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Everything posted by Matenia

  1. Make sure all your vendors have drinks then. And then find this: if (OutOfFood()) { Logging.WriteDebug("[AutoSelectFoodAndDrink] Out of food, force wRobot to town"); ToTown.ForceToTown = true; } and replace with if (false) { Logging.WriteDebug("[AutoSelectFoodAndDrink] Out of food, force wRobot to town"); ToTown.ForceToTown = true; } It will now never go to town to buy food. However, the log file above showed it went to town to buy water. If your water is not in this level appropriate list, you're fucked: Water at the vendor you're using needs to be the one in the list. You may follow down the code and adjust it to your liking. { 0, 159 }, // Refreshing Spring water { 5, 159 }, // Refreshing Spring water { 10, 1179 }, // Ice Cold Milk { 20, 1205 }, // Melon Juice { 30, 1708 }, // Sweet Nectar { 40, 1645 }, // Moonberry Juice { 50, 8766 }, // Morning Glory Dew { 61, 28399 }, // Filtered Draenic Water -- make sure this is only used in TBC { 65, 27860 }, // Purified Draenic Water { 71, 33444 }, // Pungent Seal Whey -- make sure this is only used in WotLK { 75, 33444 }, // Pungent Seal Whey { 85, 8766 },
  2. Read the description. Every vendor (except for Repair) available to your profile NEEDS TO BE A VENDOR WHO SELLS FOOD FOR THIS TO WORK. You need to force your bot to only know applicable vendors. It will try to select the appropriate food for your level and in your bags, depending on the situation. The code is right there if you want to modify it. Responsibility of configuring WRobot is on you. If you add vendors that don't sell food, the bot will try to go to the closest vendor over and over and never be able to buy food. It'll just force another ToTown state where it can intercept and buy more food. If you only want to use specific food, you need to change the code. That's why I published everything for free.
  3. Well, then you should contact me for support with your order ID and a log file on Discord, like it says in your purchase email. You'll find that this is Vanilla 1.12.1 only and there is NO guarantee it supports modified clients. If you patch your WoW.exe in any way, I can't guarantee that my code still works.
  4. For anyone wondering, this is pretty much the preferred method. You could set WRobot's settings to completely ignore fights after calling Fight.StopFight as well. But this is essentially what I use to escape mobs in HMP too. Unfortunately dynamic escape while avoiding new groups of mobs is quite complicated and will probably never be 100% perfect as you need to also make sure you won't just run in circles etc. Mostly just came here to say Zer0's approach is the one I found to be working best and most reliably.
  5. Should be 2.4.3 and everything after. Dungeon TBC maps didn't change until 6.x or something iirc.
  6. He already said: Any version currently officially supported by Blizzard will not receive WRobot support. You're asking him to get in legal trouble.
  7. https://github.com/tomrus88/BlizzardInterfaceCode/tree/wrath/Interface/FrameXML Figure it out. Time to read some code and figure out how that frame is created. Look into mail frame. From having a quick look it seems to open some MailFrameCOD. You can see literally all the functionality in place that causes this frame. Everything is statically name.
  8. https://github.com/tomrus88/BlizzardInterfaceCode/blob/wrath/Interface/FrameXML/CoinPickupFrame.lua CoinPickupLeftButton:Click(); -- maybe?
  9. Maybe contact the creators on their Discord, if you're looking for help.
  10. Currently, it's almost impossible to find this section, for someone who doesn't know about it: https://wrobot.eu/files/category/174-wrobot-files-supported-by-multi-version/ The problem is, that it's not showing up in the main menus and you have to click your way through. There's still many useful plugins hidden there. It should be more visible.
  11. Best available is hit and miss. It tries to read spells from the game. You might find a helpful plugin here: https://wrobot.eu/files/category/177-plugins-multiversion/
  12. You need to use Lua to iterate your debuffs and get their debuff type, then cast Purify if it's poison. https://github.com/droidzfr/WRobot_Packages/blob/fccc740c611b6447361d401c2aa35bb401d6f638/Old paid files/akuros/PriestDiscipline By Akuros v1.2.cs#L302 You also need to find the correct parameters for your Wow version. They're different between 1.12.1, 2.4.3, 3.3.5a, 4.3.4, etc
  13. Try caching. This is what I had to do for HMP. In HMP, there's a similar functionality where I attempt to recognize mobs in your path by scanning vectors around where I know the bot is intending to walk to. I found that caching approximate distance somewhat alleviated these issues. As a further backup, I tried creating a square around the character and periodically check for colission of enemies within that square. It's by no means pretty or efficient, but it doesn't have pathing overhead. Maybe this is something you might wanna try for the Wholesome Plugins too. Additionally, regarding OP's request to rezz away from mobs - this is something I've tried with HMP too. I know Droidz has his own code, but generally speaking it's not actually that easy. If you're trying to do the math, you may end up with no safe spot at all, simply because there aren't any within rezz distance. Some servers will also allow for rezzing from further apart than would normally be the case and all you can do is guesstimate and choose what should be "safe" values for most servers. Personally, I place myself on top of the corpse, calculate the angle to the closest mob, check 180° in the opposite direct (so further away from that mob) in a cone for spots that aren't within x yards of a mob. There's only so much you can do. PS if you message me on my Discord, I'll give you a 24h trial to HMP to see if this will alleviate your issues at all. If it does, I can pass some of the code on to Droidz and he can see if it helps him at all.
