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Posts posted by Marsbar

  1. 3 minutes ago, Trouble said:

    Reason is irrelevant. I want a refund that has been purchased 24 hours ago. I'm not happy with the product. Since this product is not a consumable product, i have to get a refund. They can take out the 1 day usage from the amount that i paid. It's simple as that. These refund rule applies in every country including 3rd world countries. 

    Read the terms and conditions that you agreed to?


    You have consumed the product by using it.

  2. 2 hours ago, Edgewood411 said:

    User error or not, he had a bad experience. The guides here, for the most part suck and the fact every little thing from profiles to plugins cost money is also not too enticing to new members. I think he deserves a refund imo. 

    I have no idea how you could think he deserves a refund. There's plenty of information on the site to get a grasp on how to use the bot. There's also plenty of ban threads where people talk about their experiences on various servers. If he went ahead and just ran some random public profile without monitoring his bot for the first few hours of use it's definitely his own fault.

    Also can you elaborate on what kind of information or tutorial you feel like is missing? Maybe we as community can work on that.

  3. Not sure if there's an easier way but you could go on a db site, filter by a zone then order by React and make sure A and H are both yellow. eg. http://classicdb.ch/?npcs&filter=zone=[45];#0-4+1 
    In that list you can see I filtered by Arathi and can see the Mesa Buzzard as a potential target http://classicdb.ch/?npc=2579

    There are better ways to do this via a DB but this would probably be the simplest/quickest route for you.

  4. Mainly targeted @Droidz but if anyone else has input, you're welcome to contribute.

    The state interface has BeforeStates and NextStates. My question is when do they run and does their "Need To Run" condition get checked?

    If you add the state into the list of before or after states are they in the main engine list of states or are they only considered if the state you added the before/afterstates to, is triggered?

  5. 2 options:

    Easy: make a grinder that does your gathering loop and add that mob to the kill list

    Harder: In a plugin add a state which is at a higher priority than gathering. Have a look at the grinder example bot project that droidz posted in the tutorials section on how to make a product. This should show you how states are added to the engine and an approximate priority you should make your state.

    There's a little bit of info about states at the bottom of this post too but you'll get the majority of info from that example project.

    edit: link to droidz example


  6. 10 hours ago, liquidsnakeblue said:

    No problem.  This is on Legion 7.3.5 for the marksman hunter.  Part of the talents you are given when you spec marksmanship is a chance for auto attacks to proc Marking Targets, it causes your next arcane shot or multi-shot to apply hunters mark.  The proc happens within the first 1-2 auto attacks of each pull, and frequently during battle. 

    I'll share the FC when I get home but I've tried all free and paid FC's available for download here and they all have the same issue.  I've also posted in some of those threads but they seem dead.

    I considered the possibility that maybe either arcane shot or multi-shot was bugging out when this procced, but even if you go into Sidewinders (replaces both arcane shot and multi-shot) this still happens.

    I'm not great at using the LUA scripts when coding like the OP of this thread but he was running into nearly the exact same issue a year ago and doesn't seem to have been resolved.  All I'm doing is telling the bot to do a simple rotation and not even worry about / look for the proc, it still stops working.  

    Logs tell us nothing, there is literally no entry for anything happening while it just hangs, even with all log types turned on.  I usually am able to fix any issue because its user error but in this case it may not be.

    Good info.

    Do the spells names change at all?

    I recommend testing with the devtools (https://marsbars.gitlab.io/unoffical-wrobot-api-docs/articles/devtools.html)

    Try running the following in there when the proc happens (link to api doc - and make sure to set it to c#) :

    wManager.Wow.Helpers.SpellManager.CastSpellByNameLUA("Arcane Shot");

    Be aware that my api doc is based on a vanilla version of the bot so some methods may not exist.

  7. Can you give some more info?

    What expac are you on? Can you share your self created FC where the problem is happening? Is this just a buff you get and don't care about? What affect does this proc have? 

    I think you'd get more replies if you give ppl more info. Personally I have no idea what that talent does and I'm not about to go and research it.

  8. 41 minutes ago, zatvorgt said:

    hello , exist method of change radius of skinning mobs? becouse i 30 min
    ran and skinning mobs ,which players killed) and have ban for this))

    disable ninja skinning in settings, then it will only skin the mobs that you kill.

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