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Posts posted by Ordush

  1. 50 minutes ago, saleh said:


    Just add "shoot" as a spell name in the editor.

    It's the same as what MikeMail did above.

    public Spell wand = new Spell("Shoot");

    Here he instances Spell wand as "Shoot".
    and his code here: MikeMail


    Basically just tells the bot to cast whatever "Wand" is instanced as. In this case Shoot.
    So in short he is telling the bot to cast the spell Shoot.
    Which is the same as adding the spell "Shoot" in the FC editor.

    if (wand.KnownSpell && wand.IsSpellUsable && ObjectManager.Me.ManaPercentage <= 5 && ObjectManager.Me.GetEquipedItemBySlot(wManager.Wow.Enums.InventorySlot.INVSLOT_RANGED) != 0)

    This here is his conditions. You can add all these in the editor Just look at what comes after Wand. The last bit with GetEquippedItemBySlot is probably not in the editor, but you can add this via "c#" code as a condition.

    Make sure you add the condition that it should only "cast" if not casting already, otherwise it will shoot, stop shoot, shoot, stop shoot etc.

  2. I honestly don't think so.
    It is with wrobot as it has always been with honorbuddy before that, and glider before that, etc.
    You get reported, or caught by a GM, game over.
    Now it has ALWAYS been like this: Private profiles are less likely to get caught, while public profiles most likely will get caught sooner rather than later.
    In Mist of Pandaria I used 2 bots, one that was doing ores and herbs (had virtually no gear), and 1 that had gear (my main account) farming leather.
    The ores and herbs profiles (I had 4 bots doing that) all got caught eventually (I used randomized public profiles). Where my main account that just farmed leather NEVER got banned. And actually still works fine to this day.. The difference was that the leather farming profiles i created myself, while the herbs and ores were public.
    On warmane, i have 11 level 70's NONE of them has ever been banned and probably never will. I don't currently play them, but when i did I only used selfmade profiles.
    I even published two of them here (scales farming) and never used them since i published them here. (Mind you that 5 of the 11 chars are shamans, that i used to multi-box).

    Can tell you that 11/11 chars has done about 0 quests (they are all leveled with an exploit that i'm not going to share, so please don't ask).

  3. 2 minutes ago, srazdokunebil said:

    It Works!

    Unfortunately, none of those LUA functions worked from the 1.12.1 client.  Several functions including GetSpellInfo(), invoked in the game client from a /script macro (not from the c# scrript) returns a LUA error complaining that the function doesn't exist.  Maybe it's me making a mistake, or I have a Frankenstein copy of 1.12.1.  Who knows.

    I was, however, able to get CastSpellByName() to play ball:

    public static void SetMouseoverUnit(WoWUnit unit)
            (uint)wManager.Wow.Memory.WowMemory.Memory.MainModuleAddress + 0x74E2C8, unit.Guid);
    public static void CastOn(WoWUnit unit, Spell spell)
        float i = spell.CastTime;
        i = i * 1000 + 1500;
        int myint = Convert.ToInt32(i);
        Logging.WriteDebug("Casting " + spell.Name + " on " + unit.Name + " ..Cast time == " + i + " Type = " + myint);
        //WORKED: string cast = (@"TargetUnit(""mouseover""); CastSpellByName(""Flash Heal""); TargetLastTarget();");
        string cast1 = (@"TargetUnit(""mouseover""); CastSpellByName(""");
        string cast2 = (@"""); TargetLastTarget();");
        Lua.LuaDoString(cast1 + spell.Name + cast2);

    The bad:

    • Yep, this code is ugly.  But it gets the job done. *shrug*
    • wRobot's cs parser version doesn't do '@' verbatim strings, and I'm not yet inclined to make a whole .csproj of this thing, so please excuse the string fuckery at the bottom.
    • I've found *no* c# or LUA method that could derive whether I am casting.  I've gone through the forums, pored over code and determined that, while using 1.12.1 + wRobot:
      • ObjectManager.Me.IsCast always returns false
      • every possible LUA function capable of determining my casting state returns an error
      • ..so that why I'm using a Thread.Sleep here.

    The Good:

    • It works, casting heals on myself and partymembers without switching targets.
    • The mouseover workaround was pointed out by reapler & Matenia in the following thread.

    Thank you so much for your help!




    Again use the wiki to see what works for Vanilla.
    I just noticed my link was from 2008 (TBC) so no GetSpellInfo does not work. ?

  4. 1 hour ago, srazdokunebil said:

    Thanks for the quick reply!  It's too bad that the unoffical API docs don't have version specificity.  Is it possible at all to cast spells onto a friendly unit without targeting them in vanilla?

    This is not a wrobot thing. This is a wow thing. ?
    You can always check the wow wiki and use the "history" button to see if stuff is in Vanilla or not.
    I don't think it's possible, been a while since i did healing stuff for vanilla though. ?

    There are workarounds to cast spells using "id" by using GetSpellInfo()


    Using this you can use CastSpellByName(GetSpellInfo(551)) replace 551 with any spell ID
    HOWEVER CastSpellByName only has an "on self" argument, which means you can either cast it on yourself or on your target. It's useful for stuff like selfbuffing, dispelling, decursing etc. since you won't need to relieve your target.

