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Everything posted by wlhr

  1. Gab es nicht mal ein Lifetimemodell?
  2. he said he can login and create a free >21 character
  3. can you login with that account and make a character from 1-20?
  4. wlhr

    64 bit

    thats because 32 bit sucks. 64 bit always run the game faster and more stable
  5. yes and i have tested it right now to not talk bullshit and it is still working with 32bit
  6. i just botted my voidelf to lvl 35 :D
  7. Tested everything. Still have the problem
  8. patch is out for like 3 days and you guys are acting like its 3 months... just fucking wait, what is wrong with you people?
  9. würde schon sagen dass der sicher ist
  10. I know... old post and stuff but it worked; thanks! Für deutsche Nutzer; ersetzt Felstorm mit Teufelssturm, weil Felstorm erkennt er nicht.
  11. If you have no clue please dont bother.
    very good working fightclass, thank you camelot10
  12. Hello, does someone know how frequently the bot checks if a condition is met or not? And if yes how can I change it?
  13. 10 seems to be the right value for those conditions.
  14. Hello, can someone tell me how to setup Chaos Bolt and make the Soulshard Condition working? I tried: 5 Soulshards (equal) does nothing at all. 5 Soulshards (biggerorequal) does cast with 2 Soulshards 4 Soulshards (bigger) does cast with 2 Soulshards Someone have an idea?
  15. check ned warum die die europäer so hart bestrafen, wenn du im raum asien bottest bekommst nur so 10 tage banns
  16. wlhr

    64 bit

    I bet he already has a working x64 build :x
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