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Everything posted by Matenia

  1. I get it with GetItemCountByNameLUA and on vanilla + tbc. But I noticed on TBC.
  2. Wrong thread, if you want support - join Discord.
  3. No, it's a combat rotation. If you're running it with daggers, you're doing something wrong. Yes, there is support for them (just in case), but it's not intended (hence the sword instructions). Plus I cannot make it walk behind a mob reliably on pull.
  4. Your XML implementation is correct. I'm not sure why it won't work. It's possible addons are breaking this or you don't have a debuffType called 'Disease' because your client is French/German/etc and it's a different localized string.
  5. The problem is, that the FC can't execute code while Regeneration is running. I've explained this before, but basically if I did something like this, I'd have to spawn a watcher thread and you'd see it using extra resources. Which is fine for single botters, but not great for mass botters. So I'd have to also build in new options etc. If I can think of a smarter way to do it, I will implement it.
  6. To be able to run away, HMP has to disable fightclass interactions by temporarily disabling internal wRobot combat (or else I couldn't tell it to run away), it would keep trying to fight. So unfortunately not. I am looking into a generic way to make my FCs interact with HMP running away though.
  7. Can't edit original report, but function is also a bit wrong - this works in vanilla/tbc/wrath: public static int GetItemCount(string itemName) { string countLua = $@" local fullCount = 0; for bag=0,4 do for slot=1,36 do local itemLink = GetContainerItemLink(bag, slot); if (itemLink) then local itemString = string.match(itemLink, ""item[%-?%d:]+""); if(GetItemInfo(itemString) == ""{itemName}"") then local texture, count = GetContaimerItemInfo(bag, slot); fullCount = fullCount + count; end end; end; end return fullCount;"; return Lua.LuaDoString<int>(countLua); }
  8. Currently this function first uses GetItemInfo("name") to get the itemId then searches in bags for the ID. There are several items with different IDs but the same name (for example, Healthstone). This function works: public static int GetItemCount(string itemName) { string countLua = $@" local fullCount = 0; for bag=0,4 do for slot=1,36 do local name = GetContainerItemLink(bag, slot); if (name and name == ""{itemName}"") then local texture, count = GetContaimerItemInfo(bag, slot); fullCount = fullCount + count; end; end; end return fullCount;"; return Lua.LuaDoString<int>(countLua); }
  9. wRobot business model changed when retail servers were abandoned. If you want to run several sessions, the options are there. I think 22.99€ for a year (less than 2€ per month) for single botters is very fair. I understand why Droidz doesn't want smaller purchases than that to be possible. Most services charge a minimum fee to use them. So for example if he sold a month for 2 or 3€ of a single IP license, the 50 cents minimum fee PayPal charges would instantly cost him 25% of his turnover. Add taxes on top and it's just not worthwhile.
  10. That either happens when you try to load a questing profile in grinder or you're trying to use the trial version on an encrypted file.
  11. Because nobody uses Automaton. And there's already an official wRobot discord. Plus you don't actually own a wRobot key...
  12. Yes, because you still haven't updated HMP even though every single thread and my discord is filled with messaging saying to update it. The purchase thread itself says to frequently update it. In fact, I've been spamming Discord for the past week because of auth server issues for everyone to update so they can migrate to the new server.
  13. It's an extension function in C#. It's meant for a specific unit. But essentially, when using string.Format, you're passing a bunch of arguments and they're enumerated where they're supposed to be replaced. So {0} is the type parameter and {1} is "target" (the Lua unit). Type here is a string in C# so you can pass something to it like "Poison", "Curse", etc. I edited the original Lua function to better indicate this (if you want to use pure Lua in the fightclass editor). Lua unit ids:http://wowwiki.wikia.com/wiki/UnitId Careful! Many don't exist in Vanilla or TBC (history function is your friend again)
  14. hasDebuff = false; for i=1,40 do local name, rank, iconTexture, count, debuffType, duration, timeLeft = UnitDebuff('player', i); if debuffType == 'Poison' then hasDebuff = true break; end end And then use hasDebuff as a the "search value". Or this, if you wanted to use C#: public static bool HasDebuffType(this WoWUnit unit, string type) { string luaString = @"hasDebuff = false; for i=1,40 do local name, rank, iconTexture, count, debuffType, duration, timeLeft = UnitDebuff(""{1}"", i); if debuffType == ""{0}"" then hasDebuff = true break; end end"; return Lua.LuaDoString<bool>(string.Format(luaString, type, "target"), "hasDebuff"); }
  15. ] 16:11:06 - Connection error, close bot, you have probably launched too many sessions at the same time with the same license key, please contact bot team if it is not the case.[E] 16:11:06 - System.Char[]
  16. No, it's part of the ToTown state. If you remove that state and add your entire own ToTown state in its place, it would be possible. But that requires vast C# knowledge and I wouldn't advise it. Just leave it as is, imo.
  17. It says right there why that error was produced. Contact the seller.
  18. Version 1.0.0


