse objective | quete1 > Turin quest | ….) NPC quests giver editor: List of Npc where you finish/start quests, this contains information about Npc (position, quests start, quests end). Others tools is optional. How works quests profile?
I'll do a summary. So profiles are in 3 parts (Quests / Npc quests givers / list of steps order).
WRobot reads as:
Reading quests order |Read « Quest1>Pickup » (step 1). Search quest in list of quests | Take id of Quest1. Search in Npc quests giver which Npc starting Quest1 by quest id. WRobot go to Npc and accept Quest1. Next step, reading quest order | Read « Quest1>Pulse » (step 2). Search quest in list of quests | Pulse objective of Quest1. …. I hope it will help you to better understand how works quests profile and WRobot.
Next tutorial:
For continued this tutorial watch this video: http://wrobot.eu/forums/topic/3323-quest-profile-creation-video-tutorial/ (old video: http://youtu.be/NtX9WYeFwhk )
If you want more information or you have a problem with a quest, post a message on MMORobot forum, tutorials more full should happen.
You can found profile sample
Dlarge reacted to Nightstalker in Goldfarmen Profil Firelands
Ich hab den Bot heute fertig ins Deutsche übersetzt.
Eine Tutorial Reihe gibt es.
Und wenn 500 Leute das gleiche Profil benutzten fällt es Blizzard schnell auf, deswegen behalte ich auch größtenteils meine Profile.
Dlarge reacted to Droidz in Banwave
About HB, sincerely, without the contents created by the HB community (profiles, fight classes, plugin, ...), HB is an very basic bot, the dev team take few days to release update after new wow update (I have never understand why, security is false pretext, you can see result...) (I work alone, it takes me a few hours for normal update, and we can begin to work on the PTR server for beings ready when build is released on live server). After the banwave a few months ago, HB team have reopened the bot without knowing exactly what had caused the banwave, current banwave is a logical continuation... This is not the first fault, I was already here at the time where bossland began to writte bot with GatherBuddy, after few months it had already taken a banwave (because poorly coded). Even the banwave dating from there are 1 or 2 years old could be avoid because they had was warned that bliz had added a detection method.
About WRobot I have worked hard to make wrobot hard to detect (it is more easy to detect HB that WRobot (If any have knowbase he can test)), I use a special technique that I have not seen on another bots to hide WRobot in memory. I know what I'm doing (if I worked among bliz, the bots would have disappeared ^^). I cannot say that WRobot is undetectable (all is detectable), but I work to avoid it, and I think WRobot is among the most secure bots.
ps: Sorry for my English.