    Next thing:
    You can use TargetLastTarget to achieve "Healing target without targeting them". In a sense, you will be targeting your party member, casting your spell then targeting whatever you targeted before this. (This will look like you never changed target). ?

  5. 3 minutes ago, srazdokunebil said:

    I'm amending a holy priest healBot fightclass profile for vanilla 1.12.1, and I'm stuck.  As it stands now, I am able to run the code as an non-compiled .cs fightclass.  I've even added a rudimentary decurse engine.  However, I am irritated that the bot needs to use Interact.InteractGameObject to actively target myself and other players in order to cast heals and other beneficial spells.  My goal is to cast spells on partymembers without having to switch targets.

    I've searched the forums and found a few promising avenues:

    1) Focus frame method: [Holy - Paladin] The Holy Grail 17.06.22b
    Built for 3.3.5a/2.4.3.  Source link.  This healbot uses the focus frame to cast spells on the intended target.  Unfortunately, since I am building for 1.12.1 client, there is no focus.Guid functionality.  There are addons that provide /focus functionality, but AFAIK those are not addressable from wrobot.  Dead end for now.

    2) Execute LUA code: 5006-cast-spell-without-targeting
    User iMod points out that this is possible, but didn't specifically state whether he's tested this in 1.12.1.  I tried the following code snippet:

    (I altered the LUA string to not rely on string interpolation as in iMod's example, since I am running .cs source and not compiling to .DLL)

    if (target.Guid == ObjectManager.Me.Guid)
        // Cast on self
        Lua.LuaDoString("CastSpellByID (2061, \"player\")");

    That returned the following error in the wow console:

    ERROR: [string "Yofewupyo.lua"]:13: attempt to call global 'CastSpellByID' (a nil value)

    I get the same error in the wow console when using c# code instead, as Droidz suggests

    wManager.Wow.Helpers.SpellManager.CastSpellByIdLUA(2061, "player");

    I also got rid of all addons, still no joy:

    [string "esurut.lua"]:13: attempt to call global 'CastSellByID' (a nil value)

    Any idea why I'm getting this error?  Thanks for your time! ?

    There is no such thing as "CastSpellByID" in vanilla. ?

  6. On 5/8/2019 at 10:19 PM, ktek said:

    Love the profile, it runs really well! 

    I am currently having an issue where I get an in-game error everytime I'm in combat

    "[string "Iciydipyguqi.lua "]:17: 'then' expected near '=' "

    I have tried to reinstall wrobot and all my profiles with no plugins and disabled and enabled every spell in the interface but can't seem to work it out (No in game addons enabled). I am not sure if it's related but I also get stuck in aspect of the cheetah and won't use hawk (or traps) regardless of it being turned on in the interface. 

    Thanks, keep up the great work ?


    Hey mate. I know that we figured that this was not my fightclass.
    But the bug with aspect of the Hawk. Did it occur on your other pc?
    I just tested it with the newest version of wrobot, and the version of the fightclass that you have. I have no issues at all with aspects.
    I can't write to you on discord anymore for some reason.

  7. 14 hours ago, rm0k0 said:

    hello folks, i am newbie BM hunter lvl5. and i have an issue.

    it do not feed himself and just continue to pull mobs on low hp and die, same happens after resurrection just pull mob on low hp and die.

    english client with no addons. i am sure that there are foods and drinks in inventory, i put food name in wrobot fightclass general setting food tap.

    could someone put me to the right direction, what i am doing wrong?

    The food part of my fightclass, ONLY controls the pet food. Make sure that the food you are trying to feed your pet is in the list in the advanced settings (in-game).
    Edit: You don't get a pet until level 10?

  8. 19 minutes ago, Jensen- said:

    so my bot killed and npc to complete quest but it didnt die at the spot where it spawns and where its market with the point in bot, and bot has problem with looting it if its out of range, it will stand therer until either i restart it or i pick it manualy same goes for looting chests, when i made this screen the bot was runing 


    4 kwi 2019 12H29.log.html 5.14 MB · 0 downloads

    There is no such thing as marked points in the bot. ?
    The targets locations are live. ?
    Can you please try using wrotation without any fightclass/profile/plugins in a clean wrobot install.
    Have it handle movement, and see if it loots the target?
    If that works, then you add your fightclass, do it again.
    Then you add your plugins, do it again. after that start your quester.
    If it has issues with your quester, then turn off your plugins, and only use your quester and your fightclass. If that works, then turn on your plugins 1 at a time until you find out what is causing it.

  9. 13 hours ago, FlightRN11 said:

    I cant get the bot to feed my pet.  I enter the food name in the options menu and its spamming the feed pet button but wont select the food.  therefor if im not around my pet ends up getting pissed and eventually leaving which defeats the purpose.  Any ideas?

    Make sure that you press "Enter" after entering the food name.

  10. 8 hours ago, encore707 said:

    Nice routine. The only suggestion i would make would be for the hunter to not run from a max distance of 35 yards all the way to what seems like 25 when targeting a mob. Doesn't seem to want to stay at max range.

    The new version will have modular range. ?

  11. 15 hours ago, encore707 said:

    Tips or suggestions for why the routine is not  decursing or abolishing poison when the options are selected on?

    Hey mate.

    Maybe there has been some changes to wrobot, can you test on focus target?

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