    Disclaimer: This fightclass only works with the English client. It is possible, that I will add support for more later.For questions and bugreports, please visit my Discord channel. The attached file is a low-level demo version. Installation instructions If you use this fightclass to level, I recommend getting a Wand asap and activate the Good Wand setting. Use a spec similar to this, where you put the rest of your points is up to you. You don't have to follow this exact spec either, but definitely put at least 8 points in Demonology. After coding for several days, I’m proud to present you with a warlock fight class that contains the following: Dynamic Rotation Based Upon Level - chooses different pets - chooses spells, healthstones, soulstones etc Situational Spell Usage - Uses all your spells, including Fear, Voidwalker Taunt, Sacrifice etc at the right times - Uses Soulstone Resurrection - Dots offtargets - Tries to make pet tank all targets - Fears adds - Uses Underwater Breathing Highly Mana Efficient - Tries to use as little mana as possible while leveling - Tries to alternate between Drain Life and Life Tap as much as possible Automatic Skill Detection - Automatically detects if you learn new spells while leveling, no need to restart the bot- No need for anything on your action bars This profile uses frame lock. This means it freezes your game for a short amount of time to make sure no spells are skipped and the correct spell in the rotation is always selected. If you have problems with your FPS, deactivate frame lock in the profile settings. PURCHASE NOW (Rocketr) - 6.50€ - limited to 2 IPs on 1 wRobot Key I, the owner and creator of this file, am in no way associated with the wRobot company. By purchasing this file, you agree to the contract of the purchasing website and that alone. Check out my other Fightclasses
  19. Version 1.0.0


    No refunds - you are purchasing a digital copy of a product. For questions and bugreports, please reach out to me on Discord. The attached file is a low level demo. Installation instructions Disclaimer: This fightclass only works with the English client. It is possible, that I will add support for more later. Warrior are a rocky class to level. This fightclass is designed to have a lot of options to keep you alive. I highly recommend getting a good 2 hander and not switching to 2 weapons until higher levels (if you run Fury). Dynamic Rotation Based Upon Level Uses available stances - can and will stance dance for Overpower without wasting rage Can be set to always range pull Setting to sit down to keep crit buffs up at all times Situational Spell Usage Will range pull if many enemies are around the target (Throw, Shoot, etc) Rotates through skills to handle multiple targets Automatic Skill Detection Automatically detects if you learn new spells while leveling, no need to restart the bot No need for anything on your bars either, it will swap spells out itself PURCHASE NOW - 6.50€ - 2 IPs per wRobot license I, the owner and creator of this file, am in no way associated with the wRobot company. By purchasing this file, you agree to the contract of the purchasing website and that alone. Check out my other Fightclasses
  20. You should have been updating my fightlclasses/plugins anyway, because the auth server was down for 2 days when I had issues with it - which resulted in me switching to a new one.
  21. You're using the vanilla version of UnitDebuff, you need to go to wowwiki and get the arguments for 2008 (TBC) from the history
  22. You have to update (download through the original links) all the paid products you're using and for free products (potentially) wait for someone to update them. It's also possible that the author of your paid files hasn't updated yet.
  23. Has nothing to do with a "hackish" way. Compiled binaries expect a certain method signature. If you let wRobot compile a .cs file, a method like public static void doSomething() and public static void doSomething(int test = 1) are no different because wRobot compiles at runtime with the currently available binaries and therefore just "chooses" the appropriate method. With precompiled binaries, this is obviously different and they expect a different method signature.
  24. Encrypted files can't be loaded with trial version, so therefore if this is Ordush' fightclass, you would need to use his trial and can't use the paid version (which is encrypted iirc).
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