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Everything posted by Ordush

  1. Hey yall. Do you know if it is possible to check for an array of buffs in C#? And if so, how? Like if you wanna check for Polymorph, Hex, Freezing Trap etc.?
  2. Hey Jono, there is a link to my Discord in the very top of this fightclass. :) https://discord.gg/9jvgqgS
  3. You have obviously done something wrong mate. What level are you? What language is your game? Can you see the in-game interface? Do you have any settings changed?
  4. The bug you are experiencing is not something everyone is experiencing. It has happened to you and now two others. I am not sure why you guys are having this issue. It seems to only happen when you use the quester. I have personally leveled 5 bots at the same time from level 1-70 without any issues. Hopefully the problem will be solved soon. I am going to release a very big update soon. Lets hope the issue will be fixed for you as well.
  5. Alright, that's what i guessed. However, just want to point out that it will spit out duplicate entry, if you do any other CS error in your code. :) Thansk for the answer Droidz! :)
  6. Hey Does anyone know if it is possible to make it so when WRobot reads your XML file, it will not create the /* * SETTINGS */ [Serializable] part of the code? Reason: I am writing it manually into the fightclass editor under additional C#
  7. Hmm, i will definitely have to look into that. I have made a ticket, and it's a known bug. Waiting for Droidz to look into it. :)
  8. Any chance that @Droidz will comment on this? :)
  9. Yeah, the way to make it work with raid, is what i wrote above. :P Will it be added, or will i have to manually rewrite all my code to use lua instead?
  10. Hey Droidz Not sure if it's a bug or it is intended, but when you use the class editor, and you set it to check friends (For healing group). It only casts on the group. Is there a way to change that to raid? I am guessing that you are doing variableName {"party1", "party2", "party3" etc.} or some variation of that. (Array) Should be possible to change that into raid1 raid2 etc. based on you being in a party or raid. group = false if not group then group = "solo" end groupmembers = false if not groupmembers then groupmembers = 0 end if GetNumPartyMembers() > 0 then group ="party" groupmembers = GetNumPartyMembers() end if GetNumRaidMembers() > 0 then group = "raid" groupmembers = GetNumRaidMembers() end This is how I personally define if i am in a group/raid/solo
  11. That does not make any sense, sounds like a bug since it does work in raids. I will make a ticket in the bug-tracker. :)
  12. Just heals yourself? Try clicking the cogwheel mate, it will show the settings you can set in-game. If you look on page 2. You will see it says "Heal Yourself", "Heal Group" and "Heal Focus". So you besides healing your BG group, it will even allow you to set a focus, and focus heal that. Like if you set the flag carrier as focus, it will make sure he stays alive, above anyone else in the group. :)
  13. Hehe, thank you. :) Glad you liek it! If you wan't to show your appreciation, feel free to make a review. :)
  14. Are you asking if the healing druid build will do quests fast? If you have someone to kill stuff, sure. :)
  15. Thank you very much for the fine words mate! To post a review on the top of this comment section, click "Review" Then on the top of the Review page you can click "Write a Review" You can then give it 1 to 5 stars. And underneath this you can write this comment. :) To delete your comments, click "Options" under your posts and click "hide". This will remove the posts. :)
  16. I honestly don't know. if the abilities are the same, then it should theoretically work, but i have never played resto druid in Vanilla. Edit: GUI probably won't work with the addon: https://github.com/DennisWG/CastModifier
  17. Hunter_The_Twillight_Rdige.xml Here is my leather farmer for snakes @ Twilligt Ridge in nagrand. It has built in script to buy ammo when empty. Feel free to rip the code. :)
  18. Depends, if i am using it for rotation (for raids) i manually fill bags. If i use it for quester, and i am using some of my own profiles, then i have added to the qeuster to buy arrows when empty. If i am using a quester someone else made, then i add the code to their quest profile, so it buys arrows. :)
  19. Hehe unfortunately i am not having a lot of free time these days, but i will look into other classes when i have the time. :)
  20. Nevermind, i figured it out myself by looking at the top of my cs file. It's just: HunterBeastmasterSettings.Load()
  21. @Droidz Is there any way to Load from the fightclass? HunterBeastmasterSettings.CurrentSetting.Load() Won't work since the Load function is static. The reason i want to load manually is because if people do /reloadui without stopping the bot, it will not load (since it only loads when you press "play")
  22. Thank you so much Droidz! You are a star!
  23. You are a god damn god! <3 Thank you!!!! Edit: Is there any way that i can add this with the fight class editor, so i don't have to change to CS every update? :)
  24. I just want to save every end of the "rotation" or on a timer.. I also tried calling the save with the Development tool. Edit: I am using the fight class editor to make my fightclasses. (And notepad) Edit2: To be more precise, what i wanted to do was to put the HunterBeastmasterSettings.CurrentSetting.Save() as the last "spell" in my rotation and then set it to run as C#.
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