  14. Here's my take on this as a software developer: yes, but the traffic they can check is usually not very useful, only your WoW client communicates with their server I doubt they actually collect THAT much data. Most pserver owners don't have the infracstructure. Pserver are already running at their physical hardware limit and data warehouse costs extra $$$ It's long been rumored, that they found an exploit in the WoW 1.12 warden that lets them execute abitrary commands on your PC, so they can do a traceroute and see if any of the IPs matches - this was never confirmed again, see point number 2. They obviously have logs, but definitely not to the extent you mention. They absolutely do not log the positions of 5000 players every tick (100ms) - where do you even store that amount of data? Yes, inventory logs and gold transactions as well as mail traffic are OBVIOUSLY monitored. Similar thing for combat routines. browser fingerprints have been known for a while - use Brave in icognito mode BEHIND A PROXY/VPN to create new accounts, this doesn't need to be said twice If they can tell what games you have running on your computer, you either downloaded additional software or that exploit that lets you execute any code through Warden is real. I doubt it's that. It would be highly illegal and is essentially the same as turning the WoW client into a trojan for as long as you are connected to their server. They could just use the code to download an ACTUAL trojan. If you strictly monitor traffic on your own system, I'm sure you'll find this is not it.
  15. Use the TRIAL key and find out on an account you don't care about. If you don't get banned within 10 minutes, it's safe. I doubt they can detect. TBC is similar to vanilla - the client is ass and doesn't have good anti-cheat. You need to develop server side pattern detection in hopes of finding bots.
  16. Don't buy laptops. You can run vanilla on a used office PC with an iGPU (like Intel i5 4440 or i7 4770). Alternatively, you can get cheap X99 (QD4 or MR9A) from China and pair it with a bunch of RAM and an E5 2670 v3. Put some cheap Quadro K600 or K2000 in there and you can run 4-8 WoW VMs in a single instance if you want/need. It does take up more space than 3 laptops tho, I guess.
  17. First try on Everlook I forgot to fix my movement and got banned in the starting zone. Made a new account on the same IP 5 minutes later and got banned at level 38. Running 12 hours a day unattended. There's something you're likely doing wrong. And if you're connecting several accounts (you care about) through the same IP, I'd start there.
  18. You can PM me on my Discord. I will give you a free code to check out the product and ban it after ~12 hours.
  19. If you change your IP, as long as you stay on the same WRobot key, you need to account for a 15 minute downtime. Every time your IP is changed, there is a downtime of 15 minutes before a new IP is unlocked. Meaning a period of 15 minutes where you don't use the plugin at all. This is to ensure sharing between friends or reselling my products isn't possible, as this was unfortunately common in the past.
  20. That would mean automatic support for official servers (because you're supporting an official client) and it wouldn't at all be compatible with exisiting WRobot stuff for vanilla/tbc/wrath. My best guess: Never, ever happening.
  21. Version 1.0.0


    Basically this is just an unfinished project with some class quests and all grinding routes to 60. However, not all hotspots to 60 are correct, so you need to open this in quest editor after level 40 or so and correct the routes by adding hotspots to the quests to421, to422, to423. The profile is finished. You just need to use the Quest Editor to add mob IDs and hotspots after level 40 or so. This randomly switches between grinding areas every few minutes, so don't take spots too far apart. I meant to make this as an example for other people to use, so they could create more advanced grinders, but never finished it. Now it's up to you guys to use it as you please.
  22. Finally got my test character banned in the mid 30s. No quests done, nearly no monitoring besides a few times to make a few fixes to my products for vanilla. The last entry in the log was [Fight] Mob has moved more than 45 yards So I suspect regular old GM check by teleporting a mob to see the bot's reaction. Conclusion: No ban waves. It's safe to bot on Everlook if you use CTM with Rivatuner to limit FPS to 60 and use a semi-decent profile.
  23. My man, the fightclass has literally no bearing on whatever your bot does (spending money, standing around not doing quests, etc) outside of when WRobot puts it into combat and it chooses which spells to cast. Please familiarize yourself with WRobot before you blame something on my product that it clearly doesn't even do.
  24. For now, I can't reproduce it anymore (5 minutes ago, It was possible - idk!). If I can reproduce it again, I will put the values of Ticks checked and unchecked here.
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