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Everything posted by Matenia

  1. You guys understand that HB's pathing wasn't inherently better, but it used user developed plugins (that later on were merged into the core) that constantly changed paths based on obstacles around you, right? But I guess I'm the one who doesn't know anything about bots. Meanwhile I'm not some leecher, but have actually written countless lines of code
  2. Nobody is dispusting that HB was more polished. But you thinking that its pathing was inheritely better is idiotic. Also, you understand how cracked versions work, right? It's still the EXACT same software, it just doesn't require a server to authenticate with. So if the cracked version that people use to on older versions of the game (and once worked on retail, when it was at that patch) is shit, then so is HB in general. Make up your mind or first try to understand how these things work.
  3. That's why I said decompile it (use dotPeek), adjust it and recompile. With Lua, you'll also have to define the order, there's no way around that. Every talent has to be matched to a level in your data structure.
  4. I recommend you decompile this and see that it supports 3.3.5: The "Assign Talents" doesn't do anything in wRobot for older versions. If you're looking to build it into your fightclass, check: http://wowwiki.wikia.com/wiki/API_LearnTalent
  5. It should see the dll. In fact, it should see every .cs, .dll or .xml file. It's possible that your wRobot folder has limited permissions or something. I'd try starting wRobot as administrator and check that the folder isn't set to read-only.
  6. @Droidz I noticed lately when you modify settings with wManagerSetting. CurrentSetting, sometimes they save after you close the bot. They should never save! If that's the case here, it is possible that code on profiles (NpcDB.AcceptProfileOnly for example) or any modifications to the NPC database while the bot runs are persistent. Maybe that can cause these problems?
  7. dll files go into your fightclass folder too. It's important that you download the dll for your appropriate version of wRobot (so TBC for TBC), because otherwise it might throw an error. .dll files are precompiled, which means they sometimes rely on a specific version of wRobot too. If wRobot has been updated (or your wRobot is outdated) since the fightclass was created, that could cause issues. It's always best to mention exactly what errors are thrown (error logging, or log in general) or reach out to the creator directly.
  8. No fix, really, unfortunately. You can try changing this setting to 10-15, because sometimes wRobot will ignore game objects if too many enemies are around:
  9. while(Conditions.InGameAndConnectedAndProductStartedNotInPause) { if(ObjectManager.Target.IsElite) { Conditions.ForceIgnoreIsAttacked = true; Fight.StopFight(); Lua.LuaDoString("ClearTarget();"); } if(ObjectManager.Me.InCombatFlagOnly) { Conditions.ForceIgnoreIsAttacked = false; } Thread.Sleep(500); } that code should work if you have the correct inputs and run it in a plugin or fightclass
  10. There is no way currently, it uses Pawn stat weights (http://tbcwowaddons.weebly.com/pawn.html) with stamina bumped up slightly for leveling.
  11. Happy Holidays, fellow botters! I hope you have a great time with your family and friends. As a little gift from me, you'll be receiving a coupon (limited number of uses, valid until December 26th) for ALL my products! The code is: christmas20off
  12. Would it be a problem if the default was always the current continent id? Then for every vector, I can individually decide if I need to change the continent or not. Ideally, I would like to switch the continent within 1 profile. For example, I am in Wetlands. The next quest is in Ashenvale. I just check movement events => if List<Vector3> .Last().ContinentId != Usefuls.ContinentId => () do continent switch. You don't have to change the current Vector3 constructor, it will be a non-breaking change. I think it's easiest if vector have the continent id. But if you think something else is better, then setting a continent id for each quester profile would be fine, as long as I can easily check CurrentProfile.ContinentId (or similar).
  13. Boat in Auberdine (Kalimdor): new Vector3(6592.985, 754.534, 0); Boat in Darnassus (Kalimdor): new Vector3(8533.65, 1025.055, 0); Both in its idle position. I think it's actually Z position 0.
  14. You can create a plugin with the following code - just modify the loop in any free plugin here on the forums: if (robotManager.Helpful.Logging.Status == "Regeneration") { if (!wManager.Wow.ObjectManager.ObjectManager.Me.IsSitting) { wManager.Wow.Helpers.Move.SitStandOrDescend(); Thread.Sleep(1000); } }
  15. If you go to "Tools" and click "Force to Town" - does it go then? If the answer is yes, it's actually a bug with wRobot and NOT your NPC database. If the answer is no, try the following: Disable all plugins - restart the bot ENTIRELY (cancel the program). Try again. Does it still occur? Because it is possible that any code modified your NPC database. wRobot will refuse to go to vendor, if it doesn't have the necessary NPC available.
  16. Disable your fightclass entirely and see if the bot still fights back against enemies while on ground mount
  17. Check if this is caused by your fightclass potentially attacking everything, even if you're mounted.
  18. Version 1.1.2


