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Everything posted by eeny

  1. joined- 7 hours ago. haha get a demo before paying him a cent
  2. There is the wrobot CTM- and then in the game itself there is click to move- turned both on?
  3. Possible fix! IN game setting - click to moe... should have thought of it before -_-
  4. anyone will be taking out their ass witout the profile to actually look at. My guess is the profile obectives are 8,8,1,1. where 1,1 are the two bosses and 8,8 are the two different mobs. however the actual quest completion structure is 1,1,8,8. aka the bot things it need to get the "kill boss count" to 8 ( which it can never do). make sure thats in order... if it is upload the profile and a screenshot of the quest objectives through the WoW client.
  5. Is anyone else seeing issues where the bot will stand just outside of interact distance with a target NPC when selling / questing? tried toggling Click to move and LUA to move and all that stuff. anyone seen this or got a workaround?
  6. Just a feature request to make a mode either grinder or quest pulse to clear a path (attack before being attacked) for ALL npc's within a configured range while following a path, Reason being is with grinder the bot will always move towards the nearest mob and i notice the bot will spend extended periods of time in a single location if the respawn rate is fast. Even if you put a large area and amounts of pulse points it will sometimes spend a lot of time in a single location which can look suspect. If it was following a path it would move around a lot more and look less bottisht. Also a mode like that would be helpful for instance farming lower level raids.
  7. Got a log file?? this was an issue AGES ago that got resolved. Try using Auto- gear addon to make sure you always have best gear equipped
  8. I dont think the "is Spell Usable" makes the two exclusive. The only way i can think of doing that is just add each spell to have a 'Has Buff = false' option and add the other spell so it cant cast while the other one is active. You *may* get both to trigger at the same time, however since they have different cooldowns you would expect them to split up after a while...
  9. You speellededd "Stampending Roar" wrongly Would also add "me in move" to Stampeding Roar so you dont cast it as you get out of combat / loot.
  10. With the fight class editor modify the spell "stealth" or "prowl" add the special option " me in move = true" or something like that. that way it will only use stealth once its looted and running to the hext mob.. ( in most cases)
  11. I think target buff in general is a bit suspect at Vanilla. Im seeing the same thing with Spriests and ShadowWord: pain. i set target buff = false and it will still cast it over and over. Once per target is one way around this, however if you get a miss / resist thats the "one cast" for that target. As a Spriest you cant really kill targets well without SWP. im sure for a hunter its the same with Serpent Sting
  12. i remember a wow addon called quickloot in vanilla? Maybe see if you can find that in one of the old addon dumps? https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0ByAxutR4jmqfQ2QxZV9Qc0RnR28 Quickloot.rar Not my google drive so virus scan the shit outa that file before exploding it onto your PC...
  13. WRobot Unlimited Subscription (2 reviews) 39.99 EUR and 39.99 EUR per year Gives you an access to WRobot and all its products, unlimited WRobot session on the same network (ip). - WRobot's Unlimited Session subscription entitles you to run as many WRobot Sessions as your computer is able to (restricted to one public IP address (internet ip)). You may Bot as many characters at one time as long as its the same public facing IP if its your mate from his house and you from your's you will have different public IP's... you will kick each other off
  14. Version 1.0.0


    just a simple profile mainly for combat rogue's. Will start using rupture at 3 combo points and eviscerate aftre that. does not stealth!!
  15. Shameless google translate- Selon le profil de whos vous l'utilisez probablement le mien ou Archangelos alors oui - son profil. Nous avons mis le run-code au début du profil pour vendre auto vert. Si vous ouvrez le xml dans un éditeur de texte & # xD; & # xA; wManager.wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.SellGray = true; & # xD; & # xA; wManager.wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.SellWhite = true; & # xD; & # xA; wManager.wManagerSetting. CurrentSetting.SellGreen = true; & # xD; & # xA; wManager.wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.SellBlue = true; run-code pour faire la vente bot ... le changer comme bon vous semble.
  16. if you are using the demo version thats understandable(as it says on the profile description which you prob didnt read that its 1-20)- where is he standing? got a log? above you cropped the top bit out which says what profile your loading
  17. Lol... Read the description... Install the quick quest add on... That's literally it's job
  18. Version 1.0.0


    1-13 quester for tauren- built on elysium wow. Nothing Fancy- havnt even added trainers. You should seriously consider getting a lvl 5-7 green weapon from the Ah and sending it as you make the character. makes things a lot smoother later on. Skinning / LW'ing cleans up here. if you are babysitting the bot train them early and you will be set. If you have any optimisations let me know
  19. Way to turn if off is to change the food% to 1... pretty much means to bot will pull till it dies tho.
  20. was using it on my 100 feral a few weeks ago- still able to pull ~700 raw gold from drops... more if you factor in and auction Volatile fires
  21. new version has had solid reports- got a log file?
  22. In grinder mode the bot will search nearby mobs for their ID's. if your profile is set for kill / interact with that NPC-ID, the bot will bee-line to the mob. in this case it sounds like its bee-lining through lava. Try using just a follow path and rely on the mobs aggro'ing to you. the in general setting turn on "Skin / mine / gather mobs". that should get you out of the lava and collecting ore. You will find with this bot (and botting in general) while some spots would be amazing gold mines to farm, its probably better to pick a safer spot with less chance for the bot to run into a pitfall / lava. Less deaths, less repair bill, more nodes / hour.
  23. Looks like the profile has a spot which is in the sky... Look at the Z axis co-ords- 7 yards above. Maybe you jumped while recordig the path. Open the profile in a notepad and remove the lines of co-ordinates that are near the below numbers. Current pos: 2025,796 ; 4856,171 ; 142,6837 Target pos: 2031,888 ; 4845,201 ; 149,1233
  24. You need to be logged into an account with an active subscription to download profiles.
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