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Everything posted by Matenia

  1. Hey, it just tried to attack a friendly flight master. I don't think there's anything interesting in the log, other than that around the same time, it blacklists the Plainstrider (that it did not have targeted). 14 Okt 2017 09H44.log.html
  2. Why does it matter, if you're calling it again? Anyway:
  3. Hey Droidz, it would be awesome, if we could set level ranges for "trainer" type NPCs in the NPC database. This is because early trainers only teach spells until level 10. Then they become useless. So if you put low-level trainers in your profile, the bot will go to them and either get stuck or never learn any new spells.
  4. Hello, I don't speak French, but you can try:
  5. Version 1.1


    This plugin stops combat if your bot attacking a mob that's been tagged/tabbed/etc by someone else (their portray is grayed out). It's very simple and straightforward and should help you looking less like a bot as well as getting a higher xp/hour rate.
  6. Version 1.1


    Disclaimer: This fightclass only works with the English client. It is possible, that I will add support for more later. Do NOT use this in arenas. This is not PQR. For questions and bugreports, please reach out to me on Discord. The attached file is a simplified demo version. Installation instructions For questions and bugreports, please reach out to me directly. Creates Water/Food, so that you can use it for max level farming in highly contested areas too. It automatically sets your current water/food in general settings. You only need to activate drinking. Dynamic Rotation Polymorphs offtargets if you are attacked by more than 1 enemy Evocation during combat, only after kiting so that you aren't interrupted Kites away from your enemies if they are melee and will switch target if someone gets closer to you Uses Frostbolt+Fireblast at low levels and Shatter (Ice Lance) at higher levels Wands if no mana is left Situational Spell Usage Uses all your spells, Water Elemental, Evocation, Cold Snap, etc Humanized Uses spell rotation that are unlikely to make anybody recognize you as a bot This profile uses frame lock. This means it freezes your game for a short amount of time to make sure no spells are skipped and the correct spell in the rotation is always selected. If you have problems with your FPS, deactivate frame lock in the profile settings. PURCHASE NOW - 6.50€ - limited to 2 concurrent IPs on 1 wRobot Key I, the owner and creator of this file, am in no way associated with the wRobot company. By purchasing this file, you agree to the contract of the purchasing website and that alone. Check out my other Fightclasses
  7. Since one of the recent updates, if the bot approaches a vendor that is neutral, it will try to fight it after it's done buying/selling. At first I thought this was due to my fightclass, but my fightclass only tries to cast if Fight.InFight evaluates to true. So for some reason, the bot tries to fight.
  8. If it has a timer known to you, then it is your own.
  9. public static bool CastSpell(RotationSpell spell, WoWUnit unit, bool force) { // targetfinder function already checks that they are in LoS if (unit != null && spell.IsKnown() && spell.CanCast() && unit.IsValid && !unit.IsDead) { if (wManager.wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.IgnoreFightGoundMount && ObjectManager.Me.IsMounted) return false; Lua.LuaDoString("if IsMounted() then Dismount() end"); if (ObjectManager.Me.GetMove && spell.Spell.CastTime > 0) MovementManager.StopMoveTo(false, 500); if (ObjectManager.Me.IsCast && !force) return false; if (force) Lua.LuaDoString("SpellStopCasting();"); if (AreaSpells.Contains(spell.Spell.Name)) { /*spell.Launch(true, true, false); Thread.Sleep(Usefuls.Latency + 50); ClickOnTerrain.Pulse(unit.Position);*/ SpellManager.CastSpellByNameOn(spell.FullName(), GetLuaId(unit)); //SpellManager.CastSpellByIDAndPosition(spell.Spell.Id, unit.Position); ClickOnTerrain.Pulse(unit.Position); } else { if (unit.Guid != ObjectManager.Me.Guid) { MovementManager.Face(unit); } SpellManager.CastSpellByNameOn(spell.FullName(), GetLuaId(unit)); //Interact.InteractObject also works and can be used to target another unit } return true; } return false; } This is the function I use to cast spells and make sure my bot stops walking, if required. Here, spell.IsKnown() and spell.CanCast() are shorthand functions on my spell class to make sure that the spell is not on cooldown and IsSpellUsable is true. AreaSpells is just a list of strings containing spell names like Blizzard, Rain of Fire and other targeting AoE spells. Then when deciding whether to use buffs (or like combat spells on an enemy), I just check as follows: if(Fight.InFight || ObjectManager.Me.InCombat) { //Rotation here, for example CastSpell("Corruption", ObjectManager.Target) }else { //use buffs }
