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Everything posted by Matenia

  1. Client can receive certain packetss, for example for BG invites. If you modify the content slightly, the client might still accept those packets but the text is modified. Now if they accept the fake BG invite, they agree the math problem shown to them is correct, otherwise it's not (I imagine). This looks like it's most definitely a modified client though
  2. Probably because you bought cheap grinders and they only do a handful of quests. The profile you bought is from 2016.
  3. Sorry, I've just seen too many arrogant posts from you and am currently enjoying proof of your own incompetence.
  4. Then call it repeatedly in a loop or cancel movement events. I'm not here to help you figure out how to automate your exploits so you can keep selling them
  5. That has nothing to do with the FC. There are plenty of topics around these forums on how to restock food and drink.
  6. MovementManager.StopMoveTo(false, 1000000); MovementManager.StopMove();
  7. It's been said in the big thread - if you don't use the tauri client (i.e. the one that includes all their custom files) it's not detected
  8. PM me on Discord I'll send you a version you can try
  9. Dude if someone caught you, you'd be banned already
  10. I already check if there's any loot in 10 yards before I decide to stealth. Make sure you're using the correct version through your download link and not the free demo attached on the forums.
  11. Looks to me like you just left a battleground and wRobot didn't fully recognize
  12. It is, if you YOURSELF bother setting it up. This plugin is free, the code is right there. You can disable stuff if you want to. But wRobot by itself already offers functionality for buying drink/food if you set up vendors correctly. This is a plugin that automates *some* functionality and predates that feature being added to wRobot. If you aren't interested in scouting through the options wRobot offers or in making your own profiles with your own vendors pre-set, you'll be hard pressed to us this or wRobot's built in feature.
  13. That's just logging for debugging purposes, I don't chagne the variable. Your profile probably does.
  14. If you botted on both accounts on the same IP, that might be why you got caught. wRobot is definitely not detected on Netherwing, as I'm currently botting 2 accounts and one just hit Outland.
  15. As this is a feature of my paid fightclass, I will give you the code but I will NOT tell you how to implement it. If you aren't proficient enough in C# to put this to use, I'm sorry. MovementEvents.OnMovementPulse += LongGhostWolfHandler; MovementEvents.OnMoveToPulse += GhostWolfHandler; private void GhostWolfHandler(Vector3 point, CancelEventArgs cancelable) { if (point.DistanceTo(Me.Position) >= wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.MountDistance) { UseGhostWolf(); } } private void LongGhostWolfHandler(List<Vector3> points, CancelEventArgs cancelable) { if (points.Select(p => p.DistanceTo(Me.Position)).Aggregate(0f, (p1, p2) => p1 + p2) >= wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.MountDistance) { UseGhostWolf(); } } private void UseGhostWolf() { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.GroundMountName) && !new Regeneration().NeedToRun && (Me.HaveBuff("Lightning Shield") || Me.HaveBuff("Water Shield")) && !Me.HaveBuff("Ghost Wolf") && EnhancerSetting.CurrentSetting.GhostWolf && !Me.InCombat) { MovementManager.StopMoveTo(false, 1000); SpellManager.CastSpellByNameLUA("Ghost Wolf"); Thread.Sleep(Usefuls.Latency); Usefuls.WaitIsCasting(); } }
  16. It happened to me today once, but @maukor said on Discord it happened on 1k needles, Freewind Elevator and Thunderbluff Elevator. I will double check tomorrow if it works.
  17. Fightclass works fine, but if you use any plugins (like original SmoothMove) that specifically activate "use Lua to move", it FREEZES in combat due to deadlocking.
  18. The error doesn't do anything, but you are trying to use a vanilla fightclass in TBC so that's never gonna work
  19. Hey Droidz, it seems wRobot falls off Elevators since the last update. Did you change anything about pathing/movement in general?
  20. Don't set it to buy new food if you don't have vendors in your database/profile that sell food. wRobot won't know which vendors sell which stuff, unless you all set it up correctly. So if you're unlucky, it continues going to a vendor that doesn't sell food, then tries again and again. It's also possible you have set yours up to vendor every x minutes. Can't actually tell, since only ONE person in this thread has posted a log file.
  21. Because target guid is a static offset in WotLK. ObjectManager.Me.Target = unit.Guid; works, or if you want to set mouseover: private static void SetMouseoverGuid(ulong guid) { switch (Usefuls.WowVersion) { case 5875: Memory.WowMemory.Memory.WriteUInt64((uint)Memory.WowMemory.Memory.MainModuleAddress + 0x74E2C8, guid); break; case 8606: Memory.WowMemory.Memory.WriteUInt64((uint)Memory.WowMemory.Memory.MainModuleAddress + 0x86E950, guid); break; case 12340: Memory.WowMemory.Memory.WriteUInt64((uint) 0x00BD07A0, guid); break; default: throw new Exception("Wow version is not supported!"); } } private static void SetMouseoverUnit(WoWUnit unit) { SetMouseoverGuid(unit.Guid); } public static void Target(WoWUnit unit) { ulong guid = unit.Guid; if (guid == 0) { return; } ulong tmp = Memory.WowMemory.Memory.ReadUInt64((uint)Memory.WowMemory.Memory.MainModuleAddress + 0x74E2C8); SetMouseoverUnit(unit); Lua.LuaDoString(@"TargetUnit(""mouseover"");"); //do something here SetMouseoverUnit(tmp); }
  22. Please update the fightclass (by redownloading) and try again. I made some updates to it recently that could potentially resolve a range pull problem. Please also make sure you aren't using the wRobot setting "Caculate target distance by size", as that is only needed for buggy vanilla servers and causes a lot of issues in TBC.
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