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Everything posted by BetterSister

  1. I've used wrotation for 20hours on northdale and no bans so i doubt it
  2. either you're bullshitting or your license did expire. If your license has issue message @Droidz
  3. checked wotlk area? wotlk outland profiles should work fine on tbc
  4. pathfinder server is derping. Wait few minutes and try again
  5. Farming] Still moving! - Please verify if your key binding "Sit/Move Down" is assigned. Says the log multiple times
  6. wrong area this isn't tutorial. Moved to right area
  7. he will answer to this topic when he comes online
  8. only Droidz can do something about it. It's 5.40am so he is probably sleeping for another few hours
  9. disable escaping from target on human master plugin
  10. way easier to just make it from nothing and not bother on converting
    this script uses followpath instead of pathfinding which can cause issues like running into wall when trying to go out and when attempting to loot corpses that were left behind. Otherwise looks good to me
  11. wManager.Wow.Bot.Tasks.GoToTask.ToPositionAndIntecractWith can't be used as boolean
  12. outland is what gets people banned. Small area and alot of xp to gain
  13. if you got fight class that supports it
  14. grinding together works no problem but questing not so much
  15. dude i ran max 50 sessions on 1 pc when i was using party mode to multibox ?
  16. BetterSister


    Possible to do but low priority
  17. Should add some wait time between commands especially after last command so if there is lag it wont redo same crap
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