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WRobot user
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Everything posted by Runaro

  1. Das ausgewählte Profile ist nur einer Grinding Profile, welches aber als Quest Profile erstellt wurde.
  2. I've learned that lesson some years ago... Ordered hardware worth 1300€ and then the company signed insolvent and i got nothing... No hardware and no money back. That's why i recommend, always use paypal for buying stuff online. ( you can chargeback money for 90 days )
  3. Don't think that matters, but i gonna try it with a male worgen during the day.
  4. "Just for this one purpose"? If you really want to do some stuff with this bot, you need basic knowledge in lua and C#. Don't think anyone is going to do your stuff for free, just cuz ur lazy and... nvm. this is not going to end well. I'm out of this topic, good luck.
  5. http://wowwiki.wikia.com/wiki/World_of_Warcraft_API https://www.amazon.com/Dummies-Computers-Stephen-R-Davis/dp/0764508148/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1469205381&sr=8-3&keywords=c%23+for+dummies Have fun
  6. Works fine for me, just try to reinstall WRobot and take a look at your bot settings. Here's a video, where i show that it works fine:
  7. There's only a "trial" license, for the Private Server version. If you want to try out the bot for retail, then simply buy a license for 2.99€.
  8. Not that i know, sry. And btw. old versions of the bot doesn't get supported.
  9. What version of the WoW Client you're using? Because it sounds like, that you're simply using the wrong WoW Client version, since you need the "2.4.3 (8606)" WoW Client for WRobot TBC.
  10. The best bug is, where the Bot thinks he's stuck while casting. Only a bug for caster classes.. [N] XX:XX:XX - [MovementManager] Think we are stuck [N] XX:XX:XX - [MovementManager] Trying something funny, hang on
  11. You need ofc a FightClass in your "FightClass" folder.
  12. It gonna help a lot of new users on here, good job. Ps. Maybe OBS is interesting for you, it gonna record everything in a much better quality, more fps and you can add layers etc.. ( depends on your settings and hardware )
  13. I don't want to be rude, but this FightClass is a mess. Gonna send you a pm with my private FightClass. #Post 200
  14. You need to set the priority of "Frost Nova" higher then "Frost bolt" etc.. Distance at SmallerOrEqual: 12
  15. Really, you're a Web Developer? Interesting, cuz i've checked out your site and Portfolio.. Your personal site, is just a DVI theme and from your customers the sites are Thefox, Lush etc. themes, nothing from you? Changing graphics and adding a slider doesn't mean you've created the whole code / design. Think about that, before you offer such services to a business, which doesn't need people like you.
  16. Just quit Firestorm, such a shitty server. They use modified clients and force you to use them, so that most of the bots and cheats doesn't recognize the Wow.exe. Only Droidz can do something about it, but i think that's not a high priority at the moment. Example
  17. It's since years a high risk to use any kind of Bot in PvP, better avoid it if you like your account. Simply create your own profiles for leveling and don't use not correctly working profiles.
  18. Put this Wow.exe into your World of Warcraft MOP folder: Wow.exe And start directly the Wow.exe, don't use this stupid firestorm launcher!
  19. I can help with testing, but helping with creating the whole profile.. meeehh no, sry.
  20. You've installed WRobot for the offical server ( 6.2.4 ), but you need the WRobot version for MOP ( 5.4.8 ). Just open the "Update.exe" and choose "Wrobot for Wow Mists of Pandaria ( )"
  21. Have to ask again.. Did you ever used a different bot? ( can be some months ago ) Did you ever used WRotation for PvP? Blizzard doesn't ban you after just some hours you've used the Bot. You must have done something else before, or got reported from a bunch of people.
  22. Did you only use WRotation, or other products of the bot? And ofc, did you ever used Rebot or Honorbuddy with this account? ( time doesn't matter )
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