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sumodima reacted to Droidz in Update Status - Patch 7.0.3 Build 22594
Done, WRobot support Wow 7.0.3 build 22594, you need to update WRobot.
sumodima reacted to Droidz in Update Status - Patch 7.0.3 Build 22594
I start to work on this patch
sumodima reacted to Droidz in Profile editor to support CTRL + S
Hello, I'll add it in next updates.
sumodima reacted to Droidz in New patch is out 22522 :( waiting on droidz to do his magic.
Hello, WRobot don't need update for this build.
sumodima got a reaction from BetterSister in did you quit private servers because of queue?
Just donate to skip queues, oh wait you cant its retail lul
sumodima got a reaction from Hapiguy in Bot attacking dead npc
Just tested after the update, its indeed resolved. Thank you Droidz !
sumodima got a reaction from Droidz in Bot attacking dead npc
Just tested after the update, its indeed resolved. Thank you Droidz !
sumodima reacted to Droidz in Update Status - Patch 7.0.3 Build 22498
WRobot support now Wow 7.0.3 build 22498, you need to update WRobot.
sumodima got a reaction from Runaro in Stop drinking / eating once 100%
I think you misunderstood Droidz, the issue is - Bot remains seated waiting until the food buff wears off rather than just checking if his health/mana is full to continue fighting. In some cases its 20 seconds of downtime just because food restored health and mana in first 10 seconds.
sumodima got a reaction from BetterSister in 5.4.8 Mistweaver rotation
The give away that you're using cracked version is that you're not even listed as a WRobot user, only as a member who hasn't purchased a license.
On other note, I'm also stuck using 1.2.0 with an official license key since I play on the server that runs a modified 5.4.x client and the official MoP PS release doesn't work with it.
sumodima got a reaction from BetterSister in Panda Wow
PandaWoW is more focused on the PvP aspect of the game, mostly mass world pvp. Warmane is more PvE focused. Played on both and Pandawow is really better at handling mass battles without introducing massive ability delays, we had 80 v 100+ battles in elwynn forest without server crapping out ( clients were dropping to 15 frames even on very high end rigs on lowest settings ). On warmane there were 10-40 second ability delays on smaller 30v30 battles in empty zones.
sumodima got a reaction from morqka in Plugins Help
Likely using an older version of wrobot, had same issues with older versions not seeing anything other than .dll's
sumodima got a reaction from Dreamful in PLZ support 5.4.2 (17688)
You want this 5.4.2 support for Warmane correct ? If that's the case then Droidz shouldn't bother as that realm is going to be updated to 5.4.8 on 26th of January.
sumodima got a reaction from Hechlol in Besoin de conseil pour améliorer l'efficience de mon Grinder
Set your potion of luck to your keybind 9. It's going to be used every 20 minutes (12000 seconds)
sumodima got a reaction from Droidz in Besoin de conseil pour améliorer l'efficience de mon Grinder
Set your potion of luck to your keybind 9. It's going to be used every 20 minutes (12000 seconds)