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Everything posted by Ordush

  1. My method for leveling does not expose me to other players, and takes ~2 days to level from 1-70. So it's not much uptime, but 2 days should be enough to get flagged if they were to detect the bot. There are plugins that does this. ?
  2. lol... I don't really care lol, take it or leave it. I won't make a big fuss out of it. Tested if it was detected. I had no issues. If you don't believe it, then i don't really care. ?
  3. So... Not detected.... (Yes that was speed leveling, i have my methods). No I am not sharing. ?
  4. You will be given a port by the vpn service you use. ?
  5. Hard to tell honestly, but probably not.
  6. Socks5 can be used for both. Where HTTP is only working on http requests. ? So Socks5 is fine for both. ?
  7. I have tested a lot with dungeon bot, without any issues. I have had about 5 teams of 5 go through the process of leveling in RFC. I have ran a few of them further on just to get gold to build up new teams. They are around level 40, but i stopped there since i started my own server to test on. So 1-16 using a quester. 16-2x using RFC and the rest of the way using grinder. ?
  8. You guys that are getting banned. Did you get insta banned at x level or are you just randomly getting banned at random levels?
  9. I am currently leveling a char on Warmane, i will report back in a few days. I am still claiming that it's not detected, but what do i know? I am just some random noob. ?
  10. If wrobot was detected it would be an automatic can just like on Tauri. They have most likely just increased their focus like they did it on ND. Funny fact is that people said exactly the same with ND. However it was later proven that nd indeed did not detect wrobot. But it seemed that some people had a client that was nodded by the team. At least that was the theory. Because people found out that using vms stopped getting them banned. ?
  11. You need to stop saying stuff like "Warmane detected the bot" without having proof. Example: Before last updates, every time a char leveled to level 10 using wrobot, people would get a instant ban. THIS is detection. This is how tauri detected wrobot. IF you get instant banned at x point, THEN wrobot is detected. If you get banned between level 20-30 or 40-50 or 50-60.That means you have been reported by players, the GM looked at you play and decided that you were a bot. IF you get 5 accounts banned at the same time, it either means that all your 5 bots were reported, and then when they handed out ban hammers, all 5 bots was on their "paper". OR it means that your 5 bots were connected someway, this could be IP or something else. Yes i do not want to know that you use proxy etc. I am sure you are taking your precautions. To those who use proxy, and think that they are safe behind a HTTP proxy. You are wrong... The only place wow uses http is your log in. as soon as you get ON the server with a char. a HTTP proxy is no longer hiding you.
  12. There should be one where you can set that. But it's years ago I used it. (I used it when I was multiboxing)
  13. As it is right now it checks for party1-4 to be ready, but I will update it soon so it checks party1-(amount of players). So in short: right now it's either 1 or 5 players. Loot handling is not a party of this plugin. There are many free addons for wow that handles loot, there are even some that has wishlists etc. ?
  14. Okay, so now you know that the issue is FNV_Queter. And as @Matenia told you, anything that uses pathing has to be recompiled. ?
  15. I know that you have already installed WRobot in a new folder once. Please bear with me: - Download wrobot. make a whole new folder somewhere else (I know it sounds stupid). - Install it, update it. - Download the newest version of the fightclass, install it and ONLY the fightclass. - Start automation, see if any errors shows up. If it gives you errors contact the author of the fightclass. - Download the newest version of your first plugin, install it and ONLY that plugin. - Start automation. Let us know how that goes. I know it feels like repeating yourself, but adding random plugins to your plugin list, doesn't happen because of a bug in wrobot. Edit: So yeah... I just noticed that you are using my fightclass lol.. (You obviously don't have to redownload that, since it auto updates)
  16. You don't have to prove anything mate, i was just looking at your log. I was rather wondering if you accidentally sent the wrong log. ? Have you tried loading different plugins (Just 1 at a time)?
  17. As far as i can see it's from an install from yesterday. Anyway. Don't install anything, that's not how you debug =P Make a fresh install WITHOUT anything, now if it still makes the error. THEN you know it might be WRobot. If it works fine without everything, then you add one thing at a time. At some point the errors will show up, and by then you will know what is causing it.
  18. So that log there, is from a whole new install in a whole new folder? You started it wihtout any plugins/profiles/fightclasses?
  19. I know this sounds like a joke, but try restarting your pc. ?
  20. The pathing server is not down right now. It's running, no issues. ?
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