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Everything posted by eeny

  1. So there is no way to send a macro from a quest profile pulse?
  2. as title says- from the quest profile editor the "runmacrolua" pulse doesn't pass the macro through to the game. I made a bunch of files for BC that rely on that and im having issues backporting them. anyone got a working example? wave.xml
  3. Thanks to you and @Marsbar - done!
  4. The break form when OoC and low mana was added a few weeks ago. Chances are you dont have the food / drink settings i put on the profile explanation so you are not hitting the mana regen state and running into fights with little / no mana. have uploaded a new version. there are 2 files, the one named drink will break form for OoC drinking, the other (nodrink) wont. If you dont run iwth waters use my food / drink settings and the form thrash and out of mana combat should stop.
  5. Did you ever get this to work in a quest profile? got any working examples to share?
  6. Version 1.0.0


    The file i use when my warlocks are ~ lvl 13. The mobs in the cave hit pretty hard so a lvl 10 lock may chain die. Starts in razor hill and will do the quests and finish in org. Its a very simple profile- let me know if you see a bug / see how to improve.
  7. It has out of combat drop for for heals if it's got the mana to do it. Make sure you have the latest download and change the healing touch %s to 35-60 and it shouldn't regeneration state as much
  8. Version 1.5


    Free C# fight class for Vanilla Aff / Demonology Warlock's. Built towards working with my vanilla levelling profiles The idea behind this was to make a FC's that will go 1-60 where you dont need to populate the action bars with spells after training. This FC is about when you would expect from a levelling lock FC. Works best with instant cast corruption + improved voidwalker torment. Once you have the Voidwalker spell at lvl 10- you NEED a wand. Upon targeting an NPC it will send the pet in. The rotation will keep immolate / Curse of Agony / Coruption on the target. If you have Siphon life it will swap out immolate for that spell. Stack a bot with high stam / spirit and a wand- should be good to go. Should use unending breath when swimming Will attempt to keep a healthstone in your bags + use if in combat at 50% health. Will also use all consumable scrolls! Stamina, spirit and intellect will be cast on you, armour, strength and agility will get send to the pet. If you have any suggestions / bugs / recommendations drop me a PM and i can look into it.
  9. hes a newbie ( doesnt have a sub) so he cant see that. Majority of users requesting profiles like this use cracked wrobot, so dont feed them.
  10. OK, here we have both leave and enter cat form within a few Ms [E] 23:27:27.301 - break cat for out of combat heals [F] 23:27:27.552 - [Spell] Cast Cat Form (Cat Form) [E] 23:27:27.913 - get into cat for combat [F] 23:27:28.051 - [Spell] Cast Cat Form (Cat Form) [E] 23:27:28.411 - get into cat for combat [F] 23:27:28.535 - [Spell] Cast Cat Form (Cat Form) [E] 23:27:28.896 - get into cat for combat here are the lines of code in the FC //Get into Cat (combat) if (!ObjectManager.Me.HaveBuff("Cat Form") && ObjectManager.Me.HealthPercent >= 41 && Cat.KnownSpell && ObjectManager.Me.InCombatFlagOnly && ObjectManager.Target.HealthPercent > 1) { Cat.Launch(); } //break cat for the out of combat heals if (!ObjectManager.Me.HaveBuff("Rejuvenation") && !ObjectManager.Me.InCombatFlagOnly && ObjectManager.Me.HaveBuff("Cat Form") && ObjectManager.Me.HealthPercent <= 60 && ObjectManager.Me.ManaPercentage > 50 && ObjectManager.Me.Target < 1) { Lua.LuaDoString("CastSpellByName(\"Cat Form\",1)"); Thread.Sleep(400); UGGHHHHHH!!!!! The FC would drop you out of catt if you are < 60% health and no combat... but would just shift back in back in if health was >41%. So that 19% was the trash. Easy fix.. just with 35 other shift form lines i didnt see the logic fail
  11. If you got time- load this profile ( its just like the other) but it will log when and why the druid is shifting. Can you stop the bot just after a form "thrash" and send me the log, the logfile is the wrobot log in the wrobot / logs directory. PM that too me and il see whats causing it to drop form. Druid_fightclass_debug.cs
  12. If my bot gets really low ( below the regen %'s defined in the food / drink tab on the advanced settings) it just sits in regen mode. Myabe try bumping food to 35-60+ and water 35-40+. A fight class shouldnt be able to over-ride the regen state and pull a fresh mob.
  13. Try newer version uploaded just now .. i found a logic error with my "out of combat drop form for heals". see if that cleans it up a bit.
  14. I guess... im cycling new gear every 6 lvls or so, im not seeing it. I added some more restrictive mana usage in the lower mana %'s so you shouldn't get caught out of from in version 1.2.3 +
  15. 1.2.2 Against better judgement i have added a drop form for on low mana so the bots can drink. Let me know what you see- im thinking its going to lead to extensive form trashing...
  16. Personally i set my bot to drink, but dont define any item. i set it to 35% low and 50% high and let spirit do the rest. As long as im not always fighting 2v1 or mobs a few lvl's higher than me, my bots rarely go oom. I was hesitant to add "always be cat" as there are so many scenarios where the bot needs to break form (buff, heal, gather, quest, vendor) and there is only a handful where it will go back in. Adding a blanket "always cat" could disrupt these and will lead to form thrashing / mana issues. Edit- added always be cat....
  17. Ah well, it's been added... i dont have a druid that i can test it on... but its there.
  18. Hey man, thanks for the input! Would this work with quest objectives as well? or just mining / herb nodes?
  19. Hmm ok, thats a little tougher. I just added "drop form" if target is friendly, honoured or revered so you should be able to hand in most quests. dropping form if the bots in a "gather" state will be hard, il look at it tho.
  20. Get rid of the pulse of 'GakinsSummon" IMO... Its a simple " to talk to xyz quest" so all you need to do is pick up from giver and turn in. **IF** you need to follow a path - " <NotRequiredInQuestLog>false</NotRequiredInQuestLog>" Set that to true. you may want to add some "ifhasquest" pulses before so each time you start the bot it doesn't loop back and run the path EVERY time.
  21. Maybe enable "attack before being attacked"? other option- edit this plugin and enter all the NPC ID's in the instance?
  22. @xDeverx Thanks for the review- my druid is 27 so im updating fairly rapidly atm. As for drinking- see the options in the pic i attached. personally i just enable drinking at 35%. At lvl 20 a bots spirit is high enough to just enable drinking and not put an item name. If the bot ends a fight it will wait till mana is > 35% before continuing... most of the tie this is 10-15 seconds in my experience
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