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Everything posted by Matenia

  1. You can only encrypt if you both own a license and are allowed to sell products (different rank on here). None of that is available to people using cracked versions
  2. You need to either compile the DatabaseManager yourself and put it in your Bin folder (and the Wowdb inside your Data folder) or grab binaries from here: The "fix" you made has NOTHING to do with trainers. It actually breaks HMP's ClassTraining and replaces it with WRobot's default training which is broken af and will basically do nothing for Vanilla-WotLK but go to trainers every levelup if it can find some in the WRobot database. You shouldn't need to change a single line of code besides removing authentication
  3. All products are discontinued and have been released on the forums for free to compile yourself. As stated in the post above the question you asked.
  4. It's literally been released for free on the forums...
  5. Modified clients will modify internal map info in ways that can easily confuse WRobot but not the user itself because everything is visually adjusted. Also, I highly recommend you use Quester, not Grinder profiles. Some grinders just make you walk a pre-determined path and to get there in the first place, it'll try a straight line. Also, you don't own a WRobot license, I doubt you'll be getting much more support.
  6. Looks like it's not spelled correctly and all lower case too
  7. You'll have to compile it yourself, removing the auth code. Alternatively, someone else will have to do it for you. The entire project code is there, it's as easy as loading it up in Visual Studio, removing the one line of authentication code and hitting build. Otherwise you and everyone else will lose access when the servers go down. It's a decision I had to make. I've been supporting these for 8 years, people got their money's worth.
  8. Edit: If you send me a PM about this asking for free support, YOU WILL BE BLOCKED. I will NOT compile any of it for you. Do not PM me asking to buy or asking me to help you compile it. If you can't add the binaries to your build to compile it, it's not for you. Put in the effort to learn or ask someone else to do it for you. The experimental project contains its own quester, own combat engine and own fightclasses using that combat engine. It was developed with 3.3.5a in mind and I tried to move it to Legion+ and 64 bit. None of it works in its current form. Git history may help. This also has a modified version of Reapler's WowDB. The fightclasses zip contains everything ever posted on here. It has HMP, my fightclasses etc. This works 100%, you just need to put your own WRobot binaries into the projects. I can't maintain the code anymore and at the moment it just costs me money. Everything has officially been abandoned. Servers will go down in June or July whenever my contract runs out. Feel free to do with this code whatever you want and do as you please. This does NOT include turning it into paid products. I had a good run here on WRobot and hope at least the Wholesome team can make use of some of this. wrobot-experimental.zip wrobot-fightclasses.zip
  9. Assuming you spelled it correctly (unlike in the title) it would help to understand your version/client/etc. The bot by default does some regular CanCast type checks and one of them may be buggy for totems. A relog can sometimes help. Having the actual totem in your bags is required for many expansions, meaning you need to do the quest. That being said, you can also way use Lua and do CastSpellByName('Grace of Air Totem')
  10. Either print debug info via wrobot to find the ID or use wowhead and search for objects like this: https://www.wowhead.com/search?q=zeppelin#objects https://wotlk.evowow.com/?search=deeprun+tram#objects
  11. As you've probably seen in the buyer email, you should contact me on Discord for support. It has an FAQ channel. The short rundown is that I need a full log file, but: no support for custom servers turn off your addons if you have anything injecting movement via keybinds, the game can freeze if you don't turn off Framelock in the fightclass settings PS: There hasn't been a purchase for this fightclass in weeks. The download link here leads to an easter egg, an older, free hunter fightclass...
  12. Please contact me on Discord. I need a full log file to see what you're trying to do. There's basically no way the game would just close unless you're using a modified client (not supported by WRobot) or trying to use a wrong expansion (TBC, WotLK client) entirely. Note that it clearly says: Wow Version 1.12.1 for this product.
  13. If the boss is dead, it won't complete. The unit still exists. Filter for alive units or create a second condition that checks if there's one returned unit and it's dead
  14. You don't have a WRobot license, I doubt you will get help here. Your old version (cracked) of WRobot likely doesn't work with any modern WRobot fightclasses.
  15. Exactly as easy. I published the framework for free on these forums (you can't see, because you don't have a subscription). There's even support for Wand (Shoot) and Auto Shot in there, which requires more work. If you have a fightclass that evaluates fast, you can also get stuck wanding forever and unable to cast spells inbetween, as wanding blocks them.
  16. This is a grinder. You need a quester, especially if you want C# code. Grinders will not work. There's development and tutorial sections on the forums. There are even some example profiles for a lot of stuff, either in those sections or in the download sections for the 1.12, 2.4.3 and 3.3.5a
  17. Run where to? You could make a plugin that cancels all combat, ignores all feature combat and runs to the nearest vendor, if you're comfortable with C#. 99-100% chance you will run into some mobs, aggro them and die. Best to just refuse combat, spam some emotes at your enemy and die.
  18. This will require C#. Either in the fightclass or a separate plugin that forces combat with those mobs.
  19. The bot has a TRIAL license to test for yourself
  20. Yes, it works with 1.12.1, 2.4.3 and 3.3.5a There is NO support for custom servers/clients. If your server doesn't run a clean 2.4.3 client, WRobot already has problems. Additionally, HMP utilizes Lua a lot. So addons, custom interfaces and other client patches can and WILL break it. To clarify: TurtleWoW, Endless, Sirus, etc are all heavily modified. If you can get it to work there, good for you. I will not provide support.
  21. If you look at the log, the bot already tries 4 or 5 different pathfinding servers. The problem seems to be that you can't connect to any of them. Try a different VPN provider. If it works without a VPN, just run WoW through a VPN or Socks5 proxy.
  22. Have you tried another fightclass yet? Literally any other? If you can run the RoguePvP fightclass in a quester profile for 30-60minutes while grinding mobs, it's definitely not the issue. Nobody else has report this to me.
  23. Only members who pay for the bot and have an active license can.
  24. https://wrobot.eu/forums/forum/37-quester-assistance/
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