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WRobot user
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Everything posted by Zan

  1. No you weren't. Lifetime sub hasn't been around for a while now. Unlimited means both private and retail use with unlimited sessions on a single IP.
  2. On live? It's detected. You know that right?
  3. https://wrobot.eu/clients/purchases/
  4. This doesn't work? public float Range { get { return FightClassSettingsHere; } }
  5. This has been posted a few times already. Yes, Blizz scans outside of WoW now.
  6. In WoW type /fstack Open Flight Map Hover mouse over intended Flight Path Use info from fstack In WoW type /fstack to turn it off
  7. WRotation is what you're looking for. Also, you may want to write a FC
  8. Is this for live servers?
  9. I'd hold off. We've had a total of 4 banwaves on retail lately.
  10. Zan

    I'm back!

    He's obviously been gone longer than 5 months so you wouldn't know him.
  11. It was caught in 2 banwaves recently. You need to make your own Sometimes hours, sometimes weeks.
  12. Let @Droidz know and he'll take care of you. He's an honest guy.
  13. Discord changed their TOS. Which could be a result from what you described.
  14. We had a chat in here at one time. I can't see it on my phone atm.
  15. It seems that way. I saw you moved to a different one since it happened to you as well.
  16. Where do I start? Do I start with you're not subscribed to WRobot and probably using a hacked version or selling an account that may be flagged as a botter to an unknowing person who may lose an account they paid for?
  17. Discord is still at it, it seems.
  18. Private servers offer free 15 minute trial using "Trial" as the key. If you want a retail key it's a paid 3 day key.
  19. WRobot User means you're currently a paying customer. Members means you're not.
  20. I'll give you a hint, look at a few of the recent posts.
  21. Then botting is not for you.
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