  10. Yep, that's what it would do. Of course, you'd be calling that function in an endless loop and it would keep corruption up on all targets, as soon as it expires. You can easily modify that to do any other dot.
  11. Where is a filter function that takes a lambda expression to filter for, which it does lazily (so only once FirstOrDefault() is being called - which returns ONE entry, matching your criteria).
  12. No, it already loops through all targets, checks which don't have corruption and selects that target as your new corruption target (because it does not have corruption). You then tell the bot to select that target before casting corruption on your current target.
  13. The code handles that - if something attacks you, it will get dotted. And these are all workaround for targeting. You do not actually get a choice over what the bot targets (no true way to override it). So it has to be done within a fightclass or a plugin. That's where this code would go.
  14. Then this should work: WoWUnit corruptionTarget = ObjectManager.GetUnitAttackPlayer() .Where(o => o.IsAlive && o.IsValid && !o.HaveBuff("Corruption") ).OrderBy(o => o.Guid) .FirstOrDefault(); Interact.InteractGameObject(corruptionTarget.GetBaseAddress); SpellManager.CastSpellByNameLUA("Corruption);
  15. If you have some pseudo code, it's very easily done. Assuming this isn't vanilla, we're going to use focus to avoid having to switch targets at all. I'll keep the code as simple as possible and assume that you will NOT pull extra targets, rather just focus on those attacking you already. WoWUnit corruptionTarget = ObjectManager.GetUnitAttackPlayer() .Where(o => o.IsAlive && o.IsValid && !o.HaveBuff("Corruption") ).OrderBy(o => o.Guid) .FirstOrDefault(); var oldFocus = ObjectManager.Me.FocusGuid; ObjectManager.Me.FocusGuid = corruptionTarget.Guid; SpellManager.CastSpellByNameOn("Corruption", "focus"); ObjectManager.Me.FocusGuid = oldFocus;
  16. Set Shadowmeld as your drink and choose "Is Spell, not Item" option. That *might* work, but it will not be part of your fightclass.
  17. If you want to achieve these things, you need to use C# and intercept events. You won't get far with (pure) XML. If you enable food and drink in your general settings, the bot will enter a regen state. You can get it to cast Shadowmeld during that regen state by subscribing to states as follows (pseudo code, not fully tested). FiniteStateMachineEvents.OnRunState += (FiniteStateMachineEvents.FSMEngineStateCancelableHandler) ((engine, state, cancelable) => { if (state.DisplayName == "Regeneration") { new Spell("Shadowmeld").Launch(); } }); Your alternative is to disable regen in the general settings and set your own regen + Shadowmeld (not recommended tbh). FightEvents.OnFightStart += (WoWUnit unit, CancelEventArgs cancelable) => { if(ObjectManager.Me.ManaPercentage <= 35) { ItemsManager.UseItem("Refreshing Spring Water"); cancelable.Cancel = true; //cancelling events would also stop autoattack, but you cannot really achieve what you want, because you're stopping the entire fight } };
  18. Honestly, I think this dude is doing something shady. Saying in 1.7.2 it doesn't work at all (he hadn't updated in that long), in 1.8.2 it doesn't pick up/turn in quests at all. I suggested he use the TurnIn addon because with some quests the bot can skip a turn in step sometimes. I've had over 20 people buy this and not a single complaint before except that one guy who admitted to cracking it on Discord. I uploaded the unencrypted version for my Horde and Alliance profiles now, but I still think something shady is going on - or maybe the quester base is currently broken. @Droidz can you confirm this user has purchased a license key? I supplied the non-encrypted version to him now anyway, because I do not want my customers to say I am a scammer. But I am warry to trust some random Chinese.
  19. I would guess that it's WoWCircle or something. There are ways to detect wRobot with Warden, but the only server I know of that can do it is still in beta. It's definitely not detected on Warmane. Just assuming based on this guy's screenshot it looks Russian and in WoWCircle colors. If the guy won't say which server it is though, he's likely lying.
  20. Hi. I don't give support to users of the cracked version and it does not run with the trial key, as discussed earlier in this thread.
  21. No, I don't play retail
  22. Version 1.0.0


