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Everything posted by Matenia

  1. For TBC, you could use an FeedMachine, which as far as I know picks food automatically. It also (afaik) uses some sort of button you just click for one-click feeding. In your fight class, you could just call the Lua code: RunMacroText("/click <buttonname>") Where <buttonname> would be the name of the button FeedMachine uses. No clue what it's called.
  2. I've been using this on Warmane's TBC for days now. If you tried it on Wrath or Vanilla, maybe that's what's crashing it. Or another conflicting plugin, possibly.
  3. Are you running both wow and the bot in wine?
  4. Version 1.1


    Combatlooter plugin working for TBC. It will loot between kills and before drinking. However, only everything within 10 yards is looted before regen.
  5. LuaCode: UnitCastingInfo("target") returns the spell name and some more info about cast time etc
  6. It's a bit of bot. Private servers re-use GUIDs of NPCs, so after the bot temporarily blacklists them (because they're dead) and the server respawns them with the exact same ID, it won't "see" them anymore. You can clear your session blacklist. There is already another topic with the C# code for it (you can also click on it in the Tools section). And vanilla to wrath profiles should mostly work across expansions. Same as any Outlands or Northrend profile should work on any private server, because those things haven't changed on retail.
  7. It's broken on Warmane. If you JUST need a fishbot, you could try an old Pirox or https://github.com/KevinTyrrell/FishingBot
  8. Would be great if we had the option to only let the bot walk to a trainer every x levels (as opposed to every level). In vanilla, tbc and wrath, you only get new spells every 2 levels (so going every 4 levels is fine, usually). In Cata, going every 3 levels or so is fine.
  9. The property UseCTM seems to have been removed from wManager.wManager.wManagerSetting. Is there any updated solution for this?
  10. Ask Shagu, he wrote a convert for world coordinates to map coordinates for ShaguDB.
  11. Yes, there is a 15 min trial (after that, you have to restart). It even says so, when you download/check out the purchase for the private server version.
  12. You put it in the spell name, then under options select "Is Lua script, not spell".
  13. -- backport C_Timer from WoD to 5.4.8 C_Timer = CreateFrame("Frame", "C_Timer") C_Timer.schedule = {} C_Timer:SetScript("OnUpdate", function(self, elapsed) for timestamp,callback in pairs(self.schedule) do if timestamp <= GetTime() then callback() self.schedule[timestamp] = nil end end end) C_Timer.After = function(duration, callback) C_Timer.schedule[GetTime() + duration] = callback end
  14. You could execute Lua code and read the result. I believe it should work similar to this: var level = Lua.LuaDoString("level = UnitLevel(\"pet\")");
  15. Execute as Lua and do CastSpellByName("Mangle (Cat)")
  16. Droidz would have to fix that, I guess. Not sure private servers (especially those with low priority) are his priority. @nate11 if you just wanna use rotation, there's a tutorial for finding PQR offsets, maybe you can get it to work for 2.4.3
  17. <QuestsSorted Action="If" NameClass="!Quest.HasQuest(26353) &amp;&amp; !Quest.GetQuestCompleted(26353)" /> <QuestsSorted Action="Pulse" NameClass="CaptainSandersHiddenTreasureItemGrind" /> <QuestsSorted Action="PickUp" NameClass="CaptainSandersHiddenTreasure" /> <QuestsSorted Action="EndIf" NameClass="" /> And then for the complete condition in the grinder/gatherer part, you can just check if you have the item in your bag. The actual pulse and turnin comes later for CaptainSandersHiddenTreasure
  18. He wants to know how to turn in a quest that's howing in the PopUpWindow above his questlog. The answer is using Lua to click the frame (after finding its name), or just the QuickQuest addon. <QuestsSorted Action="RunLuaCode" NameClass="RunMacroText(&quot;/click WatchFrameAutoQuestPopUp1&quot;)" />
  19. I'm not really worried about all that (detection), because as far as I remember, Droidz is blocking Warden scans (on private servers, possibly retail?). That being said, as long as you supervise and only "try the bot out" once in a while, it should be fine. But if you're trying what some people do on retail where they keep running it hours on end to make gold to sell, that's a different story.
  20. I was using the Holy fightclass on the forums here - but that hardly matters, as I've tried with with and without PQR too. I'd never let the bot do BGs without supervision - I don't necessarily need to bot BGs, just wanted to try it. Yes the bot is definitely linked to the game, as it kept trying to queue up. Even manually queueing, then starting the bot would result in this problem. When joining a BG and starting the bot, it would only sometimes randomly freeze. The times that it didn't, it did run around and tried to heal. Tried this on Tauri. The queueing up issue I could see being related to them, but the rest definitely not. As for 2016 - I believe a lot of servers used a different client back then. Might be related to that.
  21. Has anyone successfully used the bot for BGs in MoP - because: - it will sign up, but the minimap icon disappears instantly and then try to keep signing up but getting "Someone in your party is already in queue" - if you manually queue and join a BG, it will keep freezing the screen entirely until you stop the bot. This happens randomly (also doesn't work so well, but I attribute that to my fightclass)
  22. Try the 5.4.7 version. These servers use the PandaWoW core+client
  23. http://www.wowhead.com/object=207320/heros-call-board Pick any of these. They all resulted in the above error for me. Others too, but these are easiest to reach.
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