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Everything posted by BetterSister

  1. i've been struggling with crashes too :S Still have no idea what is causing it
  2. There sadly isn't support for all groups... yet. If you want to move away from aoe stuff you must program it yourself... currently
  3. Version 2.6.0


    Note that this a early beta version that MAY HAVE BUGS! Also remember that i'm still learning C# and how the bot API works but i learn fast! This is ported from @Pasterkes profile to WOTLK with improvements such as innervate and tree form. This will be updated frequently untill it's done. It managed to heal 63 lvls group through blood furnace without a single wipe. Special thanks goes to @RSpro (testing) and @iMod (code debuging, helping a noob) for helping with this! And ofcourse @Droidz Missing something or found a bug? Let me know and i'll try to fix it ASAP! NOTE! WITHOUT THESE THINGS IT WILL NOT WORK AT ALL! - Settings configurated properly (tank, healer names added etc) - If the settings aren't shown as BOLD they will not save! Why? i don't know... yet - party product - healer mode from party
  4. i couldn't do it alone... But if someone wants to betatest before i upload the finished one to website here it is: (currently latest, HOTFIX1) https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BxrnR7sFxoj9eDB0RHU2dDBmWUU/view?usp=sharing just add it to your fight classes folder and run it as fight class and it'll heal your party. Remember to setup your healer and tank name (you as healer and tank guy as tank)
  5. it goes to sell and mail to nearest vendor mailbox that it finds from the found places you've seen while bot been running (go to a town and hit start then stop couple secs later if you think the town isn't added)
  6. i'm working on converting this to 3.3.5a
  7. ofcourse. come on chatbox http://wrobot.eu/chat/
  8. if you got time right now come http://wrobot.eu/chat/
  9. Could you send me the file and i'll look into it?
  10. like this (and add own mana check and target hp check too)
  11. make buff rejuvenation false check on target and it won't cast it again
  12. you don't need to know how to code or script all you need to do is think about all the scenarios when something should happen and when not and then insert them into conditions
  13. reduce latency from settings
  14. My first pala fight class took me 6 hours but then i realized how it works and now it's easy :)
  15. you're doing it too hard. there is a tool to make fightclass and to make grinder or gather profile just select just what you want from Main then go to Product settings and hit "make profile". To make your life easier while recording from Map enable "Radar3D"
  16. i just made quick research it may be because i haven't updated my dotnet stuff from windows update
  17. it was looking for route close of Thrallmar at outland when this happent Problem signature: Problem Event Name: APPCRASH Application Name: WRobot.exe Application Version: Application Timestamp: 56a66b01 Fault Module Name: clr.dll Fault Module Version: 4.0.30319.17929 Fault Module Timestamp: 4ffa5753 Exception Code: c0000005 Exception Offset: 000da951 OS Version: 6.1.7601. Locale ID: 1035 Additional Information 1: 66d6 Additional Information 2: 66d60874f45dd1d16085bfc4c1e29b97 Additional Information 3: 51e0 Additional Information 4: 51e024128234b571699685c48cb40836
  18. Version 3.0.0


    This is my 3.3.5a frost dk dps fight class that i spent 3 hours on making and 2 hours testing. There may be bugs because i haven't tested it enough but basic things like rotation should work as intended. I will update if i find something to fix
  19. i do know how to do programming with LUA but you can get the shit done with just these checks (if you even use them)
  20. sorry if i'm too perfectionist but perfect profile doesn't get you banned as easily as messy profile. I will soon release frost DK profile that you can take examples from and/or learn something ;)
  21. Not good at all. Misses all checks for proper rotation and misses atleast 2 "is buff" ticks. This will mess up your rotation all the time. Please don't release content that isn't even close to done :(
  22. Version 1.0.0


    So this is my feral cat dps fight class for 3.3.5a that has everything you will need (exept prowl that i will add to next version)
  23. i didn't try to add prowl cuz i think it's waste of time for farming... but for mangle you need to add mangle 2 times. first with conditions buff mangle false so it uses it only when it's not there (before bleeds) and 2nd time after the bleeds are there with conditions combo points <= 4 and buff rake true. but i think that if you really want to add prowl and pounce then add to first priority cat form (maybe mana percent check here too?), prowl (if buff cat form true, no combat), pounce (if buff prowl true, no combat) and ofcourse remember to add check buff cat form for every cat attack or it'll spam them for no reason!
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