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Everything posted by Matenia

  1. @Droidz thishas been added, you can close it
  2. COnsidering many people have tried fightclasses and only a few old ones that use Lua extensively and predictively have been *assumed* to be the cause for getting banned. There are plenty of people who have run 1-50+ with fightclasses and not gotten banned. This was just for the sake of testing.
  3. Testing TBC atm (added offmesh connection to my plugin for now). Looks good:
  4. Yes, positions are the same. Thank you very much.
  5. Oh yeah, game object is called "Mesa Elevator". http://tbc.cavernoftime.com/?search=mesa+elevator
  6. Hey Droidz, recently, you added the ability to have OffMesh connections even when wRobot can make a path. Can you add the barrens elevator (Vanilla => WotLK) to it server side? I am currently having issues with intercepting movement events. Sometimes they are just not firing correctly and I can't intercept to take the elevator. If I pause/unpause the bot, it works again. I have similar problems with tram (but it's not that bad and I can probably somehow fix it). Important coordinates: private static Vector3 _topStart = new Vector3(-4659.659, -1828.934, 85.31983); // position of character at elevator top private static Vector3 _bottomStart = new Vector3(-4668.06, -1822.035, -44.17824); // position of character after leaving elevator at bottom private static Vector3 _topPositionOnElevator = new Vector3(-4665.093, -1827.918, 85.44527); // position of character on elevator private static Vector3 _bottomPositionOnElevator = new Vector3(-4665.786, -1827.557, -43.85461); // position of character on elevator private static Vector3 _topElevatorPosition = new Vector3(-4665.43f, -1827.67f, 85.4053f); // elevator standing still (reached top) private static Vector3 _bottomElevatorPosition = new Vector3(-4665.43f, -1827.67f, -43.89458f); // elevator standing still (reached bottom)
  7. Namreeb apparently managed to execute arbitrary code through a warden module in vanilla. He never published it (iirc) becuase it could essentially make every WoW client a trojan horse.
  8. If you use my feral fightclass with range pull (for TBC) update it. There was a bug. You can just redownload through the same old link.
  9. adjust your regen settings, they have nothing to do with the fightclass If you don't set up food, you'll have to at least set percentages that are reasonable, or wRobot will just regen by waiting.
  10. There are ways to be moderately safe. But if they know about your bot, they will find a way to detect it specifically. Especially because they can easily find out what you're doing to get around detection. Its a cat/mouse game that neither side is fully going to win.
  11. Yes it will have the exact same anti-cheat and you can not expect a bot to work with classic unless you've made a name for yourself and somehow manage to be part of a smaller private botting community. Those have existed ever since Legion was patched with the new system that eventually killed HonorBuddy and then slowly everything else. tl;dr you will not see an official wRobot for classic. You will not see Zzukbot, Vanillabotter, oGasai or anything else being ported either.
  12. Well then, you have the Discord info you need to join my channel and get proper support. If you're using the fightclass correctly, the English client and it still doesn't cast anything, try a fresh install. But if you want proper support, I am not giving that through the wRobot forums. This thread already doesn't belong here.
  13. Wand is off by default except on low enemy HP. So if you entered the order id correctly, it will use your spells and shouldn't really wand. Best to disable all your addons.
  14. @Droidz low "max units near target" causes objects in Quester (game objects) to be blacklisted and wRobot will never loot them. Can you make it so this setting *only* applies to mobs/npcs/etc? Because it works fairly well. I usually use 80-120 search radius, but due to using quester, I have to set max units to 15+.
  15. It clearly says it's the fightclass. So you contact the creator and then you're told to re-download it to connect o the new auth server
  16. All conditions are concatenated by "AND". Therefore unless every single condition evaluates to true, it won't use the spell.
  17. The buff is just called Freezing Fog. Nothing special http://wotlk.cavernoftime.com/spell=59052
  18. If you want it to learn new spells, you need to add trainers to your profile or your wRobot database, so it can go back them. Then wRobot will run to trainer on EVERY level up, so you need a free plugin to prevent that.
  19. HMP doesn't do vendor/repair selection for you, unless you specifically activate it. If you do, it has its own level restrictions for several zones and will choose the closest vendor (by path, not 2D distance) that is not in a higher level zone. This is done for food/drink/ammunition automatically. For regular vendoring, by default wRobot will choose its own database. If your profile doesn't add vendors or your own db is just mostly empty, wRobot doesn't have a lot of choices. If HMP selects a vendor you don't want it to select, simply blacklist the NPC ID (which you can get from classicdb.ch, tbc.cavernoftime.com etc)in HMP's settings.
  20. That detection was fixed by Droidz within literally 1 day of it going live on Warmane.
  21. Download link never changes, plus doesn't his stuff auto update when you launch it?
  22. You would need to add the objective count in your quest editor (by number, - if the objective is like in this example - just set objective 1 to 1). If you want a quest with different objective counts to work both in vanilla, tbc and wotlk, you can a CanCondition for both quests (and then put both as Pulse in your quest order editor). For the CanCondition, you can just check Usefuls.WowVersion == 5875 //vanilla Usefuls.WowVersion == 8606 //TBC Usefuls.WowVersion == 12340 //WotLK
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