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Everything posted by yosh4you

  1. You think ists onlinetime all over the day or onlinetime of one session?
  2. The Portal to Hellfire Peninsula is in the Blasted Lands, the Portal there is in the South/east.
  3. 4 Month and more for a Major-Bug...
  4. Stay online all the time, works pretty good for me ;)
  5. Every class with pet is completely working wrong. First he starts to attack and then he wants to revive his pet...
  6. Hey, is it possible to control a pet in FightClass? I need a way to feed my pet and control one or more adds.
  7. Judgement of light is not implemented. The Fightclass only uses Judgement of wisdom ;)
  8. the FightClass uses only Judgement of Wisdom! No Judgement of Light implemented.
  9. Its working! Tested it with my Paly =) Post your log plz
  10. Download Links for 3.3.5a: http://legacy.curseforge.com/media/files/446/571/TopFit-3.3v6.zip http://mods.curse.com/addons/wow/topfit/446571
  11. It's hard to level up to 10 without "Serpent Sting", you should add this for low level ;)
  12. Hello betterSister, is read most of the thread in this section but i thought the Bugtracker ist only for the official WoW Server WRobot version. Okay cool i will see what you have posted there ;)
  13. Hello WRobot Community, first of all i want to thank Droidz for releasing a supported WotLK Private Server Bot! I started today with WRobot and it's working great so far! Its a BETA and the only way to improve WRobot is to give feedback of bugs we found. Some points are no bugs i think, but i just can't find the solution for it. Lets start If the Toon is running out of mana and using the defined water, he is regenerate 100% mana but he don't continue until the health is 100% too (No Food defined) Sometimes monster get bugged or evade in front of the toon because they stuck in a tree or something like that, WRobot is trying to attack it until i intervene. Relogger is a great feature for Private Server btw. but when the server crashes, it take a few minutes until the bot can reconnect to the realm, WRobot is reconnecting immediately and stuck in the realm screen with a blank massage because the login server is up but the realm is still down (Reconnecting timer would be great) Sometimes my toon is attacking a monster and stop at around 10 percent target health. He stops and moving/attacking the next target with the last one still attacking him. I add the log if it happens again but i think the monster is bugged for a second and WRobot is recognize it. While attacking the actual monster the toon is 100% facing the target, that means that he is turning left or right if the monster is moving (easy to identify a bot). Releasing the corpse because of a death, WRobot don't care about adds and don't try to avoid them. I get a lot of these error massages after pulling a monster: [N] 22:15:19 - [MovementManager] Think we are stuck [N] 22:15:19 - [MovementManager] Trying something funny, hang on [D] 22:15:19 - [MovementManager] Avoid wall: StrafeLeft Thats it, i update my post when i find more. Greets
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