    Disclaimer: This fightclass only works with the English client. It is possible, that I will add support for more later. Do NOT use this in arenas. This is not PQR. For questions and bugreports, please reach out to me on Discord. The attached file is a simplified demo version. Mages are not an easy class to automate, let alone look human as. Therefore this took quite a while to come out. It will receive some updates to the kiting mechanisms, but overall I am satisfied with the rotation. I have used this Fightclass to farm around 60k honor and several different BG marks without ever being reported. Creates Water/Food, so that you can use it for max level farming in highly contested areas too. Disclaimer: Heavily undergeared in this video and getting easily and quickly killed by Alliance dominating all BGs on Warmane. Recommend talents: Elemental (Frost/Fire) Deep Frost Dynamic Rotation Based on Players Around You Polymorphs offtargets (priority for healers) if you are far away from a melee Blocks several spells (for example, Cloak of Shadows is countered by Ice Bock) PvP trinkets if necessary, otherwise Blinks Kites away from your enemies if they are melee and will switch target if someone gets closer to you Situational Spell Usage Uses all your spells, including PvP Trinket, Will of the Forsaken, Water Elemental, Blast Wave, Evocation, Cold Snap, etc Humanized Uses spell rotation that are unlikely to make anybody recognize you as a bot This profile uses frame lock. This means it freezes your game for a short amount of time to make sure no spells are skipped and the correct spell in the rotation is always selected. If you have problems with your FPS, deactivate frame lock in the profile settings. PURCHASE NOW - 6.50€ I, the owner and creator of this file, am in no way associated with the wRobot company. By purchasing this file, you agree to the contract of the purchasing website and that alone. Check out my other Fightclasses
  23. Version 1.0.1


    Disclaimer: This fightclass only works with the English client. It is possible, that I will add support for more later. Do NOT use this in arenas. This is not PQR. The attached file is a teaser at my upcoming Frostmage PvP fightclass. I wasn't satisfied with the available Mage fightclasses for farming anymore. They died a lot, didn't use the correct gems, didn't use Evocation or outright stopped, couldn't shatter and often made the incorrect food, too. I have used this Fightclass to farm around 3k gold and am satisfied enough with it, that I can release it to the public now. This fightclass does NOT kite. Dynamic Rotation Based on Players Around You Can polymorph NPCs attacking you that aren't your target Does a lot of damage due to being able to shatter (frostbolt+icelance at the same time) Makes Mana Gems and Food/Water (only 2 highest ranks at level 70) Situational Spell Usage Uses all your spells like Counterspell, Frostnova, Cold Snap, Cone of Cold and Scorch Humanized Uses spell rotation that are unlikely to make anybody recognize you as a bot This profile uses frame lock. This means it freezes your game for a short amount of time to make sure no spells are skipped and the correct spell in the rotation is always selected. If you have problems with your FPS, deactivate frame lock in the profile settings. Check out my other Fightclasses
  24. You're not doing anythign wrong. Using Mind Blast and SW:P on low levels where mobs die very fast is not mana efficient. Once you get Mind Flay and other spells, it will start a rotation with a more "shadow-y" feel.
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