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Everything posted by Ordush

  1. Imagine your code being a instructions book, where you read from top left to the bottom right. Now WROBOT reads from top left to bottom right on repeat. If you have too many words in your book, it will take the bot some time to get from the middle to the top again.
  2. If you read the FAQ you will see what that error means. The food situation is actually a problem for many people, i am not sure how people are able to mess it up. ? However, as FNV said, use his plugin and disable pet feeding. I have actually written the code myself too that FNV uses, or at least the same features. I am just yet to implement it properly to my fightclass. I will next update or next update again. ?
  3. f you have any suggestions for the In-game Settings plugin, please post it as a reply to this post. I will edit the top post with current posted suggestions, so it's always up to date.
  4. If you need help with anything with the In-game Settings Plugin, please post it as a reply to this post. I will edit the top post with current posted issues, so it's always up to date.
  5. Hey guys, anyone know how to make it so if you change i.e. wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.Selling with your plugin, so that it changes the setting in WRobot too? As soon as wrobot is restarted wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.Selling is changed back to what you set it to in wrobot. ? wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.Save(); saves the data, but it dones't change in wrobot until wrobot is restarted. Also completely off-topic: @Droidz how are you getting current mount name in vanilla? Are you checking buffs? Or are you reading from memory? I just realized that button does not work, so i guess you are not ?
  6. no wow retail scans your memory, if your game is running and ANY sign of wrobot is in your memory then it's ban. ?
  7. First of all, please use my support channel, that's why it's there. There also is an answer to your issue there. ? Anyway, I can't tell what you are doing wrong, it can be many things. I will soon make a more user friendly version; What i recommend you to do until i get it updated, is to disable pet feeding, and use automatic pet feeding plugin: https://wrobot.eu/files/file/1615-autopetfeed-hunter/
  8. Unless this guy or someone else replicates it, and it happens again. I still think it's something else than being detected.
  9. Try and disable pet tanking, just for lols. (Should not have any effect at all, but i have heard people have some issues with it, for some unknown reason).
  10. Hmm it's hard to tell what is giving you this issue, there are SO many factors. Have you tried a fresh wrobot in a new folder (I know it sounds stupid, but for some reason it sometimes has made a difference to me to be in a new folder). Then try and use ONLY my fightclass, and change the drinking and eating to 50%. If this works, then you can slowly add an addon/plugin a time, to see what is the culprit.
  11. Personally i use automation a lot for grinding the last amount of exp when close to leveling up, have had no issues there either. It's a really weird issue you are having. The only changes i usually make to my wrobot settings is the drinking/eating, turn on CTM and change the sell/buy list. ?
  12. I do believe that you are having this issue, but i can assure you that it's not the fightclass. It's something else, because it's not an issue that I've heard of before, and i can not replicate it myself. The fightclass does not control pulling, nor does it control movement. There is no where in my code it's told to go attack anything, the way a fightclass works, is that it tells the bot what spells to use in x situation. I've heard people having issues that it did not res the pet, but that was because they had drinking % set too high, so it would not drink after it ressed. The only reason that the bot should not be ressing would be because it did not have enough mana. I can't replicate this bug, so it's really hard to tell you what it is that has gone wrong with your setup. Edit: If you do happen to figure out why you are experiencing this; please don't hesitate to post it here, in case anyone else should run into this issue.
  13. This is not happening with any other FC? That can not be true You need to change the drink/eat % to something lower than what your mana/health is when you revive. No matter what fightclass you use, you have to change this for the bot to drink/eat after reviving. If you don't the bot won't know to drink to get mana to revive the pet. Hence the reason it will just run directly into a pack. This is a wrobot setitng, that you change under advanced settings in the general tab of wrobot. (It's under Food and Drinking or something like that).
  14. Probably not, more likely that you got reported, they observed you, decided you were a bot. Reason i think that's the scenario: Seems like the GM accidentally clicked his macro twice. Smart of them to make a macro like that, nice scare factor. ? Easy way for you to test this is to use wrotation on your char, and see if you get banned. If not then it's not detected, if you however do get banned. Then it's a whole other story. ?
  15. You are saying that my fightclass ir literally not working at all? There are over 400 people not having any issues. There is a support forum for my fightclasses. In my fightclass try and change the range to 35 and back to 25 (You can do this on the third tab of the UI). Also do what Matenia said.
  16. ofc. it is. You are just having an issue. What i recommend you to do until i get it updated, is to disable pet feeding, and using automatic pet feeding plugin: https://wrobot.eu/files/file/1615-autopetfeed-hunter/
  17. Just change the range to 35 than back to 25. Last tab on the config window. For some reason SOME people have an issue, where it doesn't use the default value (25), so it just goes to nil (0) range instead. Until you update it yourself
  18. Don't stop the bot while you make changes, otherwise it won't know you change stuff, secondly make sure you run wrobot as admin, otherwise it won't be able to save your changes.
  19. Hey guys, i am on a festival atm. So i can't do anything, when i get back home, i will look into this for you. ?
  20. Also gonna copy paste from the FAQ here. Last question in the FAQ:
  21. Okay, i will now copy paste from the FAQ Please read the last thing in the FAQ.
  22. Look al my proxycap guide. I am showing how to use different exe files for each wow
  23. You don't need to tell it not to be in wc. You need to add sleep to your while loop
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