    Disclaimer: This fightclass only works with the English client. It is possible, that I will add support for more later. DO NOT USE ON TBC. For questions and bugreports, please reach out to me on Discord. The attached file is a simplified demo (no Cat Form) version. Installation instructions Feral druids aren't an easy class to create a solid rotation for, stances (forms) make it quite complicated. I’m here to help ease your frustration and to optimise the class for mana efficiency and reduced downtime. I highly recommend getting level 10 and Bear Form before using this. Dynamic Rotation Based Upon Level Uses Bear Form, until you get Cat Form Fairie Fire (Feral) as soon as you get it and keeps ranks updated Situational Spell Usage Uses all your spells, including Fairie Fire, Barkskin, War Stomp and your heals Bear form against multiple enemies (3 by default) Allows you to set how many enemies you must be fighting, before it will choose Bear Form over Cat Form Highly Mana Efficient Tries to keep time between heals as far spread out as possible for little downtime Automatic Skill Detection Automatically detects if you learn new spells while leveling, no need to restart the bot Doesn't require spells on your bars as it will do all the swapping out itself This profile uses frame lock. This means it freezes your game for a short amount of time to make sure no spells are skipped and the correct spell in the rotation is always selected. If you have problems with your FPS, deactivate frame lock in the profile settings. PURCHASE NOW - 6.50€ - limited to 2 IPs on 1 wRobot Key I, the owner and creator of this file, am in no way associated with the wRobot company. By purchasing this file, you agree to the contract of the purchasing website and that alone. Check out my other Fightclasses
  19. Check that the first step in your profile doesn't enable (through C# code) selling whites. That's probably the case.
  20. Version 2.2


    No refunds - you are purchasing a digital copy of a product. For questions and bugreports, please reach out to me on Discord. I will continue working on this plugin and it will receive updates (which are included in the purchase). English client ONLY. Any problems pathing? Disable all "Avoid Enemy" options. Installation instructions Features: can automatically buy food and drink (uses @reapler's database) can automatically choose your vendors and repairs (closest vendors and avoids high level zones) can automatically purchase ammunition (deactivated by default) automatically chooses the best quest reward for your class automatically equips better items, based on TBC "Pawn" stat weights - only uses base stats automatically equips bags and replaces them with bigger bags creates and uses bandages - will learn First Aid and train 1-150 trains Skinning and all useful weapons for your class (can be turned off) runs away from fight if you're likely to die (can be seen several times throughout the video - fails in cave sometimes)1 spirit rezz if chain dying ignore all combat if items are broken stop combat with evading mobs, friendly NPCs and friendly pets hearthstone if stuck (please read instructions) fully automated trainer choosing and training, goes every 4 levels after level 20 (if you have training turned on in wRobot) automatically use potions in combat stop combat with tapped targets stop combat if target is evading swim up if you are about to drown swim to shore before regen (if a safe spot can be found) teaches your bot how to use transports for shorter paths (supported so far: Deeprun Tram, Darnassus Portal/Ship) constant updates, you should re-download through your Rocketr link every evening This is a new multi-expansion, multi-functionality plugin. I wrote it to fix some of the inconveniences, bugs and "bot-like" behavior wRobot comes with sometimes. Down below is a list of features, that this plugin brings to the table. Any plugin that has the same/similar functionality to my public (free) plugins has been improved in functionality and CPU usage. Here you can find a 1:30 hour long video of a pure quester run from level 1-12 where you can see some of the plugin's functionality. The "running away" part of the plugin can sometimes be buggy within caves. 1Problems with "running away from combat" will occur in highly obstructed areas, such as caves, hills or anything else where your bot might have issues navigating (such as highly contested areas with tons of enemies). I have been trying (and still am) to improve this feature as much as I can, but if you aren't grinding with your bot (questing, gathering, etc) I recommend setting it to only run away if you pull more than x number of enemies Unstuck instructions Your hearthstone needs to be set to your current continent (anywhere on it) for the bot to find a path back to your regular grinding/questing spot, after using Hearthstone to get out of a "stuck" situation. If this is not the case, please disable that feature in the plugin settings. PURCHASE NOW - 1 IP only - 20.00€ NO UPGRADES POSSIBLE *If you run wRobot.exe through a proxy or VPN, this limits you - if you only run WoW.exe througher another IP, this is not a problem PURCHASE NOW - 10 IPs (limited to 1 wRobot license) - 30.00€ I, the owner and creator of this file, am in no way associated with the wRobot company. By purchasing this file, you agree to the contract of the purchasing website and that alone. Check out my other Fightclasses
  21. Nevermind, coordinates on transport are correct. However, pathfinding on transport is impossible.
  22. Player coordinates on transport are still wrong. Problem with this is as follows: You can't use pathing, because the bot never knows where it is. You need to add the transportmatrix from Zzukbot.
  23. To quote from that profile's post: It's likely that you're missing prequests or your server actually doesn't have some. The profile was created for patch 1.12 as far as I know, idk where you're getting the 1.1.3 from (that was never a valid WoW patch).
  24. Sneak peek at what I'm working on:
  25. Edit: This post is not an update, I just broke something. Will come back if I know more.
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